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My blueberry coming in nicely lol

Nice! Got a journal going?

Going to be setting up my WaterFarm as soon as my Gorilla seed pops. I drilled some extra holes in the grow bucket, and switched out the bubbler that came with the set up, the bubbler they sent was 123 gph...I had an extra one that pushed 210. Got the Hydroton soaking Ph'd water. Quick question.... do you guys who DWC shift your PH slightly higher after veg?

I don't. I try to let it hover around 6 +/- a few points. EDIT: for the whole grow.

Here in VA Canada geese have just about reached the status of varmints since they decided about 10-15 years ago not to migrate any more and become full time citizens. They get into peoples yards and eat up their ornamental plants and veg gardens. They have become so numerous that it isn't rare for traffic to have to stop to allow a flock of 20-30plus to saunter across the road!

Used to have that problem when I lived near a lake. Much as I miss being near the water, I don't miss trying to avoid stepping in goose shit every where I went.

Yep...blood and bone meal are both good for that application as well. Blood washes out quickly with rain though.

Sup, Skelly! My neighbor has a dog that is outside more than inside. The only animals that ignore it are the deer. They've decimated a few small crops of veggies I was working last season. Though in the planter closer to the house (within range of the dog) everything is safe from the deer. The deer know how far the dog can go.

I caught on raccoon actually trying to escape while carrying a 1 gal pot that had blood meal and fish emulsion amended soil...fat bastard couldn't get over the fence with was funny to watch ..but I was not

Hate to laugh at that, but that is pretty damn funny.
Sup, Skelly! My neighbor has a dog that is outside more than inside. The only animals that ignore it are the deer. They've decimated a few small crops of veggies I was working last season. Though in the planter closer to the house (within range of the dog) everything is safe from the deer. The deer know how far the dog can go.

In some places deer run rampant!! Tough to deal with them in those areas for sure!
Around here there is tons of them.....the problem is they are pretty much totally nocturnal and incredibly smart/observant.

we have the same problem...I can hear them yelping from time to time...Actually had a someone come in to work and ask to put up a lost sign for her dog..asked what happen..she said she was outside in her shed , and seen what appeared to be a coyote on her fence line...her dog, a small wire hair terrier went after it....I had to tell her, the chances of her dog coming back are slim...told her that what she probably saw was the decoy ....they lead the chasing dog back for an ambush..
When we lived up in the VA mountains, I also found that a 50gr Hornaday soft point at 3,850fps did wonders in controlling the varmint population!

Or what's a .204 Ruger, 47gr at 4350fps? Hell of a lot of fun too, but that .22-250 can reach out about twice as far and say hello.
Around here there is tons of them.....the problem is they are pretty much totally nocturnal and incredibly smart/observant.

Makes shooting tough. All of them I have shot have been right at dusk coming in to feed on sage rat and rabbit carcasses from the .22 plinking that day. It's been a lot of years since I killed anything more than a fish though.
Or what's a .204 Ruger, 47gr at 4350fps? Hell of a lot of fun too, but that .22-250 can reach out about twice as far and say hello.

I have never had the pleasure of shooting the ruger .204 but it looks like a great little round. The 22-250 is a long distance beast for varmints.

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Here in VA Canada geese have just about reached the status of varmints since they decided about 10-15 years ago not to migrate any more and become full time citizens. They get into peoples yards and eat up their ornamental plants and veg gardens. They have become so numerous that it isn't rare for traffic to have to stop to allow a flock of 20-30plus to saunter across the road!

They still migrate from somewhere in Canada. They have to because we get huge flocks of 'em here for a large chunk of the winter. Bad enough in places they actually came up with a little RC ground skimmer to try and chase them off with. Only problem with 'em I personally have is that if I don't keep an eye on the pooch when we're out walking he'll sometimes try and roll in some droppings. Very gross to have to wash off. :nono:

In some places deer run rampant!! Tough to deal with them in those areas for sure!

That is for sure! about 15 yrs ago I used to bowhunt a lot.........Things got so bad in an upscale neighborhood up in Fairfax county[borders DC, most populous area in VA]with the deer eating anything they tried to grow[my God, Bunny, my hostas are gone!]and were the cause of several deer/auto accidents. The neighborhood association reached out to the VA wildlife commission who contacted our archery club to see if we would help......after working out details and allaying the fears of the treehuggers, we went in and took out almost 40 does. It was really weird sitting in a portable tree stand in a strip of woods between 2 $750,000 houses!
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