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That is for sure! about 15 yrs ago I used to bowhunt a lot.........Things got so bad in an upscale neighborhood up in Fairfax county[borders DC, most populous area in VA]with the deer eating anything they tried to grow[my God, Bunny, my hostas are gone!]and were the cause of several deer/auto accidents. The neighborhood association reached out to the VA wildlife commission who contacted our archery club to see if we would help......after working out details and allaying the fears of the treehuggers, we went in and took out almost 40 does. It was really weird sitting in a portable tree stand in a strip of woods between 2 $750,000 houses!

Haha....yep that exactly what i am talking about!! A similar situation happened in once of the western BC town...deer got so bad they were chasing folks in back alleys trying to walk their dogs...the did the same thing and opened up archery season within town limits to help thin the population. My bro was right in the thick of it...he heard his dog yip, and looked in the back yard to see a big buck double pounding his dog into the corner of a privacy fence...he got all agressive with the deer and it turned on him, fortunately hopping the fence and leaving and not laying the beats to him. Crazy stuff!! One week later there is my bro walking his dog and there is another guy running full speed down the street with a leashed dogs running faster than him, and a big buck close behind!! Crazy shit!!
And also to clarify, because I think some of you took my suggested use of the Blood meal in the wrong fashion, I suggested using it in a perimeter around the plants and by that I meant like a 30' radius ring around the plants where you use like a 50lb bag of blood meal to literally make a small mound of it all the way around the perimeter. The predators might come in and investigate and dig at the line, but I doubt they would cross it and go dig up your plants purposefully if they have not had these soil amendments directly mixed in with them as well. Big perimeter for clarification, not a 4' circle around each plant. Then the deer and other herbivores should stay way back as well, in theory. That suggestion is based on your local conditions and those of you with major predator problems should completely ignore me. And if your neighbors are close enough to be offended by discharging a .22-250 you probably should also not be shooting a 10/22 at home either, out of common sense and safety, IMO.
So I just installed a new RO system for the house (we have well water and it sucks), and I got one of those kind that puts minerals back into the water. I'm going to run a line from the RO system over to my autopot storage tank so i can just open a valve and fill er up. Would I be better suited to tap the line before the filter thingy that adds the minerals back in or just chill the f out and use the water with the minerals?
A friends dad built a Ruger M77 MkII platform with a custom thumbhole stock, bull barrel, etc. He also custom loaded cartridges, I saw the friend vaporize a mallard at 800+ yards on the range finder. It was a downhill shot the entire way and not an off the shelf firearm by any means, but a hell of a testament to a huge cartridge behind a tiny bullet. The .204 is one hell of a fun gun to shoot at under 300 yards. I had one with a bull barrel custom tooled with flip aperture peep sites off an M-16 platform (regret selling that gun) that I could hit damn near anything with as long as I could see my target it was good as hit. It was very expensive to shoot when I had it, not sure about any more.
And also to clarify, because I think some of you took my suggested use of the Blood meal in the wrong fashion, I suggested using it in a perimeter around the plants and by that I meant like a 30' radius ring around the plants where you use like a 50lb bag of blood meal to literally make a small mound of it all the way around the perimeter. The predators might come in and investigate and dig at the line, but I doubt they would cross it and go dig up your plants purposefully if they have not had these soil amendments directly mixed in with them as well. Big perimeter for clarification, not a 4' circle around each plant. Then the deer and other herbivores should stay way back as well, in theory. That suggestion is based on your local conditions and those of you with major predator problems should completely ignore me. And if your neighbors are close enough to be offended by discharging a .22-250 you probably should also not be shooting a 10/22 at home either, out of common sense and safety, IMO.

The only thing thats stops the deer around my place is a good ol electric fence.
Why not hang ypur plants of a tree, it will would be discreet. Who ever smells it and fancys a pinch will start looking towards the ground for a plant.
In some places deer run rampant!! Tough to deal with them in those areas for sure!
Mine is one of those areas that have a cull from time to time. I have a feeling the culls are backfiring.. The deer know that there are areas where they won't get shot. That's exactly the places we don't want them (near homes and small farms).

Not sure what else to do, though. Their numbers get to the point where they become a danger to us and themselves. I participated in one cull. Picking off deer with a rifle from a distance. After the 10th kill, I decided it wasn't for me. Even though the meat was being harvested and used to feed those who needed it, it just didn't seem right. Shooting fish in a barrel is perhaps just slightly easier.
Why not hang ypur plants of a tree, it will would be discreet. Who ever smells it and fancys a pinch will start looking towards the ground for a plant.
That would probably work just fine, assuming you can safely hang a large pot from a branch. Losing the nearly unlimited space for root growth would have to be a consideration.
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