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I remember going on Instagram, and I seen these Co2 bottles you can hang in the tent..Now I'm watching these people send growers boxes and boxes of bottles to use and have giveaways like it's nothing..So I send a message and ask, " Hey do you guys offer samples to try?" No response for months,even to this day..I'm saying to myself, just because I don't blast my business or my grows all over social media doesn't make me less involved..Shame on you for underestimating..Will I buy a bottle to try? Sure I will, but I felt it wasn't went about the right way..If you're busy, cool, I understand, but when you're sweeping me under the carpet because you don't know any better :finger:

I always have fungus gnats with Roots Organics original...If I use it, which is for my house plants if I only have enough soil composted for my weed, I know in my head to always prep it in advance...Always a few handfuls of mosquito bits, some neem cake and if need be as the plants grow I'll put down a layer of perlite on the soil surface just in case.Doesn't matter if I let it go bone dry,soon as you water,they start appearing around the house.

On your first post; sucks for them, because unfortunately, just because they're on IG doesn't mean they are aware of the amazing display you put on for the AFN/other lurkers out there!!!! you always grow some amazing fruit my man!!!!!

As for the 2nd post; I've been using Roots for the last 3.5-ish years, and only once before did I ever get any of the gnats, but this time, they are BAD!!! When I say bad, I'm saying, motherfuckers are getting through the flooring and gaps from the grow room to the living area of the house.. The wife said yesterday, "Why are there so many fruit flies, we don't have a lot of fruit?!?!" That's what queued me to go down and check on things and low-and-behold; looked like Florida in the summer when you turn the lights on.. Flying bugs everywhere!!! When I killed one and put it under the lens, it was for sure a fungus gnat.. I just have a feeling the last few bags, if not the entire pallet at the store is probably FILLED with ripe or semi-ripe larva.. As soon as I added that water, ****BOOOOOOOOM-suckstobeyou****** They're everywhere.. I may buy some Roots from another store and open it in a different part of the basement where I can throw some water on it and see if anything arises.. If it does?? Guess I'm either ordering it online or finding another base soil.. Didn't really wanna find another base soil, but if all they have around here is tainted bags, then I can't risk it any longer.. I've played enough "defense" in my life to know I need to be more proactive..

Hate Fungus Gnats bro they are one of the only constant pests we seem to get around here all fecking year long. A couple of blasts of neem oil when they are in veg on the plant and the topsoil and Diatomaceous Earth premixed into the soil at 1g per L, and once again top dressed into the soil at about Week 3 once they are established has been the key to for me to keep them off my canna girls. Had the door to the tent and window open this run due to overly high RH, noticed about one a day flying about while feeding and a couple stuck to the trichs while trimming, but even with 12 airpot Fungus Gnat hotels with all those holes they did not seem to be able to colonize the soil and get any eggs to hatch.

Best of luck killing off the little feckers bro, thats the only plus about them is they are one of the easier buggers to get under control.

Much like Rick from the "Walking Dead", I'll kill, and I'll kill again... It's not a question of "if..", it's a question of "When.."

Would any of you be truly upset with me if I caused the extinction of fungus gnats?? Don't really see a need for them in our ecosystem since we have plenty of shit that feeds the other apex predators.. Kinda like fleas, certain fungus, bacteria and any other parasitic species... Nothing else in my grow room feeds off of these litter bastards, so I could care less if I did something that killed all of them..
Sometimes I get lucky requesting samples,other times I feel they think I'm a mooch and they just don't reply which is pretty ignorant..Just tell me no,I'll suck it up and come back when I can put some money together no problem.
I have a sure fire email that works every time just gotta swap out product name and company.
My last grow I had an infestation of fungus gnats I sprayed everything in site with neem oil , watered with mosquito dunks hung up the sticky tapes the old girl thought I was Rambo !! I even bought a holster for my neem oil sprayer and eventually out drew the little bastards :shooty:Neem oil is not that difficult to find as long as you don't go looking for it as a pesticide . It can't be sold that way in Canada . But if you have an Indian store the sells women's makeup ingredients you may find neem oil . :thumbsup:
You can pretty much get anything you want on dark net from dream market, wall street etc and it is almost impossible if using pgp encryption and tor for any law enforcement to detect. People get caught by poor stealth and or packing from seller. But its a lot safer and a lot more fun to grow your own! Price is plumenting on dark net for weed. Indoor grade a++ for 120 oz

Bitcoin value has plummeted over last 2 months, also..........a mainstay of the dark economy.
I posted these pics in the infirmary, but Iam looking for more eyes upon this weirdness.... I've never seen this. New forming buds look like little brussel sprouts...... and/or very large calyxes. Anyone seen this before?

mutant bud pic1.jpg
mutant bud pic2.jpg
On your first post; sucks for them, because unfortunately, just because they're on IG doesn't mean they are aware of the amazing display you put on for the AFN/other lurkers out there!!!! you always grow some amazing fruit my man!!!!!

As for the 2nd post; I've been using Roots for the last 3.5-ish years, and only once before did I ever get any of the gnats, but this time, they are BAD!!! When I say bad, I'm saying, motherfuckers are getting through the flooring and gaps from the grow room to the living area of the house.. The wife said yesterday, "Why are there so many fruit flies, we don't have a lot of fruit?!?!" That's what queued me to go down and check on things and low-and-behold; looked like Florida in the summer when you turn the lights on.. Flying bugs everywhere!!! When I killed one and put it under the lens, it was for sure a fungus gnat.. I just have a feeling the last few bags, if not the entire pallet at the store is probably FILLED with ripe or semi-ripe larva.. As soon as I added that water, ****BOOOOOOOOM-suckstobeyou****** They're everywhere.. I may buy some Roots from another store and open it in a different part of the basement where I can throw some water on it and see if anything arises.. If it does?? Guess I'm either ordering it online or finding another base soil.. Didn't really wanna find another base soil, but if all they have around here is tainted bags, then I can't risk it any longer.. I've played enough "defense" in my life to know I need to be more proactive..

Much like Rick from the "Walking Dead", I'll kill, and I'll kill again... It's not a question of "if..", it's a question of "When.."

Would any of you be truly upset with me if I caused the extinction of fungus gnats?? Don't really see a need for them in our ecosystem since we have plenty of shit that feeds the other apex predators.. Kinda like fleas, certain fungus, bacteria and any other parasitic species... Nothing else in my grow room feeds off of these litter bastards, so I could care less if I did something that killed all of them..

Kill em, kill em all :shooty:
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