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Thanks for the info, @Son of Hobbes! IIRC @midIN has dealt with Greybeard before.....he may have more info.........

Subcool posted this screen from another member a few weeks back (I'm not a huge Subcool fan, but hey, even he's calling bullshit lol)

After thinking about the Greybeard situation, I realized that with the lack of international law concerning canna strains, it would be very easy for some shady asshats to appropriate any foreign breeders strains and sell them as some bogus breeding deal. Has anybody heard from the DP site rep re this?

Unfortunately it's not really on breeders of who they sell seeds to for resale. I contacted Mephisto about "Puff Puff Pass Cultivars," a notorious scammer on Facebook, and they even confirmed they sold him seeds for resale (no one knows what kind of crazy is on the other end of that computer screen.)
After thinking about the Greybeard situation, I realized that with the lack of international law concerning canna strains, it would be very easy for some shady asshats to appropriate any foreign breeders strains and sell them as some bogus breeding deal. Has anybody heard from the DP site rep re this?
You would be surprised who actually labels Grey Beard's as a vendor for them. Private stock could simply stand for he buys a lot of top breeder beans for personal and resales the extra labeled as his private/personal stock.
I have to be honest man, I try not to get involved too much with what I see on social media, but from what I can tell Greybeard looked to be born on Facebook, and they created dozens of fake accounts to sell seeds (and the accounts get banned, and then rinse and repeat, it's a disgustingly common practice on Facebook.) I e-mailed them about a reversal spray they offered asking what was in it and how it was made, no response. I asked in a few groups if anyone knew where they did their breeding work, if they could show their work, and again, no response. This last part take with a grain of salt, but I also had several people tell me he just relabels seeds as his own and that's what he's selling as private stock.

If someone knows more about them, please show us where they hang out, because I've seen nothing to back them up.

The last part would be quite the problem, and I suspect it happens often. Not saying GreyBeard is doing so, mind you.

Hey Mike, Just went back and checked my correspondence with GB........The receipt they emailed me contained only my CC# xed out except last 4 digits like many other sites. One difference between yours and mine maybe that I did not send my CC info with my initial order request because on the order form it said it was optional. Once they acknowledged my order, I emailed my data. They then sent me an email receipt as I described above.

They sent mine with full CC number, expiration date, AND THE GODDAMNED CSV NUMBER.

@Mike20132 Hey brother just got my seeds from dc seed exchange fast shipping from our neck of the woods. 2 days at my door. Not the best selection for autos but cheap for same seeds than true north or uk companies

Hadn't thought of that. DC would be a good quick source.

@Mike20132 check out New 420 Guys Seeds.

If I do, I'll just buy more seeds! :smokeout:
The last part would be quite the problem, and I suspect it happens often. Not saying GreyBeard is doing so, mind you.

They sent mine with full CC number, expiration date, AND THE GODDAMNED CSV NUMBER.

Hadn't thought of that. DC would be a good quick source.

If I do, I'll just buy more seeds! :smokeout:
I know but you will like the prices and decent selection. My sour 60 was from Paul.
Moved the Dark Devil to the front.
Unfortunately it's not really on breeders of who they sell seeds to for resale. I contacted Mephisto about "Puff Puff Pass Cultivars," a notorious scammer on Facebook, and they even confirmed they sold him seeds for resale (no one knows what kind of crazy is on the other end of that computer screen.)
The "Dodgy Ebay Sellers" of the cannabis industry.
Just had an email exchange with Robin at GreayBeard Seeds. The response I got came across as "Don't care. Already have your money."

Will not be doing business with them again, and cannot in good conscience suggest anyone else does, either.
Won't be getting anymore of mine, either! Screw him and his shitty attitude!
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