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I have 4 Double Grapes in a 2'7 x 2'7...keep the air moving,try to position the buds so they are not touching each other,make sure no leaves from other plants aren't resting on top of another plant's buds..and defoliation is your friend in moderation..I have the extraction running,an a/c blowing,and (3) 6" fans on high...My humidity juggles between 55-63% and we are about to get some crazy heat and humidity so I'm watching closely...Inspecting buds daily,removing a leaf here and there,rotating plants etc..One fan is attached to the ceiling blowing down into the canopy,one at soil level and the other is near the top of the canopy..Just keep those leaves moving.
The S-bend Dark Devil main
Damn bud!! Thats some harsh humidity!! Given your limitations(no dehumidifier) what you can do is quite limited. Increase circulation as much as you can(within reason) and cross your fingers. An addition of silica also might help.

Tell me about it. I just watered, and for funsies I cut down on what I've been giving the 2 4 Assed ladies and it turns out I was overwatering the oldest by close to 8 oz. I like to see a lot of runoff when I water and I always vacuum it all out before I close the tent but this really showed me how much I've been wasting. Coco seems deceptive like that I guess. So I'll be takin that into account going forward for sure. I'll also throw in one more little circulation fan in there, blowing up from the floor into the canopy. Been adding silica to every batch of nutes since the start, so no worries there. Using Recharge too every other week. Plants love it. I also did a bunch of defoliaton, so hopefully all that will drop the RH some. Thanks for weighing in, man. Long time no see! :d5:
You have a/c in your house or garage where ever it may be? Possibly put a fan between some a/c air flow and your intake fan , that is what I have. But now for two months my temps are either 75-77 day and 68 to 68 night no give at all, humidity is either 50 or its 54 that's it one or the other. Similar square footage as you.
Alrighty then, I shall! So the problem is that I have four plants in a 2.5x2.5. Two 4-Assed Monkeys & 2 Blue Toof. The oldest 4AM is at 47 days, the second 4AM is a week behind that, and the BT's are about five days behind that. Needless to say, it's gotten hectic in there. My issue is that my RH is staying steady between 70-80 no matter what I do. I have all the vents open, my exhaust is cranked to full, I have a small circulation fan in there and a bucket of Damp Rid sitting on the floor. I've been defoliating here and there every few days just to thin things out but it is crazy humid no matter what I do.

The two solutions I've come up with have been to ride it out and do a peroxide/water wash at harvest (if it's good enough for Jorge Cervantes to get rid of PM then it's good enough for me as a preventative) or to cull the two BT to get rid of the source of some of the humidity. I'm not stoked about that, but I will if it means I won't have issues at harvest/curing time.

I can't afford a dehumidifier, so I'm kinda stuck. Anyone able to assist? (I might be slow to respond, currently mixing a new batch of nutes, watering the ladies and smoking, lol. Thanks in advance, y'all! :pass:
I have 4 Double Grapes in a 2'7 x 2'7...keep the air moving,try to position the buds so they are not touching each other,make sure no leaves from other plants aren't resting on top of another plant's buds..and defoliation is your friend in moderation..I have the extraction running,an a/c blowing,and (3) 6" fans on high...My humidity juggles between 55-63% and we are about to get some crazy heat and humidity so I'm watching closely...Inspecting buds daily,removing a leaf here and there,rotating plants etc..One fan is attached to the ceiling blowing down into the canopy,one at soil level and the other is near the top of the canopy..Just keep those leaves moving.

That's part of the problem - I have some mobility problems so the plants in the back are pretty much where they are for the whole grow - I can reach in to water them but picking them up and moving them isn't possible without help so I don't do it. As for the buds, that's another problem too and part of why I was considering culling the two BT's - there's just not enough room for them in all in the tent and no matter what I do some leaves are overlapping some buds on all four plants. Since the 4AM's are rocking and rolling so far and the BT's are a little younger I figure culling them might be worth it, but I don't think I can do it. Instead I defoliated a fair bit tonight and have been taking a few leaves here and there every few days to try to cut down on the stuffiness.

I will definitely do my best to get more air moving in there, especially from the bottom up. Thanks for the comment, much appreciated!
You have a/c in your house or garage where ever it may be? Possibly put a fan between some a/c air flow and your intake fan , that is what I have. But now for two months my temps are either 75-77 day and 68 to 68 night no give at all, humidity is either 50 or its 54 that's it one or the other. Similar square footage as you.

That's part of the problem too - it's upstairs, against an exterior wall that gets full sun most of the day. :face: The missus and I will be reconfiguring the room later this summer to better suit the tent placement but for now it is what it is. And the tent is against the only A/C vent in this side of the room, but it's blocking probably 3/4 of it. (again, :face:) The most frustrating part is that my temps are awesome - 73-75F, which is way better than they usually are in the summer. I just need to kill some of this damn humidity...
Can you draw in more air ? Or open the center of the grow up more?

That's part of the problem too - it's upstairs, against an exterior wall that gets full sun most of the day. :face: The missus and I will be reconfiguring the room later this summer to better suit the tent placement but for now it is what it is. And the tent is against the only A/C vent in this side of the room, but it's blocking probably 3/4 of it. (again, :face:) The most frustrating part is that my temps are awesome - 73-75F, which is way better than they usually are in the summer. I just need to kill some of this damn humidity...
Can you draw in more air ? Or open the center of the grow up more?

Maybe, yeah. I'm going to be adding a fan on the floor facing up tomorrow, and I can see if I can push the plants to the corners a bit more. I did just move the fan from the corner pole to the roof of the tent facing straight down and I can already see more leaf movement so that's a plus I guess. It's just a cheapo walmart fan so it doesn't want to stay where I clip it but the adjustment seems to have helped at least.
Thank y'all for all the tips and tricks - I just closed the tent up for the night. Took a few of the ideas put forth so I guess I'll see how it goes and report back! Much, much love to you folks. I don't have time to pop in here much at the moment but I sincerely love this place. Learning to grow cannabis has been such an amazing experience for me, and has provided me with so much pain and anxiety relief and this place has been where I've learned how to do that. So yeah. This place rules. :bighug:

I am quite stoned and the plants are fed and put to bed so I'm gonna bounce for the night. I hope you fine folks have a good one and I will report back with the results!
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