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BTW @Chong's Cousin ............I have seen Loads of evidence from people who recommend freezing seed......:headbang:..they call it winterising...what they would go through on a normal yearly cycle....harvest..cure...then freeze..

Gotta a space on the settee in the [HASHTAG]#stonerlounge[/HASHTAG] if you are fancying a coffee & a joint @9bear .............:crying:..just realised I have the doggy flea shampoo there too...If you are ready for your Yearly shower and de-louse.....:eyebrows:


Best shower in the world..outdoor on the patio with a warm wind 'round your nether would dry your fur in no time....:biggrin:

Just...don't eat all the grapes.....

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Maybe, yeah. I'm going to be adding a fan on the floor facing up tomorrow, and I can see if I can push the plants to the corners a bit more. I did just move the fan from the corner pole to the roof of the tent facing straight down and I can already see more leaf movement so that's a plus I guess. It's just a cheapo walmart fan so it doesn't want to stay where I clip it but the adjustment seems to have helped at least.
Yes I use same fans I had to use zip ties through the fan guard to get mine where I wanted it. They work good once you get a flow set up. I have a big grow tent exhaust/intake fan but to loud for me.
Good morning AFNers,hope all is well. Wanted to check and find out where you guys are storing your beans. I heard royal queen state it was okay to store them in the fridge or even freezer but that doesn't seem correct. What temps are safe? Ive always kept them in the closet in complete dark in a couple paper bags then put in back pack. Just received the motherload of beans for my next crop but wanna make sure to keep them fully preserved and unharmed. Many thanks AFN-Peace n blessings
In an envelope, that's in two freezer bags, in my fridge.
View attachment 922785

Gotta a space on the settee in the [HASHTAG]#stonerlounge[/HASHTAG] if you are fancying a coffee & a joint @9bear .............:crying:..just realised I have the doggy flea shampoo there too...If you are ready for your Yearly shower and de-louse.....:eyebrows:

View attachment 922788

Best shower in the world..outdoor on the patio with a warm wind 'round your nether would dry your fur in no time....:biggrin:

Just...don't eat all the grapes.....

View attachment 922789

Lovely pics @Mossy. Beautiful little ladies next to the settee, grapes ripening on the vine. Are those olive trees in the background? A true paradise.
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