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Glad you got some help @PapaEmeritus , wish I could've chimed in but I deal with very low humidity for the most part 20% with highs not even getting close to 40%.

Lucky, man. It's been crazy hot and muggy as hell here the past two summers.
Day 56

Good morning AFNers,hope all is well. Wanted to check and find out where you guys are storing your beans. I heard royal queen state it was okay to store them in the fridge or even freezer but that doesn't seem correct. What temps are safe? Ive always kept them in the closet in complete dark in a couple paper bags then put in back pack. Just received the motherload of beans for my next crop but wanna make sure to keep them fully preserved and unharmed. Many thanks AFN-Peace n blessings
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Good Morning Stoners
@Mossy Don't even think about winter . :naughtystep: It's 12 C this a.m. and it's warming up . :rofl: I've got plants that won't flowering until Nov . I think its going to be an early winter or maybe an Indian summer we get them here sometime , Skellie an FN will be looking for one Still got your smudge pots boys . :cooldance::rofl:
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