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Now you have to be a little impressed with this Lady Dragon . :eyebrows:
I save a step . I don't write anything down then because each thought becomes radical all over again , :rofl:

I hear ya @9bear !

I hope I do get to your age and have that problem also! LOL I'm already pushing the limits on my condition. :rofl::rofl::rofl: But, hey! Onward & upward. :shooty:
My BlackBerry Cobbler from @Gabe got chopped down....Lots More pics here..
2x4x5 tent ,Under Autocobs by @BigSm0 . autowater fed with Blumats with nothing but Megacrop and sweetcandy by @Greenleaf Nutrients
Have a look wont cha
View attachment 922209 View attachment 922210

OMG I have some of those beans i just scooped up from @Gabe -Things are about to get serious-Thats some Killer work @Padawan1972 Great job on the grow-Smoke report would be way cool!! Either way:toke:
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