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Lucky if I take a half a d
lucky if I take half a day, I got so many stock piled at wally world I only get few a week, said part is they keep dumping them on me. So loop goes like this (remember all about money) insurance pays appointment, pays full on script, so they both (dr., pharmacy) get max payment for these issues, then I pay insurance every pay check (they collect max payment) not one has thought about me in anyway except for money, until now my first DUI counselor from 15 yrs ago is my dr now and is also all about the canna (I did smoke with him yrs later by accident at a party). He's taught me that pretty white card in my wallet is their credit card, I just hold it and pay the bill for them. Yes it's 1300$ if not for insurance coverage. Two houses payment's around here. Every 28 days
Check this link out.........apparently 2 companies are getting ready to launch generic sub-lingual versions of suboxone.
Hello Afn folk I haven't posted in a 10 days or so due to the fact that my remaining 2 plants from my first crop and my 5 plants already 2 months old and beautiful were destroyed by my girlfriend. I loved those plants. Needless to say she is no longer my girlfriend. Anyway hope everyone is good Im going back to square one Cheers chef
Hello Afn folk I haven't posted in a 10 days or so due to the fact that my remaining 2 plants from my first crop and my 5 plants already 2 months old and beautiful were destroyed by my girlfriend. I loved those plants. Needless to say she is no longer my girlfriend. Anyway hope everyone is good Im going back to square one Cheers chef
Definitely grounds for "divorce."
Lucky if I take a half a d
lucky if I take half a day, I got so many stock piled at wally world I only get few a week, said part is they keep dumping them on me. So loop goes like this (remember all about money) insurance pays appointment, pays full on script, so they both (dr., pharmacy) get max payment for these issues, then I pay insurance every pay check (they collect max payment) not one has thought about me in anyway except for money, until now my first DUI counselor from 15 yrs ago is my dr now and is also all about the canna (I did smoke with him yrs later by accident at a party). He's taught me that pretty white card in my wallet is their credit card, I just hold it and pay the bill for them. Yes it's 1300$ if not for insurance coverage. Two houses payment's around here. Every 28 days

MidIN, i am not about telling others to do....but you need to break this cycle....that doctor is committing insurance fraud and wally world ain't far behind! Talk to your insurance provider....they may be charging you max but that isn't anything to what they are paying out to doc and pharmacy. If you only take 1/2 daily, get your current MD to write you new script for that amount. That will supersede the previous one and just tell wally mart not to fill any others. You do have that right!!
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