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Yeah took everything I had not to go to jail by
Yep........I understand........there are just some things one doesn't do when mad........She would have shit a brick if you had destroyed her make up products!!
MidIN, i am not about telling others to do....but you need to break this cycle....that doctor is committing insurance fraud and wally world ain't far behind! Talk to your insurance provider....they may be charging you max but that isn't anything to what they are paying out to doc and pharmacy. If you only take 1/2 daily, get your current MD to write you new script for that amount. That will supersede the previous one and just tell wally mart not to fill any others. You do have that right!!
All ready been on it bub thanks thoe. Just shows its about the money.
Hello Afn folk I haven't posted in a 10 days or so due to the fact that my remaining 2 plants from my first crop and my 5 plants already 2 months old and beautiful were destroyed by my girlfriend. I loved those plants. Needless to say she is no longer my girlfriend. Anyway hope everyone is good Im going back to square one Cheers chef
Stick them in everclear and make a tincture. Girls get jealous of the girls!

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Yeah took everything I had not to go to jail by
Nothing like that has happened to me... But when I was younger, I tried and failed to grow plants. Literally dozens of tries. All I could get back then was seeded weed, so why the hell not...

Every plant died shortly after leaving seedling stage. Every damn time. Turns out my mother would find them, and pour something into the soil to kill them... and never said word one to me. I seriously thought I just sucked at growing.
Nothing like that has happened to me... But when I was younger, I tried and failed to grow plants. Literally dozens of tries. All I could get back then was seeded weed, so why the hell not...

Every plant died shortly after leaving seedling stage. Every damn time. Turns out my mother would find them, and pour something into the soil to kill them... and never said word one to me. I seriously thought I just sucked at growing.

Sounds like something my mom would have done....
I rarely drink anymore. Last night was open mic night, And the free beer was flowing. I shoulda thought of how I'd feel today lol. This shit's bad enough that I don't even want to toke.

Gotta toke pal for me is the best hangover cure, but you right up in saying the booze is nasty and great for a paranoia trip more so than bud for me. Feck knows when the dumbass politicians will work this out and make bud more available for all.
Sometimes its the post or courier service

I have dealt with a lot of freight through the years in the ol' dirt bike shops and I will say FedEx Express Owner/Operators are by far the worst, they don't give two shits except that you signed. And the more expensive or obviously breakable an item is, the less likely someone with enough common sense to package it adequately is actually handling it. Just my two cents :smoking:
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