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Leave the bud9s0 on the plant until you see the calyxes split open and seeds are about to fall out. I harvest and trim my like any other bud., then let them get good and dry, it makes harvesting easier. Then use a long shallow box. I rub the buds between my hands and the seeds fall out. I push all ythe material to the top of the box, placed at an angle. You tap the box and the seeds roll to the bottom. There are surely better ways but this works.

Youlle know the answer to this @pop22 ,,, how do you harvest and prepare seeds for subsequent sowing :pass:
Imo that's a tuff debate, as I'm a recovering test probe from opiates, years back I was prescribed to opiates then it became a addiction and now after 7 years of being on another prescribed drug to get off opiates all they did was give me another type of them, now 7 yrs in to these dang things they have yet to stop anything, they literally traded on opiate in for another that was stronger and was supposed to be able to quite all opiates after a year of these and it's 7-8 yrs later still have to take them, just now in last 3 months they are pushing cbd hard on me to get off the crap they gave me in the first place to get off the crap they gave me before. If this makes sense.[/QUOMy ex and 2 TE]

Know where you are coming from, bro! Went through 6 years of increasing opiate use to the point I was taking 5-6 4mg tabs of Dilaudid[hydromorphone] every 4 hours. Ended up almost dying from dehydration and cardiac problems when my prescribing doctor lost his license to prescribe narcotics. No other doctor would help me and if I hadn't gotten to the ER I would have died right there in my bed. Luckily I got hooked up with some good and understanding docs at the U hospital that helped me taper off. It took a year but I have been off since January and feel no need to take them now. Unfortunately, it also cost me the life of one of my sons who was stealing my meds and money and shooting them up.......he ended up dying in his room from a cardiac infection from using dirty needles. I will never forgive myself for being too wrapped up in my own problems to see what was going on. My ex and his 2 sisters have never forgiven and haven't spoken to me since. Use your MJ and try and find a doc to help you taper thing I did, being a medical professional[ex critical care nurse]was to refuse to trade one addiction for another. Good luck and if I can help in any way, please PM me.
Sorry to hear that bub, yes I know all to much about the big pharma game, they just find u something else to mask the issue with and instead of spending ur money at dudes house down the road they take ur money and lie about how much better thier drug is, lucky my Dr now is cook with canna even in my state, hes all about innovative and nature meds, I've been on 3 Suboxone a day for 8 yrs in August and this was supposed to be a 6-9 month treatment and I would be off all the pain meds and crap they gave me when first got hurt. They just wanna be a hustler just like the next Joe on the corner. E. Lilly is my gma great gpa and my cousin is a big wig in Miami Dade county prosecutors group so I've gotten tons of knowledge from both sides. And it's all about money. Just lucky my Dr loves canna and what it brings to the table.
Sorry to hear that bub, yes I know all to much about the big pharma game, they just find u something else to mask the issue with and instead of spending ur money at dudes house down the road they take ur money and lie about how much better thier drug is, lucky my Dr now is cook with canna even in my state, hes all about innovative and nature meds, I've been on 3 Suboxone a day for 8 yrs in August and this was supposed to be a 6-9 month treatment and I would be off all the pain meds and crap they gave me when first got hurt. They just wanna be a hustler just like the next Joe on the corner. E. Lilly is my gma great gpa and my cousin is a big wig in Miami Dade county prosecutors group so I've gotten tons of knowledge from both sides. And it's all about money. Just lucky my Dr loves canna and what it brings to the table.

I'm glad you have found a doc that is canna friendly.....keep on with it but try and taper also.........something that worked for me is one day a week take 1 less week take 1 less 2 days during the week and so can spread it over 2 wk intervals but this does work. That suboxone shit is really expensive.....hope your insurance pays for it!
Lucky if I take a half a d
I'm glad you have found a doc that is canna friendly.....keep on with it but try and taper also.........something that worked for me is one day a week take 1 less week take 1 less 2 days during the week and so can spread it over 2 wk intervals but this does work. That suboxone shit is really expensive.....hope your insurance pays for it!
lucky if I take half a day, I got so many stock piled at wally world I only get few a week, said part is they keep dumping them on me. So loop goes like this (remember all about money) insurance pays appointment, pays full on script, so they both (dr., pharmacy) get max payment for these issues, then I pay insurance every pay check (they collect max payment) not one has thought about me in anyway except for money, until now my first DUI counselor from 15 yrs ago is my dr now and is also all about the canna (I did smoke with him yrs later by accident at a party). He's taught me that pretty white card in my wallet is their credit card, I just hold it and pay the bill for them. Yes it's 1300$ if not for insurance coverage. Two houses payment's around here. Every 28 days
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