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I have lived here for 19 years. We had old neighbors and now they have left their homes to kids, 20 & 30 year olds. None, not one of which there has been about 6 that never came over to their new neighbors house to even introduce themselves. I had to step forward and introduce myself to them. Still don't know any of their names. Disgusting, in my opinion. I should have stepped forward first. I did do that with one, who I found out later was not the homeowner, but he said he was. WTH? Why would someone lie about that? I find most of these youngins intolerable. Only have one decent one now. Hope they don't move!
As someone that fits that age group, I just don't want or feel a need to get to know my neighbors. I'll wave from a distance, but not getting more involved than that.

If I notice a neighbor needs help with something I'm more than happy to lend a hand, but I have my friends and family that I'm relying on and trust.

My wife also same age, is the opposite and wants to know everyone and all their business while we have them in the backyard for cookouts. So I guess it just boils down to personality, lol
Auto topping Autoflower, that's a first for me.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Working from home today, nicely stoned and working.
How are you mate.

Great. I have luxury of working from home everyday. Today is little job day. Pull a few weeds, plant some flowers and stay happy! :pass:
Auto topping Autoflower, that's a first for me.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]

I have topped 2 so far and I don't think it kept them any shorter. They are both in pre bloom now.

It did develope 2 main tops on them. I am still LSTing them to keep them shorter than the light.

How do yours look so far @Rollin_along ?
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