now thats a dude with 1/4 teeth when they get big.
Yummm. Send me a few lbs of fresh filet.
And thats a nice small mouth bro. Our large mouths here. Big is 4 lb. Really big is over that. Anything over 7.5- 8 lbs here Goes on the wall.
Smalls a big one is 3 lbs lol. Id catch em at 4lbs till my arms were tired.
We are on the northern most edge of largemouth, some lakes have 'em, some lakes don't drive 2 hours north and they are non-existent. Some big ones to be had, but not one after another 4's for sure!! My best was a monster 26"'er......quite a feat around here!!
I have an icefishing spot where on the right day you can catch smallmouth, largemouth, pike, crappie and perch....its awesome....on my best days i have easily pulled 100 fish through the ice myself
Yea but really its like one of those prize fishes that just survived some harsh times. sometimes the water can be bad for survival. the state stocks the place every few years. Over fishing and just not a good water environment ofter attributes to diminshing fish populations. Its getting better now but damage is done already. Strippers (local population, which was the main fishing for my area) were totally wiped out in the past 2 years though. Shame on us.
I have an icefishing spot where on the right day you can catch smallmouth, largemouth, pike, crappie and perch....its awesome....on my best days i have easily pulled 100 fish through the ice myself
I just did a look at weight....according to conversion charts my best smallmouth(measured 24") would be a a rather suprising 8+ pounds!! Wow i kind of do feel like a star now if that is accurate!
We used to be able to catch 300 cohos in a day (that's when fishing is really good mind you) but now in our old age we start to bog down after helps if they don't come all at once lol
we pulled. Well my pops pulled a state record flat out here.
Unfortunately no scale and we like the fish to live unless we eating.
So we let the flats swim. Just love chasing them
10 lb test rod n reel. Shakespear tiger combos. All we use lol.
But seen a few giants. One im confident. Was in the 80s range.
Just a pig with fins. And a mouth that could fit a basketball.
No teeth tho. Lmao jkjk knee i kid. Hard time.
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