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One fish I have a love hate relationship with are walleyes those bastards are yummy eating but I hate taking em off the hook those teeth are visions!

I have a love, love relationship with walleye!! :D
Another copper head story- I was kayaking with the family and my foot was hanging out the side while my daughter was in between me and the wife. She turns to me and says "Dad dont freak but your foot is 3 inches away from that baby snake" I turned my head to where my foot was and there he was, baby copper head just chillning and not caring that my foot is right in front of him, just soaking in the rays. I turn to my daughter and said "float on" and calmly
was down south in bama as a kid. I remember the cotton mouths there were bad one year. Someone seen a big one. Shouted snake. So we all got out the hole.

All was good til the drunk guy found a skunk and decided to pick it up by its tail. That mf got sprayed in the face and did not let go.

Again. We gathered our shit and left. Haha.
I would ph to 5.8-6.3since most promix contains Dolomite limestone it will bring the ph up to where it needs to be once it comes into contact with the ph’d water. But be careful too low or high of ph can cause what appears to be deficiencies or twisted growth. Try a 6.0 ph level and see what your plants have to say about it. They’ll let you know if they like it or not.
thanks a bunch bro-really appreciate that-have a great day dude:greenthumb:
I'm not too fond of snakes...oh I think they're cool critters just glad there are none here lol. The stories give me the willies
Here they are a love hate relationship. Need them for the fields, helps control rodents (these bastards can get out of control and quick). Not the poisonous ones mostly, meaning if its outside in the yard, ill catch it and take it to the woods away from the house. No matter what type of snake.

If its a suprise threat though, as if someone is in danger, and everything in a bad position, I will kill it, but only the poisonous ones. Ill let the non poisonous bite you and then catch it, sorry (unless ur my wife or daughter, gotta do the hero thing)
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