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went fishing. Sat down all my gear. My lil sister was about to sit down. Then i seen it. We set our gear 5 inches from a balled up copperhead.
Had it not been cold and its eyes blued from shed.
One of us were bit. Got long stick. Flung it into lake. Got our shit n left haha. Was a big snake for copperhead. Girth to it

Thats scary!
meh. I have had hands on several giant cats
Blues bite hard. Flats do not.
Neither bone crushing
Maybe scuff ya real good from the lil rough teeth shit they have. But not seen bull shark wounds come from this haha.
Beaver will filet you fast though. Real fast.
Come down here to fish the Delaware these cats have teeth that are damn near 1/4 inch long!
standard northern smallmouth bass, of around 4 pounds

Our biggest problems for noodling are snapping turtles, fresh water tortoises, and cottonmouths. During the summer especially cottonmouths will rest on the banks of the shore collecting sun and they’re always around when you wanna fish the bastards!
Another copper head story- I was kayaking with the family and my foot was hanging out the side while my daughter was in between me and the wife. She turns to me and says "Dad dont freak but your foot is 3 inches away from that baby snake" I turned my head to where my foot was and there he was, baby copper head just chillning and not caring that my foot is right in front of him, just soaking in the rays. I turn to my daughter and said "float on" and calmly
I'm not too fond of snakes...oh I think they're cool critters just glad there are none here lol. The stories give me the willies
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