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This lake claims many lives every year....waves of 10 feet and bigger are not uncommon in storms or high wind days. I have almost been there myself!! Good thing i know how to take large waves in a small craft!
We have a lot of boating accidents that claim a lot of lives or boating activities accidents (swimmer vs boats). and a suprising amount of drownings, if you are tired dont go swimming (pool lake anywhere) or if you dont know how to swim dont go to the middle of the lake to learn, not a good idea.
I have been chased a few times right back into the boat. they suck

Many of our snakes are friendly....they will slowly swim by and pay little attention to you....rattlers attempt to get away from you. Speaking of which....a good friend of ours has a beautiful cabin in rock rattler country....she is walking the trail around the island(they own the whole island, lucky ducks!) and there is this one spot where you climb about 8 feet up a stepped she is just coming over the top and bam....1 foot away from her, face to face is a 3 foot rattler and he is not too impressed....the rattle starts and it starts to rear back slowly, and she slowly backs off and climbs back down the rock and proceeds to go back into the cabin. She refused to walk the island trail for the rest of the week, which was little surprise!
We have a lot of boating accidents that claim a lot of lives or boating activities accidents (swimmer vs boats). and a suprising amount of drownings, if you are tired dont go swimming (pool lake anywhere) or if you dont know how to swim dont go to the middle of the lake to learn, not a good idea.

Guys here think they are tough when they decide to go swimming in may, you know to prove how tough they are. They die every year from exposure....the water here is more than a little cold....when i trout fish in late may many years, there is icecubes floating through the river.
Many of our snakes are friendly....they will slowly swim by and pay little attention to you....rattlers attempt to get away from you. Speaking of which....a good friend of ours has a beautiful cabin in rock rattler country....she is walking the trail around the island(they own the whole island, lucky ducks!) and there is this one spot where you climb about 8 feet up a stepped she is just coming over the top and bam....1 foot away from her, face to face is a 3 foot rattler and he is not too impressed....the rattle starts and it starts to rear back slowly, and she slowly backs off and climbs back down the rock and proceeds to go back into the cabin. She refused to walk the island trail for the rest of the week, which was little surprise!
I have came across some in a similar way, but copper heads. Go playing in the woods, and bam right next to me while I was chilling taking a seat. 2ft copper head reared back ready to strike. Think to myself, well this is it, i am going to get bit. What am i gonna do....think think......some 2 mins (felt like forever) pass, I got my plan worked out in my head.......gonna get bit no matter what i do, grab the head and run to the house to call the ambulance.......alright prepared, turn my head towards the copper and slowly. He's gone (during some point of my thinking process).
Yep still went home (had to change the pants)
Guys here think they are tough when they decide to go swimming in may, you know to prove how tough they are. They die every year from exposure....the water here is more than a little cold....when i trout fish in late may many years, there is icecubes floating through the river.
kinda like hand fishing for giant flat head cats.
Can be fun. Sure get a big fish with your hands. Or a beaver. Or get caught in brush pile. Or stuck. Or a few fingers taken off by a turtle.
Ill stick to my rod n reel thanks
hp promix
I would ph to 5.8-6.3since most promix contains Dolomite limestone it will bring the ph up to where it needs to be once it comes into contact with the ph’d water. But be careful too low or high of ph can cause what appears to be deficiencies or twisted growth. Try a 6.0 ph level and see what your plants have to say about it. They’ll let you know if they like it or not.
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