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Haha... Put my ass in the ocean and there better be an underwater infantry platoon secure a perimeter around the work area before my little toe gets wet!

Haha yeah exactly :D

I love fishing too but my ass owns a boat for a reason. Even here the waters have huge alligator and spotted gar and I've seen some giant ones

Ooo i would like to catch one of those giant gars! We have small gars that get around 20 pounds around here, but not the giants of the south
I love fishing too but my ass owns a boat for a reason. Even here the waters have huge alligator and spotted gar and I've seen some giant ones
I live on a large fresh body of water that has aggressive hybrids (great to fish) and spotted gars
Haha yeah exactly :D

Ooo i would like to catch one of those giant gars! We have small gars that get around 20 pounds around here, but not the giants of the south
Dont sell yourself short, have you caught a 20 pounder of any fish? The fight can be tough.
Haha yeah exactly :D

Ooo i would like to catch one of those giant gars! We have small gars that get around 20 pounds around here, but not the giants of the south
They're incredibly strong that's for sure... Having 2 or 3 hooked close together on a trotline makes for a challenge. The really big ones have individual scales the size of the bottom of a beer can. Damn swimming t-rex
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