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here too. i go out with the pup armed. sometimes the hunting/ competition built AR15 or the older style XDM40S&W.
Just In Case: before someone freaks. I live in a open carried (or if want a concealed carry) state, and protecting your home/ land from aggressive animals is not against the law. I do not shoot animals just for the hell of it.
Its interesting here.....during the day you almost Never see the yotes....but at night they are worries during the day.
same, they are more active at night. They have an advantage at night with their amazing eye sight, hearing and smell.
Just In Case: before someone freaks. I live in a open carried (or if want a concealed carry) state, and protecting your home/ land from aggressive animals is not against the law. I do not shoot animals just for the hell of it.

Hey man.....i feel the same...i live in an area where large animals can be a serious threat....a second cousin of my dads was mauled to death by a black bear and this wasnt 40 years was only 15 or so.
But we have no carry permits here bud...they leave us hanging in the north with our dicks in the wind unarmed against potentially dangerous animals....LOL....i mean you could have a longgun with you i guess...oh but not after dark!...LOL
South for me, but not in a great state....yet. we are getting there, but might be a while. Sucks about the family member. I have had some family members taken by sharks (hawaiian decent). Luckily I was born and raised in the south.
Honestly the last thing i ever want to do is shot a coyote.....I love dogs....and looking at a yote, man they sure do look like a domesticated dog....even though i know the havoc they can cause in peoples lives they are just trying to make their way in the universe....know what i mean man?
I would never shoot any of those critters(bears, wolves, yotes) unless i enjoyed or needed the meat(bear only on this comment obviously), or it was a threat to myself(or family) or an animal of ours.
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South for me, but not in a great state....yet. we are getting there, but might be a while. Sucks about the family member. I have had some family members taken by sharks (hawaiian decent). Luckily I was born and raised in the south.

Okay I'll be honest...i don't fear much, but sharks scare the hell out of me!! My bro works in the ocean....and i tell him "Yeah you know those 12 gauge shotgun shell sharkguns they have?" He says "Yeah" " I said "yeah bud, you want me to go in the water where there is potentially great whites, you are gonna have to duct tape 20 of those fucking guns together with a single trigger for all 20 barrells to go off at once, so i can point it towards the bottom, and propel my ass right the hell out of there, and hopefully back on the boat!!" :D
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