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Chop or not?!
If she's getting close, try a small test bud to see how you like it :biggrin: Or the rule of thumb, trichs mostly milky tends to give a more uplifting high, the more amber the more couchy.
Yes @hairyman , I was knocked over in a hit and run two weeks ago, got busted rib and foot and more bruises than a black and blue bruised thing. One step nearer and the pooch would have gone under the car and I would have gone over the roof.

In a daft sort of way, I was lucky. I could have been in intensive care now and dogless.. Bastard probably had no insurance or was drunk.

Timing is everything sometimes it seems. Had plenty of right turn folks blow through crosswalks right ahead while walking the dog that if we had been there 5-10 seconds sooner we'd be right in front of 'em many a time while out for the daily dog walk. Have to pay attention even more it seems these days with all the phones being used while driving.

Anyhow...glad to hear it wasn't worse than it was for you! Dunno what I'd do if some inattentive butt nugget took out my dog, but I'd wager my need to avenge would get me in all sorts-o-trouble.
Hi @Renaissance Redneck , last I heard he was sooo busy with his book he writing and teaching his course on fine wire jewelry, but it has been a bit too long since he checked in.

Getting a bit worried if I am honest. A good guy. We miss him don't we.
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