Wow I'm really digging these lights. Love the different types of plants too. Gotta get a couple in my lab @BigSm0 . Put them next to the chandelier. Might have to dirty them up a bit so they don't look so pretty. Don't want my light to get jealous lol.
Smart man! [emoji106] [emoji2]

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Was busy staring at your mod and afn sticker I didn't realize you had a plant in your hand.

Something I wanted to mention that I'm sure you already know is the change in light usually shocks the plants a little. It seems like this didn't happen and they are responding well.
I just don't have the heart to tell him that's not a canna plant... [emoji53]

[emoji13] [emoji16] [emoji28] [emoji23]

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Shame on you for not tagging! This is awesome!


QUOTE="FullDuplex, post: 1302057, member: 8"]
Oh, no! Luckily, you found us! [emoji2] [emoji106] *hugs*

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The Mars 300 draws 140 - 180 watts and is about 22% efficient. The 600 is about 265 watts, same efficiency. so 88% of the electricity is spent on heat. The COB in these lights is about 49% efficient at 55 watts and produces three times the photons.
Me like! [emoji121] [emoji16]

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Thanks for that pop. I am trying to stay unbiased and also provide info without comparing these to the competition. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be.

You are correct, there is an amazing amount of useable light per watt and really made to replace the 300w production led panels. Like the impressive light engines available these have the all inclusive edge. Just hang it and plug it in. Silent and powerful.
And it seems pretty light weight wise...

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I can talk about efficiency till I'm blue in the face. Think I have actually. Your feedback is proof that I'm not just crazy.
Well...I'm not questioning the lights part. But saying you're not crazy is pushing it a bit... [emoji121] [emoji16] [emoji13] [emoji28] [emoji23]

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I'm here.
And how much is each light again? I'm very tempted to try it on a 2x4 tent and see what it does temperature wise! I'm assuming about 4 of the lights would probably be enough for that size tent?

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3 would do amazing in a 2x4 tent. Even 2 would work pretty well. The goal as you mentioned is to get a quality light source into rooms or tents without the hassle of DIY and without costing a mortgage payment. I'm all for DIY and still love to help people get set up. This is for those who don't want to bother with it for the little money savings.
These are perfect for multiple plant grows especially in tents. Even with training plant heights are never the same. Adjusting each cob is a benefit and the lower cost per cob is the main reason for singles. Again the size thing and wattage has lead people to under appreciate their power.