I can talk about efficiency till I'm blue in the face. Think I have actually. Your feedback is proof that I'm not just crazy.
That's the thing that I think that we need here and what we want to prove here. The lights them selves will do the actual talking. We can sit here and talk about lumens, watts, PAR, and all that nifty shit but the proof is in the pudding. Period.

Yes all of those items are important in making sure that the light grows a plant but to see what it all adds up to comes out in the plants. Its hard to wait on the results I can attest to that, I cant wait to see what all they do for my peppers. Its just the waiting game that is the pain, and as my plants grow I figure the following will as well.
Thanks for popping dudeski.

For now just 3500k and 6500k. The 6500k is great for a veg boost and flower boost if your running hps. 3500k is an all around great spectrum for veg and flower by itself. I can do custom spectrum cobs but the time is a little longer since I don't stock much besides these two cct's/temps.

Been real busy building and boxing lights but I also have a grow going myself. 4 hubbabubba from mephisto under 4 of these sexy cobs. Still young but I do plan on getting a journal going. 4 cobs in a 4x4 should help prove their intensity.
The goal for these weren't necessarily to fill an entire 10x10 grow room while I have come close. They are designed to give people the slow option of easing into better technology primarily.

The other benefits are smaller spaces or adding additional lighting to an existing space. One of my favorite uses is adding these into hps rooms with a higher 6500k version cob which is known to increase resin and terpines in flowering plants.

Cobs and technology for that matter is never inexpensive. While most multi cob lights sold today are out of financial reach for people in the efficiency market these allow people to do it as slow or as fast as they want to.

138 witchy [emoji106]
Sounds like a reasonable plan, slowly adding these to the regiment, without breaking the bank! [emoji106] [emoji2]

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For similiar result to what you are seeing now 1 would replace most claimed 300w fixtures. Ideal situations would be 12x12 or 16x16 coverage per light
So it would be more than enough to have one for a 4x4 tent? I think I misunderstood this...

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For similiar results yes this would do it witchy. For a 4x4 9 of these would do extremely well. Some situations could call for more and some situations much less. I am running 9 in a 5x5 now and doing amazing. I'm also germinating seeds under 3 of them.

The main benefits besides efficiency is the spectrum and the cobs intensity. Both of these two things will increase yields and give you a much better quality plant.
And how much is each light again? I'm very tempted to try it on a 2x4 tent and see what it does temperature wise! I'm assuming about 4 of the lights would probably be enough for that size tent?

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