New Grower Cupcake's , Snowryder & AutoAK47 - Grow Log.

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That should be. Can you put up a picture in natural light so we can see better?

i've pulled alot of big fan leaves and many leaves that yellowed up.. they get pulled very easy... so i would consider this as significant yellowing.. or it isn't what i am looking for?
Hail the hash princess.. well spels.. thanks alot =] will be doing that with my x60 microscope.. hmm... now lets see if my brain processed everything properly..

Come harvest i'll cut the whole plant down and start to manicure it.. leaves with no thc visible on them will go on a specific pile. than sweetleaf and small\undeveloped buds in another pile, third pile will be actual buds that will go for a dry and a month cure in jars.

than im going to take a 100ish micron bag and screen the ''useless'' pile.. for my own experimentation.
the second pile is going to be dried for 3 days and than frozen in a zip-lock bag for 2 full days before im going to mix it in a bucket with the dry ice..

The second pile that consists of good trim and small buds is going to be first screened by 75micron than going up untill reaching the 160...

its going to be awesome!!! cant wait!!
That should be. Can you put up a picture in natural light so we can see better?

I will do my best to get that pic for ya in the next 12hours. I got some natural light pics .. but they didnt went well and they picture only the budsites closely.. so I will take a pic of the whole plants today and upload it asap.
Oh my god did the girls look B E A UTIFUL! Tonight! oh wow the yellowing and ''snow'' is starting to appear much more on the ladies...

a quick question yet very important.. I switched from 20\4 to 24\7 untill the end to push it.. any nay sayers about this.. can it affect my crop badly?
Oh my god did the girls look B E A UTIFUL! Tonight! oh wow the yellowing and ''snow'' is starting to appear much more on the ladies...

a quick question yet very important.. I switched from 20\4 to 24\7 untill the end to push it.. any nay sayers about this.. can it affect my crop badly?

I don't think it will affect your crop badly. Lots of people grow with 24/7 from beginning to end. I like to give my plants some dark time every day but autos can do fine without it.
i've done the same this grow and gone back to 24/7 lights, for me it was due to cold temps on lights off but so far i haven't noticed any problems at all, only improvements due to lack of cold spell.
Really hoped that'd be the case... so... for some reason I asked this since some of the buds on one pheno are starting to show a blueish hue, I will pic that and upload.. I thought it was a sun-burn [ not heat, just too close that the light ''burns'' it ] but it just appears like slight hue's... any ideas? its a snowryder.. :S
Hard to say on the blue. Could be cold temps or genetics. Off hand, I don't know of any deficiency that does that. I had a couple Mi5s turn purple when grown outdoors late in the season when night time temps were cold.
Cool to hear muddy.. thanks for the input as usual..

now for the pre-update.. just visited the girls and they looked lovely.. was supposed to hit 'em with 10l with 10ml of Final Flush today, but decided to hold the watering until they are abit more thirsty tommorow.. will than also update pictures... they are getting this lemony smell since the last couple o'days.. preety nice and juicy.
Awesome job for a first Af grow. As it seems you are a natural AF grower. :) very nice!