New Grower CTb1's DP autoColorado cookies and DP auto mazar journal





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:toke: CT'- organic soil isn't the issue here, it's your nutes, and how heavy a feeding sched' you ran,.. Fox Farm isn't organic... Generally, if your fan leaves are looking pretty well tapped into- faded, kinda crummy looking, lowers really wiped out and/or some dropped off, then your plant has been tapping into her reserves well enough,.. I'd say about a week of water only, and the last stage try to get her pretty dry,.. this will lower water content so she drys a bit faster, and a little stress like that can sometimes trigger some improvement of terp's,... it can be shorter a few days if you've been tapering off in late stages of bloom,... If she has a lot of nice looking leaves still, then reduce feeds a lot prior to "cleanse' period,... these are just broad strokes here, and there are those how think "flushing" is pointless,.. I don't agree, but it's conditional as to how much, if at all (organics),... some folks handle their synthetic nutes at the end well enough that there's little reserves left in the plant, and so do little to no 'flushing",....
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The nutrients are not fully organic but the soil is and the big bloom . I also was using bio root from general organics. haven't used much of them at all really. I'm gonna give it nutes a couple times more since I have 25 days or so more.thank u
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:toke: CT'- organic soil isn't the issue here, it's your nutes, and how heavy a feeding sched' you ran,.. Fox Farm isn't organic... Generally, if your fan leaves are looking pretty well tapped into- faded, kinda crummy looking, lowers really wiped out and/or some dropped off, then your plant has been tapping into her reserves well enough,.. I'd say about a week of water only, and the last stage try to get her pretty dry,.. this will lower water content so she drys a bit faster, and a little stress like that can sometimes trigger some improvement of terp's,... it can be shorter a few days if you've been tapering off in late stages of bloom,... If she has a lot of nice looking leaves still, then reduce feeds a lot prior to "cleanse' period,... these are just broad strokes here, and there are those how think "flushing" is pointless,.. I don't agree, but it's conditional as to how much, if at all (organics),... some folks handle their synthetic nutes at the end well enough that there's little reserves left in the plant, and so do little to no 'flushing",....

@CTb1 some super awesome advice there, I learnt a little bit more... I'm with the flushing crowd or cleanse what ever its called, I like to smoke a joint or 2 and i think its important for taste.
Yeah a good way to tell you'll have the best tasting stuff is to grab a main fan leaf and break it from the stem if you taste the water inside the plant it shouldn't taste salty once it doesn't have much of a taste it's ready

I tried it and it isn't nearly as bad as a plant in Coco right now at this stage. She would need to eat up it's reserves though.

Personally I love it when it tastes exactly how it smells and the tastes lingers in your throat. That's the only stuff I smoke

@Waira I've heard about the drying before harvest. They say if you expose it to low humidity stress will trigger the plant to create more trichomes as a defense mechanism against harsh conditions. Last few days I'm gonna plug in the dehumidifier and aim for around 20%. Also I heard that the greatest amount of terps are during lights on. So lights on would be best time to harvest.
Another thing that is controversial is giving the plant a dark period before harvest. I can't find anything that shows the real science behind that so I'm not doing it to my harvest.
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