New Grower CTb1's DP autoColorado cookies and DP auto mazar journal

No not his. But I've read alot in books etc.. I've been flushing for 3 days so far. I think I'm gonna let it go for another 10 days or so and watch closely for degradation. I have a mazar that's not even showing pistils basically just a few and it's pushing day 40 and Will not stop growing it's well over a meter and wide as hell. I haven't put it on here but I'll post pics later of it. It's going g to be an absolute beast, it's making the others look small lol.
thats what you want man, UNLEASH THE BEAST!! heres my dp-a/u at 103ish days...... she never turned out like that though : ( shouldve chopped her while she was still pretty.


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@Waira I've heard about the drying before harvest. They say if you expose it to low humidity stress will trigger the plant to create more trichomes as a defense mechanism against harsh conditions. Last few days I'm gonna plug in the dehumidifier and aim for around 20%. Also I heard that the greatest amount of terps are during lights on. So lights on would be best time to harvest.
Another thing that is controversial is giving the plant a dark period before harvest. I can't find anything that shows the real science behind that so I'm not doing it to my harvest.

... not so much low RH, though that's fine for mold prevention, BUT don't run the RH that low, the plant may stress, last thing you want prior to harvest; 30's% is better... it doesn't increase the number of trich's, new ones aren't forming and maturing that fast,.. it's the concentration of terp's mainly, not necessarily the cannabinoids that elevates,.. keep in mind, it's the terp's that affect the nature of the buzz a great deal, and richer content of them can make bud kick harder, like it's more THC in there when actually, it's the terp's,...
Terp' content is highest generally, first thing in the "morning",... more true for outdoor plants than indoor,.. outside, the Sun, temps, wind all take their toll on the terp content, especially low molecular weight terps that volatilize easily,... they replenish during night... dark period prior to harvest is taking this a step further, basically extending this rebuilding time,.. plenty of controversy behind this! But as an OD grower, I know for an olfactory fact, my plants are best smelling taken mid-morning, after a extra day of dark time,... going longer than a day or so is vastly diminishing returns, and really risks mold promotion, so if you do dark periods, make damn sure the air movement, RH%, and temps stay within optimal ranges,... Mold loves cool, dark, and still!
... not so much low RH, though that's fine for mold prevention, BUT don't run the RH that low, the plant may stress, last thing you want prior to harvest; 30's% is better... it doesn't increase the number of trich's, new ones aren't forming and maturing that fast,.. it's the concentration of terp's mainly, not necessarily the cannabinoids that elevates,.. keep in mind, it's the terp's that affect the nature of the buzz a great deal, and richer content of them can make bud kick harder, like it's more THC in there when actually, it's the terp's,...
Terp' content is highest generally, first thing in the "morning",... more true for outdoor plants than indoor,.. outside, the Sun, temps, wind all take their toll on the terp content, especially low molecular weight terps that volatilize easily,... they replenish during night... dark period prior to harvest is taking this a step further, basically extending this rebuilding time,.. plenty of controversy behind this! But as an OD grower, I know for an olfactory fact, my plants are best smelling taken mid-morning, after a extra day of dark time,... going longer than a day or so is vastly diminishing returns, and really risks mold promotion, so if you do dark periods, make damn sure the air movement, RH%, and temps stay within optimal ranges,... Mold loves cool, dark, and still!

Yeah I've heard of the morning thing I mentioned that in an earlier post. I'm gonna lower the humidity for the last couple days. Thanks for ur help man.

@Seabass you gonna eat that?
@Waira yeah your right the terps have an Entourage effect. I've experimented with that before, lemongrass essential oil contains a large amount of myrcene which cannabis also contains. A couple buddies of mine put a couple drops in a drink and then smoked and we where all uncomfortably high for hours and we have extremely high tolerances

It actually makes it much more potent I've discovered 3 properties that do this 5-HTP, Omega-3 and β-myrcene.
Yeah I've heard of the morning thing I mentioned that in an earlier post. I'm gonna lower the humidity for the last couple days. Thanks for ur help man.

@Seabass you gonna eat that?
What? That? No, yes, no. Well, it crossed my mind. :crying:
... not so much low RH, though that's fine for mold prevention, BUT don't run the RH that low, the plant may stress, last thing you want prior to harvest; 30's% is better... it doesn't increase the number of trich's, new ones aren't forming and maturing that fast,.. it's the concentration of terp's mainly, not necessarily the cannabinoids that elevates,.. keep in mind, it's the terp's that affect the nature of the buzz a great deal, and richer content of them can make bud kick harder, like it's more THC in there when actually, it's the terp's,...
Terp' content is highest generally, first thing in the "morning",... more true for outdoor plants than indoor,.. outside, the Sun, temps, wind all take their toll on the terp content, especially low molecular weight terps that volatilize easily,... they replenish during night... dark period prior to harvest is taking this a step further, basically extending this rebuilding time,.. plenty of controversy behind this! But as an OD grower, I know for an olfactory fact, my plants are best smelling taken mid-morning, after a extra day of dark time,... going longer than a day or so is vastly diminishing returns, and really risks mold promotion, so if you do dark periods, make damn sure the air movement, RH%, and temps stay within optimal ranges,... Mold loves cool, dark, and still!
as always man!!
would you take offence if i just started calling you Obi Wan. i feel the humbling need to lol
She looks real good man... What does that strain smell like?
smells, tastes and smokes similar to a lemon haze. quite a light happy high. can still give you a punch if you pack it though. a 1.5g joint the other night put me on an absolute bender lol