Outdoor Critically Acclaimed Critical + 2.0 Auto strain (Dinafem)...1st Outdoor Journal

Do I build a cage, in order to protect my plants, at the risk of loosing some stealth?

  • build a mesh cage (Less visible than a tarp)

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • risk it and keep maximum stealth (Them being found will result in a request to kill them)

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
looking at the leaves, could that be the work of fungus gnats? That and root rot together!!

Alongside the rain it has been very hot, and the plants are in long grass. Humidity levels are quite high!
What's your magnification when viewing these bugs ,russet mites are very very small .I really hope these aren't russets or broads if so fighting them can be very very hard if not nearly impossible.I have fought so many bugs an won nothing ever gave my plants a problem until I met the russet mite .
...those bugs are juvie Springtails, no menace there, just annoying,... they eat decaying matter, fungal hyphae, that sort of stuff, not live plant/roots that I know of,.. they are ubiquitous and exist in staggering numbers, no getting away from them outside! Easy to kill if needed, but brushing off the pot will do just as well,...
As for the plant symptoms, they don't match up well with any defc/toxicity,... it looks kinda like an infection, fungal,.... the "wet" pre-necrotic margins on this leaf in front of the dried dead tissue is the hint I'm seeing,... that and the wasting pattern,... Just to be thorough, what P sourcing/nutes are you using?
View attachment 867119 ...those bugs are juvie Springtails, no menace there, just annoying,... they eat decaying matter, fungal hyphae, that sort of stuff, not live plant/roots that I know of,.. they are ubiquitous and exist in staggering numbers, no getting away from them outside! Easy to kill if needed, but brushing off the pot will do just as well,...

I am relying on my eye sight for this one, but I am quite convinced that those are the critters. Well if they don’t harm, they may stay, and it is outdoors after all:pI’ll try get a magnifying glass! Sorry to hear about the bug wars, it can be devastating!

As for the plant symptoms, they don't match up well with any defc/toxicity,... it looks kinda like an infection, fungal,.... the "wet" pre-necrotic margins on this leaf in front of the dried dead tissue is the hint I'm seeing,... that and the wasting pattern,... Just to be thorough, what P sourcing/nutes are you using?

I am currently using this soil mix;


This organic fertilizer, used twice

Were you thinking a Phosphorous deficiency? Coupled with over watering from wet weather?

If it’s fungal, what could it be, and what steps would you recommend? fungus gnats?

Thank you so much for popping in to aid my ladies, it is much appreciated! Your knowledge is well received, and gratefully so!

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:smoking:...you know, I see signs of munching too, looks like caterpillars, maybe snail/slug? (post [HASHTAG]#38[/HASHTAG]; pic's 2, 7).... do you see slime trails leading to where they were? Caterpillars you'll have to scan the plant all over, undersides too,... otherwise, a more mobile pest may have come and gone,...(earwigs, grasshopper,..)
... does that food have an N-P-K ratio, the so called guaranteed analysis? those weights are of no help,.... weird, I can't find that nute line, just the soil mixes,... :shrug:
.... P defc. is a remote possibility, only because it too can cause a similar wasting,... with the constant wetness, outside, a fungal/bacterial issue is more likely to me,.. You can try neem oil, which will deal with both fungus and bugs,....