Cultivators Club
Mann, these are like biblessuch useful information! Gotta eat it up!!
How was the smoke off your critical by the way?
One more thing, when should I start the LST on these critical Autos?
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Here is the thing about the lst training...because you are in the southern hemisphere it will be reversed. Instead of point the tip to the north, instead point it to the south to maximize northern sun path exposure. I usually start around day 20, once side branches are forming. I like to let them grow a bit first in the young seedling stage, before i start to LST.
As for the toke on the Critical, I haven't grown one yet. This year will be the first!! My guess is it will be awesome(if the other dinafem strains i have grown are any indication). The strain in the pic earlier was a sweet green poison.
So the guides....both guides were written with lots of experience in a shifting climate. Super hot all the time isn't something we deal with, so heat specific info might be a bit limited for you.