@GreensKeeper -- only just found your grow thread, sorry took me so long.
Those little plants are doing nicely. It's always slower outside.
Most here grow indoors, where they get so pampered and grow so damn fast.
Why thank you! And I guess so, I can't wait for them to shoot off!
Hope you can get them finished up before the winter.
I also have done late grows, in autumn, well after the summer has passed.
So, it can be done. Your environment looks lovely.
Im glad to hear its been done, thats good encouragement! It is lovely, as is yours from the looks of things!
I think I asked you before, but forgot: where in South Africa are you?
I'm not asking for your address, haha, just like what area.
Because I understand that the south and east are quite lush and green,
but up in the high veld it is really quite dry, for example.
I live in a province called Kwazulu-Natal. I live on a green belt of forest, about an hour from the ocean and an hour away from the Drakensburg mountains (I've had some daaaaank mary jane from there). We have heavy rainfalls in summer, and the sun shines strong, even throughout winter
. There are thunderstorms and hail, which can be devastating, and very hot days. Winter gets quite cold, we even get some frost in June/July/August, with temperatures reaching 0 at times but never long. Daytime winter temps vary, but average at around 13 degrees celsius. We have had two instances of snow in 10 years.
From your photos, it looks like you are in the greener places. Definitely the greener places, with a lot of mist in summer at night, upping the mold factor, sis.
Everyone has heard of Durban Poison, and then Power Plant from that.
But I guess there must be a lot of different local strains in diff places.
Now, plants like Swazi are becoming famous, and north of you, the Malawi.
Have an old friend from Jo'burg, who used to grow the local there.
But then watching Greenhouse Seeds Strain Hunters vids,
I see that a lot of Dutch genetics are now appearing in SA.
True, I wish to grow those strains. I want to find a local grower who has had the strain over 8 years, so its adapted even better to our climate, and compare it to online someday. Wow, there is some truly unique and incredible dagga being grown in both those countries, buds dripping with almost oil like resin. It leaves oil marks on your hands, I shall try get pictures of it, nothing like I've ever seen. Hehe, I've watched that one too, its interesting! I actually need to watch the whole series

! Oh thats awesome, I live there till the age of 12, then game to greener pastures

I'm rambling....
I tend to as well

I appreciate you stopping by, happy to have you along for the ride! Positive vibes your way, and keen to follow your grow too!
Happy grows, amigo!