Dinafem Critical Plus SOG

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Thank you master.:pass:

I love complicated things but meanwhile i am a control freak too. I mean, i was expecting that something like this will happen but it was so fast and unavoidable like an airplane crash. Like you said, we learned something today. I see this as a part of progress, nothing wrong. If so, then meh 60 clones waiting for their mums to get done. But in order to make progress i think, at least i need a control group.

Ok i can grow in crates. but what about nutes? Maybe less, maybe more. A control group and a test group side by side. Due to stash problems i had to throw mums in flowering chamber, which f.ked up everything actually. I could not have full control in cabinet over my plants (due size, volume, watering issues, canopy (thats why some clones are dwarves grrr etc.) I think things will be easier when i setup second crate and get rid off those mums finally.

Moar progress soon

Thank you master.:pass:

I love complicated things but meanwhile i am a control freak too. I mean, i was expecting that something like this will happen but it was so fast and unavoidable like an airplane crash. Like you said, we learned something today. I see this as a part of progress, nothing wrong. If so, then meh 60 clones waiting for their mums to get done. But in order to make progress i think, at least i need a control group.

Ok i can grow in crates. but what about nutes? Maybe less, maybe more. A control group and a test group side by side. Due to stash problems i had to throw mums in flowering chamber, which f.ked up everything actually. I could not have full control in cabinet over my plants (due size, volume, watering issues, canopy (thats why some clones are dwarves grrr etc.) I think things will be easier when i setup second crate and get rid off those mums finally.

Moar progress soon


I can't tell but I think I remember from an earlier post... you're running straight coco coir right? I only did one run straight coco and I found it held too much water by itself. That's why I'm using my own blend made with the chunky type and amendments.

This is my first time building my soil as sophisticated as I did but I'm really confident in it. Now I can be a really lazy gardener, for this first run I'll just add pH 6 water unless my plants show lack somewhere. I really hope I can just do water, that way I can spend my time and energy and money into my other planned projects.
Hi mate,

Nope it’s almost 70-30 perlite coco mix. I just put some coco on top like a buffer. Res is full perlite let’s say 3 inches. 5 inches coco perlite mix, than perlite again and finally comes the buffer layer. Air in but no water out. Non chem nutes have slow releasing mechanism. Coco eats up all the calmag away. Then bio nutes stay in medium and without aerating things getting complicated. So it was like a time bomb.

I think I should change the watering regime.

Day 1 Compost tea
Day 2 phed plain water
Day 3 chem nutes
Day 4 phed plain water

Hand watering is a pain, but I can’t install the dipper system. On the next run i lll run a full automized chemical nuted Crate and biochem hybrid side by side. I wish I had another strain to cultivate but whatever.

Clones are much faster at flowering (1-2 weeks) then potted plants. I did side by side compersation and just putting pots under 12/12 is waste of time. Never again.
!info ends!

well, if you go bio, you won’t be lazy imo. Otherwise grab a res, put some h2o2, aerate, wait... boring eh...

Nowadays i am looking for a r/o system. They are really cheap. Runing a/c for its waste water is getting pricey and meaningless, since it’s getting colder. I am looking for one with uv light and silica filter aiming for 0 ppm.
We are loving the attention to detail in this thread you certainly are putting in some effort which we at Dinafem are very pleased with :thumbsup:

I would say the problem you are having could be down to a number of issues and we need to figure out which on or which combination of problems :thumbsup:

It does look like the plants could be in "lockup" mode which will drastically reduce the amounts of nutrient the plant is getting.

It could also be a ph problem or still a heat issue.

Right mate

What is your ph
What are your temps min/max
What ppm/ec is your feed

Let's try and get this sorted because apart from this issue the plants are filling out great :pass:

Thank you for taking the time to update your diary and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!

We will help get this back on track :thumbsup:

All the best

Hi Mates,

Thank you for your good wishes and being helpful. I think i solved the issues but problems still exist. Organic nutes are slow releasing and giving same time chemical nutes has caused some ph spikes and nute-lock out. Meanwhile, because i started to smoke trims (wonderful smoke btw. I tested nugs @ day 21,28,35 and 40. Even 21 day-one was a hitter. I put those spider mums in flowering chamber because my stash was ding ding dong. Anyway you can check pics after), i was kinda lazy to water my girls properly. Thus this caused some nasty rot in the crate. I am not saying i have root rot but but waste water still smells like horse shit. This indicates that organic materials gone bad in crate and rotting in there. I will frequently water girls. Until i get the smell off. I think i am gonna use phed-tapwater and some lucas soup on last watering (around 600 ppm).

Back to your questions;

What are your temps min/max?

This question is remarkable actually. Because it got quite cold here in 2 days (from 30-35 C to 20-25 range). Hmm mums have the same problem too. I think it might have began with air-temp change. But in cabinet it was max 28 min 23C before that (thanks to a/c).

What is your ph?

5,6-5,8 in (lets say 5,7)
6,0-6,1 out

Well, this seems to be stable, but i will water the girls today 2 more times and will update the thread)

Between i gave em today a/c water + citric acid + epsom salt
again 4 hours x 2

What ppm/ec is your feed?

Well this question is hard to answer. Because i used organic nutes (compost tea). Other than that i tried to keep it simple. around 600 ppm advanced nutrients ph perfect lucas formula, potassium silicate (diluted to %1) and molasses.

I added compost tea some k-humat (humic fulvic acid, organic) and kelp. Aha, bell tolls, kelp... It smells like fish. Kelp is rotting atm. Holly crap...
Lol, after i got online enlightened, uping some pics. hehe. kelp...

Anyway here you go:

Clones @ 28 end of week 4
mums @ 42 end of week 6

According to Dinafem, Critical + is a 45-50 days strain:

Suitable for Indoors and outdoors
Sex Feminized
Genotype 50% Sativa/ 50% Indica
Cross Big Bud x selection of Skunks
Indoor flowering period 45-50 days
Outdoor harvest time Early October
Indoor yield 625 g/m2
Outdoor yield 1300 g/plant
Outdoor height Up to 2.5 m
THC High (12-16%)
CBD Medium

Well it is hard to believe but it is true. But it works best with clones i think. Clones are perfectly ready to flower (in 1-2 days after 12/12), they wont stretch much ( well i use agents to prevent stretch but it is still perfect for sog), best thing of this grow-style is that there is no stems, no popcorn buds, nothing to care about but ph and flush :hippy:. You just put the clone in, wait and harvest your perfectly fine bud. You can compare this sogish grow to very well organized (actually perfectly which is impossible to achieve) srog. But scrog is boring, why veg ages instead of not vegging some mums somewhere and taking clones, meanwhile non-stop flowering? IF you have the opportunity to veg a mum in a trash bin and taking some clones, you should take this path. When you look at the pics, check the mums. Yes, buds, but not organized, wasting air, nutes, light etc. If i had my second crate installed, i would be happier now. Because some of clones could not get enough light to grow bigger. Mums caused shadows on them. So i find this grow really helpful. More problems bring more solutions in future. So i think, well organized growing environment is a part of this progress. Next run will be more sophisticated. I will install my DIY drippers. Meh, sorry for wall of text.

Clones @ 28 end of week 4
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All your parameters sound bang on mate ph is perfect . The only issue I can see is the change in temperatures:thumbsup:

Both clones and mother look to be doing well with some nice flowers forming :bong:

When you say you "have a event to slow strtch" can I ask what do you use to keep the stretch down?

Looking good so far. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to update your diary and with great detail :thumbsup:

Very much appreciated and keep up the great work :bong:

Will be back in on the next update

All the best

Hi Mark,

Long time no see, eh. :bighug:

I was again hospitalized due to ulcerative colitis and had to cancel the grow. Spidermums were almost done and clones... all those clones are dead.

Mate, i figured out what caused to root rot. It was those pesky seperators. They blocked the airway to roots during final weeks because roots are exploded and it was no more free space for roots. Blocked out. Separeted. Kaboom. I removed those separetors, repotted clones but i think, i damaged roots. Instakill.

But, like they say:

Le jointa est mort, vive le jointa!

To be continued...
Hi there!! Here we go!!

Vol.3 Maybe Uhm.. dunno? But deff new round :))

Meh, of course there is not a grow without a problem. This time, clones have started to flower due to shortness of light (i was hospitalized). So they did not have any time to heal or to root. )10 to 25 cm max in height). But they look happy. I just give em tap water (i filter it with active carbon) with advanced nutes ph perf 3 part (~500 ppm) and some cal mag. On the left side you see some mother plants (i put em in flowering chamber to save energy. When the lights go out, back to under t5s. Back there you can see a flowering auto. I think its a white widow clone or anubis from pyramid. It smells like bubble gum. She was stunted, root roted, repotted... still doin fine smiley
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Hi Mark,

Long time no see, eh. :bighug:

I was again hospitalized due to ulcerative colitis and had to cancel the grow. Spidermums were almost done and clones... all those clones are dead.

Mate, i figured out what caused to root rot. It was those pesky seperators. They blocked the airway to roots during final weeks because roots are exploded and it was no more free space for roots. Blocked out. Separeted. Kaboom. I removed those separetors, repotted clones but i think, i damaged roots. Instakill.

But, like they say:

Le jointa est mort, vive le jointa!

To be continued...

Sorry to hear of your hospital troubles mate I hate those places. On a more positive note you have figured out what was causing the root rot issues :thumbsup: now you have this sorted things should lick up mate :bong:

The plants are progressing very well and considering your hospital troubles thank you for taking the time to update your diary and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!

Will be back in on the next update mate :bong:

All the best

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