Dinafem Critical Plus SOG

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Since my plant evolved into a monster plant, whatever i do i cant have a normal plant (or i am a noob. you have to decide it). All my clones show first preflowers, one leaf and one calyx. this is the base pattern and it never changes. It is hard to train. You have to do every trick you learned in order to get nice mum (top, fim, lst, or don't give a damn thing is nice option too. lol)

At first, cloning was god damn hard. It took almost 1 month to see some roots. Than i changed my strategy. After i took my clones, i dip em first to root!t for 10 sec, after that just a tiny bit great white to the root area, stick to rockwool (i let rockwool sink to 3/4 in 1 lt water mixed with 1 ml sensi grow a/b (to get ph to around 5,8) and 2,5 ml canna rhizo and molasses (for benies and fungi) . After that i put em in humidity doom. No spraying, no extra water, no nothing. I let em crawl lol. around 10 days they start to show roots.

This is my grow and clone room. 2 x 55 watt pll 6500k 10k lumen:

After defoliation of my flowering spidermums, i took some clones (around 20 clones as you can see in pic above which were already flowering). If they root, they will be double monster cropped clones. Lets wait and see. After spidermums done with flowering i will set my second hempy try and will go on with sog style growing. It is the fastest way to grow actually.

Here you can see some monster cropped cloned, monster cropped clones lol. I will do this routine until they evolve themselves to thinking creatures. ahahhaha. I wish i had strawberry amnesia instead of critical +. But i already mentioned it above, draconian is a b... I read somewhere there are 2 kinds of critical +. one is sativa dom, one is indica dom. I have indica dom. Small, compact, heavy yielder but indica dominant high, which hits like a tru
mbo gives you 275 gal of nutes to use. My hempy container takes up to 2 gal. So 2 cntrs 4 gal. 70 hempy runs for some bucks. Its ph balanced.

great white meh i don't know. I just use 1/4 of recommend doses.
Canna rhizo just first week of flowering

what i did wrong was and still is , i use sensi grow a+b for first two weeks of flowering. Ofc this is getting expensive. Here is solution for growing phase too:

AN pH Perfect Micro 2 ml gl
AN pH Perfect Bloom 2 ml gl
AN Jungle Juice Micro 8 ml gl

this can hold years, if you do it right.

Thats all folks. I hope you like it. Please correct me, if i am wrong somewhere. I am a noob and proud to be a noob. I am learning everyday something new and i don't take this a grow master race. I am a DIY-Guy. I did spend enough gold to nute companies and their bullshits. This plant is like other plants. Nothing comes from holly grail. I figured it out, that grow environment and genetics are the key elements of a successful grow period. I give em love and trait em with respect. Sometimes i wish i live a legal state and do this as main job. A man live for his dreams.


Sorry for multiply posts.
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Since my plant evolved into a monster plant, whatever i do i cant have a normal plant (or i am a noob. you have to decide it). All my clones show first preflowers, one leaf and one calyx. this is the base pattern and it never changes. It is hard to train. You have to do every trick you learned in order to get nice mum (top, fim, lst, or don't give a damn thing is nice option too. lol)

At first, cloning was god damn hard. It took almost 1 month to see some roots. Than i changed my strategy. After i took my clones, i dip em first to root!t for 10 sec, after that just a tiny bit great white to the root area, stick to rockwool (i let rockwool sink to 3/4 in 1 lt water mixed with 1 ml sensi grow a/b (to get ph to around 5,8) and 2,5 ml canna rhizo and molasses (for benies and fungi) . After that i put em in humidity doom. No spraying, no extra water, no nothing. I let em crawl lol. around 10 days they start to show roots.

This is my grow and clone room. 2 x 55 watt pll 6500k 10k lumen:

View attachment 799029

After defoliation of my flowering spidermums, i took some clones (around 20 clones as you can see in pic above which were already flowering). If they root, they will be double monster cropped clones. Lets wait and see. After spidermums done with flowering i will set my second hempy try and will go on with sog style growing. It is the fastest way to grow actually.

Here you can see some monster cropped cloned, monster cropped clones lol. I will do this routine until they evolve themselves to thinking creatures. ahahhaha. I wish i had strawberry amnesia instead of critical +. But i already mentioned it above, draconian is a b... I read somewhere there are 2 kinds of critical +. one is sativa dom, one is indica dom. I have indica dom. Small, compact, heavy yielder but indica dominant high, which hits like a truck and makes you like:

View attachment 799034

View attachment 799035

Nutes, Nutes, Nutes:

I get it. It is a high dollar plant and we think low dollar nutes won't work. totally wrong.

I am using

5 lt Jungle juice Bloom 16 ml gal
500 ml ph perfect bloom 2 ml gal
500 ml ph perfect micro 2 ml gal

this combo gives you 275 gal of nutes to use. My hempy container takes up to 2 gal. So 2 cntrs 4 gal. 70 hempy runs for some bucks. Its ph balanced.

great white meh i don't know. I just use 1/4 of recommend doses.
Canna rhizo just first week of flowering

what i did wrong was and still is , i use sensi grow a+b for first two weeks of flowering. Ofc this is getting expensive. Here is solution for growing phase too:

AN pH Perfect Micro 2 ml gl
AN pH Perfect Bloom 2 ml gl
AN Jungle Juice Micro 8 ml gl

this can hold years, if you do it right.

Thats all folks. I hope you like it. Please correct me, if i am wrong somewhere. I am a noob and proud to be a noob. I am learning everyday something new and i don't take this a grow master race. I am a DIY-Guy. I did spend enough gold to nute companies and their bullshits. This plant is like other plants. Nothing comes from holly grail. I figured it out, that grow environment and genetics are the key elements of a successful grow period. I give em love and trait em with respect. Sometimes i wish i live a legal state and do this as main job. A man live for his dreams.


Sorry for multiply posts.

No problem about the multiple posts mate the more the better :thumbsup:

Nice looking clones and your nutrient regime goes to show you do not have to spend fortunes on unwanted/needed nutrients :thumbsup: as long as the basics are covered and the plant monitored this method works great as we can see from the pictures :bong:

So how long do you usually veg for mate?
Do you basically go into bloom once the clones are rooted?

Very interesting way to grow and we are watching with interest :thumbsup:

Thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!

Until the next one :slap:

All the best

Hi Mark,

So how long do you usually veg for mate?

Do you basically go into bloom once the clones are rooted?

Basically once ALL the clones are rooted they go into bloom. For sure there are some diversity between rooted clones (some more, some less). But i clone with great white, rhizo and black strap molasses. Basically benies start to colonize once the clones are taken. I give em no water, no nothing. Just humidity doom and i put some kitchen paper on top off the humidity doom. So they get indirect light and less water. More they are starving to light and water, they seem faster to root.

Yesterday i upped some pics from my flowering monster mums aka spidermums :fire:


Today, im gonna turn this hemp-o-rama thing into hydro-hemp-o-rama. I will add an auto drip system. That bad boy gonna be a true champion. 2-9-2 watering regime with %50 + %50 organic and inorganic ratio.

My last modification will be CO2 enrichment. After i will put all these things together, i think i will be done with grow room modifications.

52 clones in 2,7 x 2,7 x 5 grow room under 400 watt shps, check

co2 enrichment, in progress (will be absolute DIY and cheap)

coco-hydro hybrid auto hempy sog boxes, in progress

compost tea with inorganic nutes, check

monster cloning, check

A/C waste water recycling system, check

Almost everything DIY, everything cheaper than cheapest systems :frog:

Well, my next achievement will be open a hydro shop. :cools:

this hemp-o-rama thing will be awesome. I will let a friend of me commercially redesign this concept. I am thinking about adding a cover on that box and gonna hide water pipe and stuff under that cover. You will just see 26 or whatever you want much holes for clones to put in. I am creating here mini sized hydro hempy sog boxes for beginners and advanced growers for mini places. The most important thing is actually grow media and i had so much problems with pots, boxes etc. This concept eliminates almost every grow problem that i had in the past. It works flawless, cost efficient, easy to create, easy to maintain. You do not need to be a grow genie in order to get some crops. Just put your rooted clones in and wait. Easy isnt it? :baked:
Hmm forget to tell, i will add some potassium silicate to my soup in order to slow down stretching.
Thank you for all the details mate :thumbsup: and best of luck with opening your own grow shop :thumbsup:

Also your grow system idea sounds interesting :bong: you will have to keep us posted on how the tea ing goes.

This is very interesting to me as it is totally different than the normal way of growing ( I do 8 weeks veg and sometimes 12 weeks bloom strain dependant) with this style the veg time is radically reduced.

Will be very interesting to watch this finish :thumbsup:

All the best

Hi Mark,

Thank you for your warm wishes.

The goal is simple. Maximize the harvest, minimize the efforts.
This is the reason why i took the critical + as my main strain. Critical + is a yield based strain. Slow start, max speed on bloom. Everything happens in blooming phase actually. If you veg the clones over a week or more, you can't control the size of your forest. For example this one had absolutely no veg time:
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Hey man, nice grow you have going on here! Reminds me of some I did years ago. I absolutely love the bins with the dividers for SOG. Can you provide the link? I want to see what type of plastic it's made from.

So how long do you usually veg for mate?

You didn't ask me, but personally I'd flip as soon as I took them out of the rooter, around 7-10 days

My last modification will be CO2 enrichment. After i will put all these things together, i think i will be done with grow room modifications.

With a 400w HPS installing any type of CO2 enrichment won't see you any gains that you can directly attribute to the addition of CO2. Unless you're sure you're getting over 1000 PPFD at the canopy adding CO2 is wasteful. Besides, if you're exhausting your fan into an outside room that isn't sealed, you're exhaust fan is cleaning out all the CO2 you added every 3 minutes!

Well, my next achievement will be open a hydro shop. :cools:

this hemp-o-rama thing will be awesome. I will let a friend of me commercially redesign this concept. I am thinking about adding a cover on that box and gonna hide water pipe and stuff under that cover. You will just see 26 or whatever you want much holes for clones to put in. I am creating here mini sized hydro hempy sog boxes for beginners and advanced growers for mini places. The most important thing is actually grow media and i had so much problems with pots, boxes etc. This concept eliminates almost every grow problem that i had in the past. It works flawless, cost efficient, easy to create, easy to maintain. You do not need to be a grow genie in order to get some crops. Just put your rooted clones in and wait. Easy isnt it? :baked:

That sounds like a great idea.

compost tea + chemical nutes won't work?

What is your rationale behind making such a choice? Yield? Just do your body a favor and use organic nutes. If you want to increase yield use organics with Mammoth P and forget the CO2.

mykos in coco?


hempy style soging?

Hempy is good for beginners. You want real set-it-and-forget-it growing (with way less risk of mechanical failure than hydro drip lines) you need an auto-filling sub-irrigated no-till SOG. Follow my journal, I'm in the process of building one. I'm growing autos now because they finish faster, but once I got my Tangie moms situated in a couple months I'll be able to SOG to the max right beside you.

Do you really need 700 $ nute-sets in order to grow something?

Fuck no.

clones direct into flowering without vegging?

As long as their rooted.

48 clones in 2,7 x 2,7 x 5 f ?

My general rule of thumb is 4-6 sq in. per clone, strain dependant.

wth is potassium silicate?

It's a silica salt with a potassium molecule attached as opposed to a magnesium silicate or sodium silicate which have those molecules attached. Potassium silicate is easily used by plants and will make the plant more resilient to pests and environmental stressors. It does this by reinforcing the cell walls of the plant and giving them flexibility so they can bend more before breaking. Do not overuse potassium silicate, I have seen plants become so flexible that they lack the structure to hold themselves up LOL.

If this information is helpful, please check my journal here. Happy growing my friend, you have a bright future in this hobby/industry if you want it.
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This is a super interesting thread with some very valuable information. Love the approach and will be watching this run with great interest :thumbsup:

The ingredients for your tea are great, will give the plants all the nutrients needed and will leave a very clean end product :thumbsup:

Love the attention to detail and thank you for taking the time to add all this detail and the added pictures very much appreciated!

Keep up the great work mate :slap:

Until next time :bong:

All the best

Day 20:

I had some minor issues but so far so good :smoking:
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Thank you guys,

Growing is just getting my way of life. I am really pissed of the industrial life style. I worked for years as project manager, bussiness analyst, process management expert etc. l have been over 50 countries around the globe (best outdoor i smoked was in south africa. Second was 00-hash in hong kong. )

Anyway, more i grow, more i learn is a really a thumb rule. First i had to learn was thls: "what the hell is a cooltube? " at the beginning i just wanted to have some weed. It was like breaking bad. Than i realized that there is nothing wrong with this plant. It is not evil, not even a drug. Kinda enlightening. I just can explore myself again with help of this plant. So i had some connection and getting high or those benefits became secondary. After that point i started to educate myself. More i know, happier they will be and they make me happier. So thls ls the story of mixing chemical nutes and compost teas. Because i am still not on perfect level of bio growing and chemical nutes keep em happy. This gives me the opportunity to labor more on compost teas.
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