Indoor Cotton Candy, Sour Girl, Blueberry, HLG Quantum Boards, Living Soil, Organic Growing.

End of week 4... Already flowering Iike crazy. Top dressed with an all organic dry amendment. I use Earth Juice, Rainbow Pro Bloom. Now I'm water only till the end. Probably a little early but put the net on them. Can't wait to watch them fill out the Scrog in the next couple weeks. It's grow time!!

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Well it's not always good news folks. This grow ran into a nitrogen toxicity. I've been beefing up my organic living soil each grow and clearly have found the tipping point. Classic nitrogen toxicity, drooping leaves when you know it's not under or over watered, and clawing of the leaves. Also too much nitrogen turns them dark dark green.

So the solution is as simple as flush the soil and reset it. I used the 3x flush rule. So 3 gallon pots I ran 9 gallons of water through them. Then the last 1/2 gallon I flushed with recharge to help replenish the microbiology lost from the flush.

These will be good for about a week before I have to water again since they are super saturated. I'm going to brew up a nice tea for them and should be good to go after that.

I flushed half the tent last night as a test and the other half today.

Before and after pics from the flush just over night made a difference. I an few days they will be beaming up to the lights again.

Whew... Glad I caught it when I did. And will adjust my soil mix next grow.

The before and after is top pics before, bottom pics after.

Tent pic: left side flushed vs right side not.

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I think my white widow caught a touch of n toxicity when the roots dug through the coco loco to the kindsoil. That is a common thing it seems. I didnt do a flush, but she got over it, like it was a hiccup
That's exactly how my last grow was... Just a touch of it and I let it ride. I don't use kindsoil but I use a concentrated living soil just like it, just from a different company. I think that plus the additional nitrogen in the Foxfarms Ocean Forest was just too much. I'll post pics in a few days after they have some recovery time. But the overnight difference makes me feel good I caught it early.

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Fwiw i think youre golden! A lot of the kindsoil/living soil journals here and elsewhere all seem to reference this very thing.
I would have freaked out bad if i hadnt come across it so many times in others journals.
Heres a thing ive not really noticed yet, calmag deficiencies. Thats something i know is talked about with autos, leds, etc.
I freaked myself out and did one feed on my white widow with some roots organic dry additives and thats it. Havent noticed any egregious deficiencies....or maybe more aptly put, i havent noticed anything amiss that wasnt expected.
I am intrigued that you flushed the organic soil tho. I dont think i got the constitution to do it and flush all the good stuff out. Id just ride the touch of toxicity out and hope the organics evened everything out
Fwiw i think youre golden! A lot of the kindsoil/living soil journals here and elsewhere all seem to reference this very thing.
I would have freaked out bad if i hadnt come across it so many times in others journals.
Heres a thing ive not really noticed yet, calmag deficiencies. Thats something i know is talked about with autos, leds, etc.
I freaked myself out and did one feed on my white widow with some roots organic dry additives and thats it. Havent noticed any egregious deficiencies....or maybe more aptly put, i havent noticed anything amiss that wasnt expected.
I am intrigued that you flushed the organic soil tho. I dont think i got the constitution to do it and flush all the good stuff out. Id just ride the touch of toxicity out and hope the organics evened everything out
It was more than just a touch this time. And as far as flushing the soil goes, I'll be quickly adding back in nutrition and microbiology with the teas. If it works as well as I think I may change my growing going forward. I know guys that only feed with teas and they never seen to have issues ever.

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Definitely looking good after the flush. They will be craving some nutrition soon as they've have nothing but water for a few days. Brewing up a simple blooming tea for them for when they need it. This will help replenish the soil with healthy microbes and nutrition.

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