Fwiw i think youre golden! A lot of the kindsoil/living soil journals here and elsewhere all seem to reference this very thing.
I would have freaked out bad if i hadnt come across it so many times in others journals.
Heres a thing ive not really noticed yet, calmag deficiencies. Thats something i know is talked about with autos, leds, etc.
I freaked myself out and did one feed on my white widow with some roots organic dry additives and thats it. Havent noticed any egregious deficiencies....or maybe more aptly put, i havent noticed anything amiss that wasnt expected.
I am intrigued that you flushed the organic soil tho. I dont think i got the constitution to do it and flush all the good stuff out. Id just ride the touch of toxicity out and hope the organics evened everything out