New Grower Mephisto and Night Owl in Living Organic Coco

Closer to harvest at least bugs are better. Will you try something differ there Mate?

Definitely plan on doing at least a few things different next run. First thing I'm going to do different is start the seeds in smaller containers, probably Solo cups, and keep them at my house so I can baby them for the first 2 weeks or so until it's time to transplant.

When I do transplant the I'm going to crush some mosquito dunks to mix into the medium to try and hold back the gnats. I'm also going to add the distribution drippers so the pots should be watered much more evenly.

I had a problem dialing in the Blumats using the digital sensor I bought. Even though I had a number in mind I wanted to achieve the sensor read wildly different depending on where I placed it in the pot and when the last time it watered. Next time I'm going to homogenize a large batch of medium to the correct number of millibars, fill the pots, and then dial in the Blumats to that moisture.

There's also a good chance I will ditch the coco and go with soil as suggested by a few guys here, and I'll of course make sure to do better with the feedings. I think making these few fairly simple changes will solve most of my current issues, which will leave me time to make a whole new set of problems. As for the current grow I plan on giving them a tea every 7 days or so for the next few weeks, hoping that will be enough to get them to finish up with some grace.
The existing grow could still bend your way Mate. I personally grow outside, soil obviously and I like the taste of mine verses my bud, who grows in some sort of hydro but his looks good just doesn’t taste as good so I like your thought of trying soil. But soil indoors seems it might have bugs too so ridding grow space has to be first on page.
Today is day 59 above ground, plants seem to be hanging in there for the most part. They're plumping up a bit and the smells coming off them are pretty addicting. Hopefully the weekly teas will be enough to carry them through.

AVT, White Crack
Double Grape, GWK
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That one looks good, nice cola!
I think a couple of the plants are getting close, my buddy sent me a few pictures he took last night. They're not great but maybe a trained eye can tell how close they are, going to try to get some better ones tomorrow.

Double Grape, middle plant right side of the tent.
78731208_982663418757095_8323251903563563008_n - Edited.jpg

GWK, the nice one up front
Little longer I think / don’t c any amber yet
Checked on the plants today, day 68, and gave most of them a little more tea made with the Dr. Earth and light HPK. This will be the last feeding for all except the AVT in the middle of the tent who finally showed up and started popping some buds.

