Mephisto Genetics The Sour Stomper expresses herself :D

So on day 71 she suddenly "turned" and started looking ready.
2016-11-20_d71 (3).JPG

And though the trichs on the larf were almost milky enough for my taste, I wanted to leave them for that liiitle bit of ripening.
Plus, the "indicator leaf" wasn't quite saying chop yet.
The tops however, gave me the impression of needing chopping or they would begin deteriotating.

Not a problem with a two-story plant like this!
yesterday, day 73, in the morning
2016-11-22_d73 (1).JPG
and in the eve
2016-11-22_d73pm-chop1 (8).JPG
off with her head! ouch lol
the main stem got chopped, taking 280g of flowers off (wet of course! she's amazing enough as is without exaggeration!), leaving 6 secondary branches and all the tertiaries until that leaf is used up.
That's about 2/3 of the flower mass (not weight - the larf is fluffy, even if totally trichome-covered ;) ) left standing.
Secondary colas
2016-11-22_d73pm-chop1 (10).JPG

2016-11-22_d73pm-chop1 (14).JPG

I'm thinking chop phase 2 will be tomorrow or friday.
Great thread and great grow! You nailed it! Subbed up and :slap: for doing so good!
Best grow I've looked at in quite awhile! Mainly due to originality and that big pot and that plant structure is so cool! Please say you have a feeding schedule/list of ingredients. I Reeeeaally want to try feeding my plants juice as I am an avid juicer and vegan and I can't believe that it worked out so well! Just beautiful! Congrats! :slap: :vibe:
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Epic grow!

We're harvesting sour stomper at the moment and she's definitely in my top 3 strains,
Thanks! means alot to me coming from one of her creatorrrrs!
I don't have much experience growing weed, but growing the Sour Stomper has been by far the most delightful experience - watching the magic of your work unfold has been breathtaking!
So my heartfelt thanks for breeding such wonderful strains, it's great what you're doing! :thanks:

What do you say about her growing so differently in form from all the other grows I've seen documented online?
Oh and did you post pix of yours too? I'd love to see them!
Would you say it was just that bit of training I did, that caused the sidebranch stretch to kick off in the tertiary branches more, or does she remind you of one of her parents somehow, as in we could be dealing with a pheno here?
Very curious about your thoughts on that!

And what about the different-colored trichs? Is that a strain thing or is my environment cuasing it, do you think?
Great thread and great grow! You nailed it! Subbed up and :slap: for doing so good!
Haha thanks so much! Tis a pleasure to share too :smoking:
She will get chopped tonight, though I'm starting to get this "noo you can't do that to the poor creature, after all the good times" feeling again... lol
Will keep you posted!
Best grow I've looked at in quite awhile! Mainly due to originality and that big pot and that plant structure is so cool! Please say you have a feeding schedule/list of ingredients. I Reeeeaally want to try feeding my plants juice as I am an avid juicer and vegan and I can't believe that it worked out so well! Just beautiful! Congrats! :slap: :vibe:
Thanks! Happy you found it inspiring!
Oooh, avid juicer! The resources you are accumulating that can be put to good use! :D
Do you have a wormbin?
Worm compost (or good compost) is the most essential part of establishing a living soil, so why not make your own and assure the highest quality, exactly to your specifications!

I don't have a definitive list or schedule, actually, on this grow I was freestyling it big time, trying stuff out, and finding my own style.
I do think I've found it now, and surely it will continue developing, I've only just scratched the surface!
That's the thing about organics, it's not a state, it's a process! And pretty much everything "depends" haha

So basically all you need as a prerequisite is living soil.
Your plant has to be growing naturally in cooperation with the soil microorganisms.
And you observe your plant.

And then you just follow the principle of like with like.
So before and during the growth spurt, give her juices that contain lots of growth enzymes and hormones. Fresh green shoots from happily growing plants, just a small handful is enough, cover with water, blend, and water in, plant material and all. Or in winter, you can default to seed sprouts.
edit: oh and water in where the root tips are - I use the dripline to estimate where they are when the plant is still small. When they're larger just water in on the outer third of the pot. In this case you really are feeding the plant, though usually in living soil we're focussed on feeding the soil life ;)
Right when she starts flowering, give her flowers in the same way.
And then fruit for the fattening stage.
For when and how often, I relied on my senses and intuition, but surely a rhythm can be culled from that, or a few more grows like this :smoking:

And I do think giving a dose of kelp juice during the growth spurt, especially if a plant explodes like mine did, will help carry it over happily.

Hoping that makes sense! :D
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