Mephisto Genetics Cosmic Queens in not quite living soil

That sounds very interesting - I hadn't thought much about it beyond - if it's good for the plants, it must be good for me too - to now!
definitely something to look into more :D
Do you perchance remember where that article can be found? :cooldance:haha

It should be in a thread by mediscrog. It would be at least a year ago. I didn't have time to look last night. I will see what I can find today.
First post. We all appreciate a nice no-till. The pictures are great, Calliandra.

FYI, if I don’t compost my fan leaves, I give them a quick rinse and throw them in the cold press juicer with other veggies. Waste not want not.

Here's where he made ice cubes. Still lookking for the smoothie article.
Sheez that looks like fun - cool he's also using the larf in them :D
Yeah I'm not finding anything either, just his reference to this Dr. William Courtney.. which led me to this video - and there are tons of others around too, ha

And welcome, @Stinky_Jones ! Sounds like you've already integrated it into your diet :cool1:
Watching just this video, I definitely want to start doing so on purpose myself!

edit: here's all the resources on this we could ever want?
:mrgreen: cheers!
Last edited:
day 48

They've stopped gaining height :biggrin:
Sissi kind of stopped dead in her tracks for a day or so to grow out more leaf surfaces.
Meanwhile, Woozy hurried up and grew to 50cm height before stopping.

So the interesting part of the grow ends here lol
From here, it's just a question of time and the soil being strong enough to carry them through :coffee2::sleeping:

But here they are of this morning:
2018-01-22_day48 (1).JPG

canopy view

2018-01-22_day48 (2).JPG

2018-01-22_day48 (4)sissibuds.JPG

main stem detail
2018-01-22_day48 (6)sissibuds.JPG

Mz Woozy

2018-01-22_day48-woozybuds (2).JPG

2018-01-22_day48-woozybuds (1).JPG

Sissy's been smelling of subway station (not sure that makes me happy, though it IS intriguing!) But Woozy has begun developing a sweet grapeyness, which is right down my alley.
Last edited:
day 52

Lots of pix today, as there has been a change in plans - and closet arrangement:
the partitioning has come down and the NLH sent back into veg to wait out the CQ grow (and then get the whole closet to flower out). There was too much light leaking for her to get started, plus she was totally cramped, having grown to a size where actually she should just get carted into a warm sunny outdoors and allowed to unfold there ;)

That not being possible, next best thing: spread her out in the closet, opening space around Mz Woozy to allow her to spread her branches more too.
The only problem: access for people is going to get really complicated for the rest of the CQ's lives haha

So to enjoy the view while we can!
Canopy view!
2018-01-26_day52 (2).JPG

And this one shows really nicely how the flowers on Sissi and Woozy (can you see it, upper left corner) are very different:

2018-01-26_day52_sissy (3).JPG

She's grown some more, so now she's 57cm tall, and those pompom buds are getting more and more pronounced

Canopy view
2018-01-26_day52_woozy (1a).JPG

Front view

2018-01-26_day52_woozy (3).JPG

View into the "bay" created by moving the NLH's branches to the sides

2018-01-26_day52_woozy (5).JPG

Some more bud? :D
2018-01-26_day52_woozy (2).JPG

And Cosmic Queen Sissi's canopy

2018-01-26_day52_sissy (1a).JPG

I love her starriness - impossible it seems to capture with the cam.
And those buds are starting to stack now

2018-01-26_day52_sissy (5).JPG

Both plants are currently smelling very much of lemon drops :D
Sissi with a touch of haziness and still a whiff of subway tracks lol

They are going to get another 2 weeks of 150W Cree COB lighting on 18/6 - and on day 66 (funny how that works out haha) we'll see where they are, and if nothing is extremely backward, they'll all get switched to 12/12. So the way I estimate their progression from here, that will be around when they start fattening up and finishing.

I do think I can get away with reducing their light time to 12 hours then, especially considering they'll still be getting light amounts corresponding to a daylight integral of 29-something, which is just shy of what commercial greenhouse growers give their tomatoes (=DLI of 30).

For now, they seem to be pretty happy with the changes, which greatly improves the closet climate - everything's just airier and more free now, even though they still are squished!
Cheers and happy growing to yous! :jointman:
Oh my, those are fantastic! Getting very frosty now too. Those pics made my morning, thank you. :headbang:

I would keep the autos on 18/6, but that's just my opinion. Looks like you have 2 different phenos with those two.
Oh my, those are fantastic! Getting very frosty now too. Those pics made my morning, thank you. :headbang:

I would keep the autos on 18/6, but that's just my opinion. Looks like you have 2 different phenos with those two.
Ah you're very welcome, nothing like sharing the joy! :jump:

Thanks for sharing your view on the lighting, I'm a bit hesitant myself, 'twould be a shame to rob them of any of their glory!
The thing is, the NLH is already pushing the envelope - if she bushes back up to anywhere near her mass before I defoliated her radically a week ago or so, the poor CQs may not be seeing much of any lights either way, never mind light schedules haha

The aim definitely is to make it so all plants can be the best they want to be. So we'll see, in 14 days, what the situation is like. And adapt depending on how things look.

And yes, definitely two phenos! what a lucky gal I am to get to know em both at once!:jointman: