Mephisto Genetics Cosmic Queens in not quite living soil

:spels: :spels: -----:drool: :hump: :clapper: oh man, I'm drooling on your tent floor right now! This cross is just stellar,... TGA has some of my fav's all time, Agent Orange, Vortex, Space Queen,....:bow:
.... These two are so lovely, you're working the magic out of them nicely! :d5: :slap:...the resins are fantastic, classic 'Phisto goodness,.... How do they smell? I'm curious to see if you have different pheno's, or the one purpling up is getting a bit cooler than the other? Temp' dips enough, and some strains start to express colors more vividly,... could be this is just some normal expression too, after all they're from seeds, so little differences are usually likely!
Do what you can to keep the RH% low as you can during this final ripening,... lingering mold is just waiting for that cold/high RH% to activate them! Fortunately, these aren't iron solid super fat cola's, which tend to suffer first and worst,.. my eternal heartbreak being an outdoor grower! :doh:... I'm now at the point now when I'm going to top everything regardless,... fat main colas are always where it hits initially, and I end up butchering them to halt progression anyway, so the big bud spear lust, often as not, doesn't get satisfied :rofl:
...they're getting close,.. you scopin' the trich's yet?
I know right!
And all despite my errant ways! :crying:

I have to finish a soil book first . I get the concept, still clueless!
What soil book are you reading?
I'm only beginning to explore the literature myself, so I'm curious about anything that says it discusses the soil ;)

There's a little book published by the USDA and available for free too, actually there are a few copies floating about online, here's one:

And this was the life-changing video for me - Elaine Ingham explaining the soil food web to British farmers at a convention I think in 2015

I was a big fan of Lowenfels in the beginning, have all his books, liked Teaming with Fungi best and the beginning of Teaming with Nutrients is amazing. I actually never read Teaming with Microbes as I found it to be chaotic and had a pretty good idea of the soil food web already by the time I got round to it... I really want to go back now and check what he wrote exactly. As far as I know, there is very little about microbial interaction and interdependence from the functional perspective in the literature - but that is what I am most curious about at the mo!
My gripe with Lowenfels is, he talks all day about soil life and then turns around and does "chemically" in Teaming with Nutrients - like most everyone else too, and thus doesn't do much towards changing my practices around to be more consciously microbe-friendly ;)

:spels: :spels: -----:drool: :hump: :clapper: oh man, I'm drooling on your tent floor right now! This cross is just stellar,... TGA has some of my fav's all time, Agent Orange, Vortex, Space Queen,....:bow:
.... These two are so lovely, you're working the magic out of them nicely! :d5: :slap:...the resins are fantastic, classic 'Phisto goodness,.... How do they smell? I'm curious to see if you have different pheno's, or the one purpling up is getting a bit cooler than the other? Temp' dips enough, and some strains start to express colors more vividly,... could be this is just some normal expression too, after all they're from seeds, so little differences are usually likely!
Do what you can to keep the RH% low as you can during this final ripening,... lingering mold is just waiting for that cold/high RH% to activate them! Fortunately, these aren't iron solid super fat cola's, which tend to suffer first and worst,.. my eternal heartbreak being an outdoor grower! :doh:... I'm now at the point now when I'm going to top everything regardless,... fat main colas are always where it hits initially, and I end up butchering them to halt progression anyway, so the big bud spear lust, often as not, doesn't get satisfied :rofl:
...they're getting close,.. you scopin' the trich's yet?
Haha thanks! Most of the credit goes to the plants themselves ;)
And yeah, watching her progress, I've been thinking of the CQ in a hi humidity outdoor context too - could be she'd do quite well, adapting the shape she takes on depending on what conditions she has? I've seen her make fat buds too, under drier indoor conditions of other people's grows, but look at Sissi's fluffy airiness and the space she has between budsites for airflow - she kept stretching for a long time going into flower, when the humidity really started taking off. So I really want to grow her again to check on that, and train her too, which I didn't really this round, especially since she does have lots of foliage too.

As for smells!
Sissi is settling into an undefinable sweet haziness, sometimes even a bit flowery, whilst Woozy is all fruits -peach, berries, lemon, grape, pineapple, sometimes moving into the artificial, when she has those Flintstone vitamin days - with a bit of occasional spice, and in the last few days, something of almonds.

Woozy is in fact about 10 days behind her sister in development, flying in the face of the "auto rule" whereby time lost in veg is never recovered. Because she got transplanted out of the main pot (it was supposed to be a best-of-two sprouting but I couldn't find the heart to kill her), and dwindled for about 10 days before deciding to live anyway. She just picked up where she left off and then decided to grow into a full plant, much to my surprise! Making the lack of space worse, but still I don't wish I had killed her (most of the time lol), since she's developing such a different bouquet - wouldn't have wanted to miss that!
So she may still color up later. Fact is, whatever cold air comes into the closet reaches Sissi first, as the intake hole is in the wall behind her.
So, not sure! We'll see! :D

And yes, going to look at trichs again today, she's getting that chunky look along her main cola, and I've thought of lopping that off first so it doesn't overripen whilst the rest is still fattening up...

OK the trichs expedition didn't really feel conclusive, but that may have to do with the fact that I got totally distracted :D by the sheer amount of trichs on the one hand, and the anthocyanins purpling up the bases all over the place on the other :dizzy:

Possibly I'm just getting to that point, where I get all whiny and hesitant because harvest means killing a creature who so valiantly put up with me and my ways :baghead:

Not sure, but I think taking the main cola and leaving the rest for another few days may actually be a good way to go -
These are from the main cola, more to the top
2018-02-15_leaf2-topbud (7b).jpg
there are even some black trichheads there :O

But really, lots of "amber" too, whilst she still seems to be putting out fresh trichs right next to them

2018-02-15_leaf2-topbud-top (3).jpg
2018-02-15_leaf2-topbud-top (8).jpg
2018-02-15_leaf2-topbud-top (11).jpg

2018-02-15_leaf2-topbud-top (10).jpg

Compared to the situation a bit further down
2018-02-15_leaf3 (2a).jpg

2018-02-15_leaf3 (6).jpg

Her fan leaves also started changing colors a few days ago. At bush bottom too, same green as on the uppermost fans - just minus the reds.


So I could just wait for those bottom leaves to discolor more, and take that as the plant's sign...

What would you guys do?!
I know right!
And all despite my errant ways! :crying:

What soil book are you reading?
I'm only beginning to explore the literature myself, so I'm curious about anything that says it discusses the soil ;)

There's a little book published by the USDA and available for free too, actually there are a few copies floating about online, here's one:

And this was the life-changing video for me - Elaine Ingham explaining the soil food web to British farmers at a convention I think in 2015

I was a big fan of Lowenfels in the beginning, have all his books, liked Teaming with Fungi best and the beginning of Teaming with Nutrients is amazing. I actually never read Teaming with Microbes as I found it to be chaotic and had a pretty good idea of the soil food web already by the time I got round to it... I really want to go back now and check what he wrote exactly. As far as I know, there is very little about microbial interaction and interdependence from the functional perspective in the literature - but that is what I am most curious about at the mo!
My gripe with Lowenfels is, he talks all day about soil life and then turns around and does "chemically" in Teaming with Nutrients - like most everyone else too, and thus doesn't do much towards changing my practices around to be more consciously microbe-friendly ;)


The Intelligent Gardener. It's good, rambling a bit. His main point is to test your soil but puts in details as to why there is a mineral deficiency in soil and ways to correct. Geared towards the outdoor gardener but it's a good foundation for me.

Thanks for the link!
Might as well post this here too, a little comparison of CQ branching I just shared with @Roasty McToasty on his thread, got some sweet babes going!! :D

Sissi with pyramidal branch structures whilst Woozy's are more cylindrical

2018-02-16_day73_branching (1).JPG
2018-02-16_day73_branching (2).JPG

Oh and SCIENCE time lol @Dudeski
Sissi's a goofy smoke haha
I ain't gonna get much done today, but it's gonna be fun lol
I blame the chlorophyll for the cloudiness in my head - course I had to smoke it wet too LMAO
I'm definitely going to take the main top off soon, maybe wait a day or two, so I get to be in should I - should I not? mode a bit longer :crying:
Cheers! :pimp:
Might as well post this here too, a little comparison of CQ branching I just shared with @Roasty McToasty on his thread, got some sweet babes going!! :D

Sissi with pyramidal branch structures whilst Woozy's are more cylindrical

View attachment 865412 View attachment 865413

Oh and SCIENCE time lol @Dudeski
Sissi's a goofy smoke haha
I ain't gonna get much done today, but it's gonna be fun lol
I blame the chlorophyll for the cloudiness in my head - course I had to smoke it wet too LMAO
I'm definitely going to take the main top off soon, maybe wait a day or two, so I get to be in should I - should I not? mode a bit longer :crying:
Cheers! :pimp:

I say, for the sake of sciencs, smoke a bit more of her before deciding :bong:
