soils apprentice
Haha! Always fun seeing someone dive down the rabbit hole! Worlds of adventure await!I liked it, I read instead of doing much work today! It has put me over the edge, I am going to put worms in the pots with my plants. 2 or 3 of them :smoking:
Yep! good compost and good maintenance practices for the soils it's mixed into :smiley1:Is it as simple as good compost?
Thing is, good compost isn't simple nowadays lol
Unless you live near Lansing Michigan, I know the composts from Great Lakes Compost must be good based on the results they've been getting from their no-till setups using it
Or if you're in California, anywhere between Sacramento and Santa Cruz, Malibu Compost is a guaranteed shortcut to a good microbial community too, based on MountainOrganics' recommendation (AND results, he's the guy with no-tills on their 22nd round in soil built with it).
And there are sure to be other compost makers who have found their repertoire of inputs and pay attention to the composting process to promote the right kind of microbial herd, finding them in your area is the tricky thing. Asking for microbial assessment results (though it makes one feel like a snob lol) will quickly tell you who has an awareness and who doesn't. Whereby good compost can even be made without that consciousness, as long as the composter has things like C:N ratios, temperature, aeration and humidity sorted - the methods are out there!
The sad thing about store bought compost and soil mixes is that even IF the original producer did a good job, oftentimes careless transportation and storage will ruin a perfectly good product, and mostly we have no way of knowing that. Were the bags left out in the scorching sun or were they drenched in rainfall, or both?
LOL my big box store around the corner does that, and my mousehole method of obtaining samples has confirmed it too - as if the bad smells (rot, algae) weren't telling enough! They just don't have an understanding that the stuff in those bags is living matter.... Very abrupt swings in conditions will actually even KILL the microbes, because they don't have the time needed to go dormant (which is what microbes usually do to survive unfriendly conditions - and they can be reawakened, if with some effort).
And there are ways to assess compost quality without a microscope
- smell: earthy, shroomy, sweet
- structure: aggregated, kernelly, original inputs no longer recognizable
- color: dark brown NOT black (black is an indication the compost got so hot it charred - in such a state, nutrients volatilize, beneficial microbes are eradicated, and good conditions for pathogens created)
- if you run water through a handful, the runoff should be of 70% cocoa chocolate (I've never seen this to now haha, but then I've never seen any compost or soil with a high - as in 2 and upwards - fungal presence to now either)
So that's where lots of people start composting themselves.
Our humble kitchen vermicomposts, if cared for well, will give us a better microbial community than most of the products out there.
It's small-scale, and doesn't require much beyond a few containers and a batch of starter worms.
3-5 months later, you'll have your first batch of good stuff, and that's real quick in the composting world. It will probably be more on the bacterial side, but it's a first step in a good direction and the simplest entry point if you can't get a hold of finished compost in the quality we want it in.
I won't lie, it's not so simple at first if we need to make our own eiter. There will be questions as to input quality, trial-and-error as we get to know the characteristics of our specific input and their sources, and also frustration and heartbreak over the way we humans have been impeding and destroying natural systems...ugh lol
On the bright side, you can get lucky too!!
Either by finding a composter, who may not even know of the soil food web but whose process - and produce - is sound anyway.
Or by having access to plant material that has grown in healthy soils and thus brings its microbial herd along with it as inoculant.
I hope that isn't all too discouraging, it's not meant to be, but I wouldn't want a friend to run into this without a fair consciousness of what they're getting themselves into
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