Mephisto Genetics Connoisseur Automatic's

damn LOl @mephisto sorry guys almost forgot ,my camera broke but ya;ll will see some seriously game changing pic once I get my new gear in 1-2 weeks maximum. these are what Im buying just as an FYI. broke the other day but Im hoping to have a replacement before it causes any issues AND ill finally have the capability to do quality videos ahhhhh, been wating that capability for a year or better. now I can do video soil tutorials :D weeeeeee

Amazon product

Amazon product

Amazon product

Amazon product

Amazon product

i also have been toying with the notion of getting a T6s from canon. 1,049 USD! realy nice camera man. starter pro gear :D
EXACTLY no more repeating myself LOL! Im ok with it most times but sometimes it gets to me LOL! so a few soils reviews and talks and simple mixing deals,easy peezy broseph. hopefully keep them long after Im dead n gone too. that'd be kinda cool LOL! but while Im here anyways they'll help TONS of people im almost 100% on that. I can talk about whatever and mix and brew n show n yap n yap LOL! ill try to keep them no more than 10 mins long or shorter honestly. even a long vid i'll split into pieces most likely.
videos would be awesome. I already have an image/voice, of you in my head. I wonder how far off I'll be.

This is kinda how I imagine you look
LMFAO! ehhh, not really. i'll be wearing either a mask or you just wont see my face really. but you'll see all 5'11 of me and 190 some pounds :D no hair buzzed off and nice framed glasses. a hoodie and lounge pant n slipper most times LOL!..stoned and thinking everyday. all day LOL!
the grape is still a llittle blotchy from the cob lighting. potent stuff. really rips into your plants sometimes. soils moist and top coating aint ready so they might get scarred which of course will bum me out LOL! but we;ll see. I keep swapping them around to minimize it some until i decide where they'll rest at. LOL!

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They're still pretty green looking to me!

How old are the 2 grape crinkles, double grape and Tyrone stomper?
dunno, I never follow that closely as per each day. LOL! noope but theyre a few weeks coming up on the larger ones. Id have to look back. honestly I just dont care how old they are to be truthful. its an auto, they auto'D and Im happy LOL! that simple with me! and thanks, they're greening up again some :)