Mephisto Genetics Connoisseur Automatic's

Some lovely Wet med pics lol

Well i was poking around smoking and since my camera was still sitting there with my buds and my bowl was empty i thought id share some other pics of the sour hound buds at several weeks in the jar.yuuum man is all i can say lol!!:Sharing One:

ya man them pots look nice man.I messed around with covering the top on one not long ago to increase the dark zone and increasing the root mass by doing the truest useage of the whole pots in many cases.:Sharing One:



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maybe its just me or do these look a slight bit off color..?!! they look lightly colored in a few small spots.nothing big,im prolly just picking it to death.They are looking exceedingly luscious however lol also got a BUNCH of new stuff and ordered my new LED and ill be sending or awesome pal mitch n Team a few hundred bucks fer some beaner buddies AND a hoodie too.GOTTA GOTTA gets me a hoodie for next fall n winter.gotta sport me sum genetics mang!!LOL!:dance2:

and the pistils be a poppin on both now..looove lee as per usual.:smoke: :tiphat:

[video=youtube;UEpVkqmBzpE] kjO4iUFcX[/video]


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Love how tightly stacked picture 022 is!! Some of the newer growth looks a little lighter maybe but I think it's just you :p
yeah,since Im right next to the LED i think it just makes them look a little pale is all when Im looking through a small ole screen lol plus my eyes are bad at that distance sooo lol .,Thanks brother!! :d5: :Sharing One:

Ohh yeah me too too.Im really really looking forward to the building her lower structure some.shes doing well so far,but we'll see.if I do it wrong it could hose the plant right up.but theyre mostly past the stunted Im hopeful man.Excited too!! lol! new light,beans n all all kinds of new upgrades too wooo hoooo :d5: :pass:
Looking awesome brother, they don't look anything but perfect from here :Sharing One:
and i finally put the few down to soak.the tree sided alien and the toothless alien and supernatural OG too.and i think its the toof X alien i did a second one of.. or the triangle X alien,cant remember but i did two of one of them lmfao! :Sharing One: still waiting for a buddy until i can make my laaast purchase.I hate having to wait on others sometimes lmfao!but oh well. Im excited to get these going.and next round..Maaan i got plans man lol!!:Sharing One:Thanks guys!!


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Nice bro. I should be soaking some blue dreams, Sour Diesels and Menphisto Chemdogging hopefully by the end of the weekend. Best of luck buddy!
Looking lovely bro!. Cant wait to see you germ that triangle x alien. Sounds like that one will be killer. :Sharing One:
yeah man,Thanks.ill be sowing them all sometime in the wee hours of the dark of the light later