Mephisto Genetics Connoisseur Automatic's

Eof your good at what you do, pop said your the one to talk to for organic advice
well Im a GUY too talk to certainly lmfao!But i really woundnt go so far to say that Im THEE guy to talk with but either way a guy notheless to yap it up with bout organics lol whatcha need man!?:Sharing One:
I already sent a pm ....oh and here's a natural organic slap to the face :slap:
Thanks for ye olde slappage to the dome man!!lol!! but like i said in the PM pretty much..there is several ways to start new to DONT need to know how to use them to utilize them right or well even. if your in the states I say get your start by getting the 5LB pack at for 20 bucks.if your in the EU region(s) there is an excellent write up from A4 about UK and EU region stuffs and what to mix and hpw much for his living organics make his or the simplest way is the 5LB pack and the few cheap components and 45 days later you have awsome soil my friend ready for a noob like how I got MY start too with a good quality Im sorry I cant just sell you some of my soil or something lol I kinda got a lot of it,.and it keep s revolving into an always usable soil that slightly grows each time you use or rework it so youll have from that 28 gallon mix i mention from the 5LB pack thatll grow into 35+ gallons in three grows depending on how many pots n things youll be running. but there are a lot of options.the three little birds mix is a great starter mix too. plkanty of options and if you have componets lemme see whatcha got if anything yet n we'll go from there. but I hate to puch the revs soil shit cuz I personally think I can ,make a better mix especially for autos are pretty straight forward imo. but lemme know whatch thinking bout bro lol:Sharing One:
Fox farms ocean forest is another good base for a tlo grow. Just make sure to cut it if you are growing autos, shits stupid hot. Ffof, worm castings, greensand and bat guanos are a good start. Sorry eof, my other organic junkie friend ;) had to throw my 2 cents in lol
yeah no problem man,i NEVER mind anyone..ANYONE tossing in an opinion bro no problem man. buuut normally Id agree IF FF soils were as decent as they USED to be.I personally would touch them if they were given to use them sure but test the PH GOOD prior to buying them soils or ANY SOIL for that matter prior to purchase man.ghet an Accurate 8 soil PH probe or youll have to toss caution to the wind n add a lot of lime..ppl are having to add more lime n buffering materials these day directly due to the inconsistencies of many soils today from all the chem grow going down and ppl literally wasting soil and other materials.. its a good soil but with the Acidic qualities of them and others Id stick With Empire,Dr. Earth,420 soil,Mana mix and similar off set items like that thatll tends to be an instant win for your garden(s).

its really uber simple. that 5LB pack a bag of Dr Earths soil1.5 CF bag 6 gallon of quality coco and/or spagnum peat moss or combo there of and 30-40 LBs of casting ans the 5LB pack n some perlite essentially 5 gallons of each.I use a 5 gsallon painters bucket US style n size. now using a standard soil like FF or Dr Earths soils you can work them decent with an even easier soup sytem of feeds. which id just as expensive as the 5LB pack additions imo.and better and sustainable too.anywho thanks again brother n i never mind anyone lending their opinions or trials of anything really. lol:Sharing One:
Yeah, ff soil line has degraded quickly over the past few years. Its still workable tho. Sunshine mix #4 is another one thats spiraled down hill also unfortunately. I am still recycling my old soil mixes and improving them as i go. The soil i typically use were made easily 4-5 years ago and are as good or better than when i started with them. I just recycle them and add amendments as needed and cook for 45-60days before use. Ill never toss that soil out :)