Thanks man. I'm very very impressed with the quality of this grow. Major trich production and dense buds! Oily to the touchJumping Grasshoppers!! Beautiful plants bud...amazing crystal counts!!
Thanks man. I'm very very impressed with the quality of this grow. Major trich production and dense buds! Oily to the touchJumping Grasshoppers!! Beautiful plants bud...amazing crystal counts!!
Thanks man. I'm very very impressed with the quality of this grow. Major trich production and dense buds! Oily to the touch
Yeah fruity with citrus. Smells a lot like the thc bomb did lol
Are you trying to get me killed? !?!So how are you feeling about the LED vs HID's? (like real power draw vs production)
Are you trying to get me killed? !?!
Well I won't know for sure until harvest, and I did mess my first grow up quite a bit. ...ummm is created denser bud but doesn't give me quite the rapid growth of the hps BUT my pants always look super happy and leaves standing proper, love the plant colors and it developed more evenly and in the right areas as where my brothers HPS just makes them get big every where. I'm going to grow thc bomb again here soon unset led and see how I do. Then I will have a final decision on what's better. I'm only running 50 watts less than my hid light so I'm not saving a lot there lol. I'm very happy with my current grow though.
Right that's the other huge factor. AN. I'm getting him to switch over after harvest though. He will b much happier I think. Easier to use. I'll do a full update on ALL 10 plants tomorrow as my garden is getting pretty crazy lolHaha Doug ahole vs Discretepete the grudge match, to the death!!
Thanks for the description. Yes it would be very hard to tell, unless you used the same strain. Even the change from to advanced nutes would have an impact for sure.
Ohhh man! That's no good brother. To bad it wasn't breeding time lol. Mines doing well I'd say, once the AN hit it took off lolI need to retake mine from 2 days ago are outdated already and I didn't even get around to uploading them...doh!!
Tomorrow...looking pretty good so far! Damn though...97% sure the biggest mango is a gentleman.