Lighting complete set up change. ...2nd grow let's see what happens. ...

Mine went to 68 days bro, it could have went a tad longer I think most go right around 71 to 75 days..
It will yellow and drop fan leafs no matter what you do sir, so prepare for that around 35 day mark..
I'm in the 40s and haven't lost nothing yet! Lol doing good so far. Only lost what got covered in nutrients during feeding lol
Day 43 today and things are on point so far. Got hairs starting to turn to orange over pay few days, moving right along. Just going they swell and yield nice. I need minimal 2 zips a plant dry.
Looking great man here's my AxT I topped and prob round 45-50 days now in 5 gal I hope mine buds up like urs those buds are going to be huge for u


Looking great man here's my AxT I topped and prob round 45-50 days now in 5 gal I hope mine buds up like urs those buds are going to be huge for u


Yours is a monster! Took pretty well to the topping! Might go a little longer than normal but she's going to fill out real nice for you! Got that am are cranking on it? 450 or 150?
It's in a 40"x40" with two 150w but it's directly under one n I believe its like this cause of the irons method cause my others ones wasn't even half of this
It's in a 40"x40" with two 150w but it's directly under one n I believe its like this cause of the irons method cause my others ones wasn't even half of this
Yeah mine seem kind of small but most people's do from what I've seen. Coupler monsters here and there. Curious if u could get the same results from irons method again from AxT. U got any more beans to see if this happens twice? Not downing irons method as I'm not too familiar with it. Just figured we would know for sure if you hit twice on a smaller strain like this ya know
Yeah mine seem kind of small but most people's do from what I've seen. Coupler monsters here and there. Curious if u could get the same results from irons method again from AxT. U got any more beans to see if this happens twice? Not downing irons method as I'm not too familiar with it. Just figured we would know for sure if you hit twice on a smaller strain like this ya know
No that makes since I was goin to run a PDxA next but will do another AxT to see wat up cause that will tell but loop got 9oz out of his monster next time ins run her in a hempy
Plus I'll clone her as I've seen ppl getting at least an oz from clone before just gotta take clone by third week I believe