Lighting complete set up change. ...2nd grow let's see what happens. ...

Poop @AutoFox I quoted my response into your quote :face: lol must b this Jesus OG I got today lol what distance should I have an old style 2009 mars hydro hanging from the canopy from day 0 to 20.seedlings. full spectrum only.
Thanks loop, real quick while your available. ...does this look like the onset of cal/mag def? Should I increase dose to 1.5 ml per liter. Gave 1ml past 2 or 3 feeds and it was .5ml per liter before that. Should have fed at 1ml per from beginning but anyway here's pics, am I correct?
@912GreenSkell @A4 does above look like mag deficiency? What's the quickest fix, all four get fed in the am so I can hit grow shop before I feed and get what I need. I have calimagic cal/mag supplement at 1-0-0 and AN extra calmag at 4-0-0 I've never foliar sprayed and don't think it's a good option with a 24/0 schedule like mine. ...Epsom salt tomorrow during feed? How do I use it and how much? Day 33 tomorrow.
@912GreenSkell @A4 does above look like mag deficiency? What's the quickest fix, all four get fed in the am so I can hit grow shop before I feed and get what I need. I have calimagic cal/mag supplement at 1-0-0 and AN extra calmag at 4-0-0 I've never foliar sprayed and don't think it's a good option with a 24/0 schedule like mine. ...Epsom salt tomorrow during feed? How do I use it and how much? Day 33 tomorrow.
Epsom salts, 1 gram per Gallon.

A gram always weighs a gram buy a tablespoon could hold different size pebbles so it's not consistent. 1 gram per gallon added with regular feed. It's always good. Even when not really needed
No these are autos so day 33 of their whole life lol. Well b starting bloom nutrients tomorrow morning on that specific plant. It's the only one showing signs like that. I'll do a photo shoot in a second of each plant separately. 1 through 4.
No these are autos so day 33 of their whole life lol. Well b starting bloom nutrients tomorrow morning on that specific plant. It's the only one showing signs like that. I'll do a photo shoot in a second of each plant separately. 1 through 4.
Ahhhhh, I'm sorry. Lol. I have to remember I'm in an Auto Flower Zone lol. My bad pete.. It's for sure time for bloom nutes, some strains are more finicky than others. Are they the same strain sir?