Lighting complete set up change. ...2nd grow let's see what happens. ...

Well dam those are some nice looking buds! I've heard great things about coco from here on afn, my hydro store owner uses coco mix too and said he would never go back to soil either. Once I hey dialed in maybe I'll try a run with coco to see the difference. I finally have enough room and power I can experiment some with growing methods and not effect my yields and harvest as much. Running the same watts as I had my first grow, just double the tent size and double the plants. Thanks again TT. I love learning new things. To me growing is all trial and error finding what works bray for your style grow to merry you're personal needs. That's why I love canna!
U can always break the formula down to a liter tho but this the truth I'm flowering two hempty buckets now so we'll see wats up
Couple pictures. 32
They may need a good feeding of a high p and high k mix the purple stems are A tell tell sings of low p and k or it may be the strain. But if you have diffrent types in there and thay all get the same water and thay all have purple leaf stems then they may need some good p and k food. Just my two cents
The 2 bower ones just started on bloom nuts and the no lst girl and other girl get switched over tomorrow. Seemed my plant was more stunted by a quick small flush and switching nutes than the one I just switched over. It's actually 1 feed of bloom nutrients behind the one pictured above by my foot. She's going to b something special I think. I'm also using Humboldt county's own crystal burst on the two older girls and not on the two I'm switching to bloom tomorrow. Will see if I notice any differences. It's had a N-P-K value of 0-15-15. Recommended use is 5ml per gallon. 1.25ml per liter and I started with .25ml per liter and will end at .5ml on one and if it can handle it I will push the other test subject to almost 1ml per liter which is close to a normal dose for a photo plant. From what I understand work only P and k it can't burn my plants. Can only cause lock out if my PH is out of wack. Think it went in at 6.21 with the crystal burst added. Have one or two new growth twisty leaves so I might give a straight RO watering to help clear things up and than back to feeding. Lol its like 2 or 3 leaves and isn't bad at all. I'll put my two cheap soil PH meters in and see what I read. What's my sweet spot for soil PH? 5.8 to 6.8?
Sweet spot for flowering 6.5 - 6.8 imo. I have done mid grow flushes with mixed outcomes. Some i needed to flush to save and some just to see what happens. But i honestly i never ph my water nor do i check my ph in my soil in my curent grow i have on here i cant even tell you what the ph is i have no idea. I use rain water only and trust my soil. Never realy have a problem. But if i had to guess and checked my ph i bet it would be spot on. I always listen to my plants so to speak and they tell me what they need. And Humboldt county's own crystal is the shit but what i do along with it is put some worm castings on top of the soil befor useing it the N in the castings is just the write amount and it helps the soil as well but i only used it outdoors not indoors.
Also Forgot the other reason for the worm castings was that the Humboldt county's own crystal burst has no microw nutes so be mindfull of that as well.[/QUOTin using it in conjunction with AN Carbo load, big bud and overdrive so my micro should b covered there. Using it strictly as a booster lol that's why I am feeding so low amounts. .25ml per liter to my autos. Just having some trouble working out the light heights with these LED panels. I think I'm good in my big tent but im trying to use an old style mars 200x3 in my 2x4 tent to start 3 plants at a time every 25 days in which at that point i will move them into my 4x4 under the 1200. All plants will b trained to keep a mostly even canopy for easier use of my light since I only have one in each tent and I want things to b even.