Lighting complete set up change. ...2nd grow let's see what happens. ...

Well I'll b trying both. One will get a small flush tomorrow and switch to bloom nutes. The other I will just give a half and half feed and then next feed after will b all bloom. Is like hitting puberty...just a slow change lol thanks for the input guys. I'll just run a test and see for myself lol I feel a little more comfortable in my cannabis growing. But still looking for good yielding healthy girls lol. @912GreenSkell I'm also going to b running tangs easy schedule on 1 of my portal stains to see how it works. Most likely the black stone. Can b easily compared amongst other grows. Enough seeds, soil, nutrients room and lights to start finding my own niche off the things I know. ..also I'll b adding some Humboldt crystal rush into my bloom schedule at 1ml per liter through the whole bloom phase. Might push the biggest plant to 2ml. Recommended dose on bottle is 4ml per liter. Does too much P and K cause nutrient burn like N in veg stage? Or does it only fluctuate soil pH if too much is given and not absorbed, this causing lockout? Thanks guys. ..
I don't know anything about tangs schedule so I can't comment on what he does or doesn't do. I also know nothing about AN nutrients as I believe they are way overpriced, so I have never even looked at them. I have never flushed for any reason other than severe problems in the soil and to the best of my recollection that has only been one time. That being said, there are a thousand and one different ways to grow a plant and achieve the same end result.

I will say, I have put together a lot of different organic mixes for people and there are reasons for everything in it. If you are following his schedule then it is probably best to follow it if you want the same results.

Not knocking tang or his style but it is difficult for me to comment on his schedule because we grow completely opposite styles.

Over the years I have grown out dozens of different mixes outdoors organic, and have had great success using many different mixes and techniques. That's what I love about many techniques to grow great plants.
Also ducted my heat from my tent out into the living room so Temps should b cooler. Now that im back to ruining just one light (the 1200) in the 4x4 I think I'm going to move the single AxT that I'm going to let grow naturally into my 2x4 tent to grow by its lonesome under the old style Mars 600. Will order a cheap 4 inch fan filet combo for now. See what I can get this girl to do. That leaves me with 3 AxT 1 Nashira 1 Blackstone 1 fairy frost, and starting a sour mango tomorrow. :face:What did I get myself into.
Blackstone popped this morning. Temps are around 77 to 78 so I got that back in order. Should go up slightly when I start running my 600w in my 2x4 over one girl in letting grow naturally. Maybe hit 80 to 82.will take pics this evening. Switching to bloom nutrients today on the 2 bigger girls. Day 30 following tangs schedule.
OK just started a sour D mango as well. Trying a new germinating method instead of presoaking my whole pot, I followed @Fairlynew advice and placed a paper towel roll cut down to 1 inch in length, such that in my soil and pressed only that area. Since I'm using promix hp I have no nutrients in my soil at all. I soaked the soul with maybe 100 ml of water from a bottle I mixed 1ml voodoo juice into. Will feed with this mix until day 10. Might add a ml or two of clonex. Unless I should add nothing? My soil contains nothing really.
Nice thread Pete. Your girls are looking great. I ran a Backstone last year using pretty close to your same set up and using Tangs AN schedule. She was not a big plant but the smoke was awesome. A link to the grow is in my signature. I think after dry and cure we got about 36g from her. Not a big yield but quality smoke.
Keep up the great work :thumbsup: