Lighting complete set up change. ...2nd grow let's see what happens. ...

My 2x2x4 box at full power with fans and all uses 287 watts + - 1 and only runs at full power for 7 hours
Try to save energy and maximize the grow potential of a grow space . Then scale it up once Ifs all perfect. So there's no wasted space and saving money and energy. And also for paranoid people the sunrise sunset works for them as far energy consumption is concerned.
subbed and watching I like your grow bro
OK so correction today is day 18 for the bigger girls. Fed just water this morning and they seemed to have good growth today! New growth is slightly burnt, hopefully today's watering cuts that back. They seemed to soak it up quick today too. Each received about 500ml of RO water. Not PHd. Here's some pics. ..
They are looking great. Are you going to lst them at all. It won't be to long and the stretching will be on.

Ohhhh yeah buddy! Love me some LST! Check out the link below to my last grow. Last 4 pages of it is loaded with bud poem from an amazing first LST and first ever grow
OK here we are day 20. Temps vary between 24c and 28c with door to room shut when I'm smoking. RH is between 40 and 50 most of the day. Overnight they really started to stretch! It's on! Tomorrow I'll b doing some LST on the two biggest girls and giving a feeding. Will record and take pictures tomorrow outside of tent. Got a new camera, just need to use it now! But here's some pics to tie yall over. ...
@Northern Grower or @Magic or a mod possibly move my thread under the LED section. I just realized I put it under indoor growing. Which I assume is fine lol but I wanted to b in the LED section so I was easier found by other LED users who might b able to give me some tips on my first LED grow. Sorry about the inconvenience everyone. Too much THC bomb and perplex. Happens to me all the time. :face: