Communal Learning TLO thread

sorry for posting up soo much stuff about your question. but tossing a simple recipe out there.anyone can do that. to read about each thing you choose to use since your a grower and know about NPK and trace elements ,life and water and aeration. sunlight ,BOOM! easy pezy. but in what combo ,and soil mixing and building is an art form and requires skill too. soooo. now ya see why I say you really have to either look at the recipes section ( only recommend revs mix,subs mix or even the KIS systems from all I have seen for buying. but base it on sub cool or read that rev's write up and make that) and essentially pick one and try it. levers was prolly thee closest and the three birds method in the recipes section. there are several that are simple and few items and covers the simplistic aspect of growing organic. :)

not too much?
not too much?
not too much at all. Fantastic read. You nailed the questions I had about bone meal and other animal products, which is great. Big Agro has changed so much, for the worst, over the years that I find it difficult trusting just about everything. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. You just saved me hours and hours of research!!

I will be back to rep you, repeatedly.
most are just watching really I think,verses asking questions. which is also fine. because honestly I can answer your stuff all day long. but all these things need to be tried and either partly fail and try again or stick to a recipe and copy it and learn fromn there. i learned so much watching an organic grow. i just made that medium mix from that TLOsoils place many many yrs ago now and once I watched it and kept reading and the heat,biological disease tamping and a huge host of benefits you can not get from a bottle. not needed here. just a complete mix to prep what one needs for pests,bloom what have ya. but no sweat guys. just ask and ill try but simple reading at first is good and when/if ya get stuck thats what Im here for fellas. no sweat.
this is @Mr Piggy Three Little Birds mix thats very simplistic. to my knowledge he uses it but has probably improved on it? dunno. just know he says it worked for him. but its simple. i have not used it personally.

Three Little Birds Method
40 gallons used soil
4 cups alfalfa meal
4 cups bone meal
4 cups kelp meal
4 cups powdered dolomite lime
30 pound bag of earthworm castings . . .
That’s the basic recipe . . .
However we also like to use
4 cups of Greensand
4 cups of Rock Phosphate
4 cups of diatomaceous earth

this is a hefty read but very worth it. about Brix or internal sugars in the plant(s). brix levels. very good to know even simple stuff.

these are subcools recipes broken down somewhat for most people.

Full Recipe
8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings
5 lbs steamed bone meal
5 lbs bloom bat guano
5 lbs blood meal
3 lbs rock phosphate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ cup sweet lime (dolomite)
½ cup azomite (trace elements)
2 tablespoons powdered humic acid

1/2 Recipe
4 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
12.5 to 25 lbs of organic worm castings
2.5lbs steamed bone meal
2.5lbs bloom bat guano
2.5lbs blood meal
1.5lbs rock phosphate
3/8 cup or 6 tablespoons Epsom Salts
1/4 cup or 4 tablespoon sweet lime (dolomite)
1/4 cup or 4 tablespoons azomite (trace elements)
1 tablespoon powdered humic acid

1/4 Recipe
2 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
6.25 to 12.5 lbs of organic worm castings
1.25lbs or 20 ounces steamed bone meal
1.25lbs or 20 ounces bloom bat guano
1.25lbs or 20 ounces blood meal
3/4 lbs rock phosphate
3/16 cup or 3 tablespoons Epsom Salts
1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons sweet lime (dolomite)
1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons azomite (trace elements)
1.5 teaspoons powdered humic acid

1/8 Recipe
1 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
3.125 to 6.25 lbs of organic worm castings
.625 lbs or 5/8 lbs or 10 ounces steamed bone meal
.625 lbs or 5/8 lbs or 10 ounces bloom bat guano
.625 lbs or 5/8 lbs or 10 ounces blood meal
3/8 lbs or 6 ounces rock phosphate
3/32 cup or 1.5 tablespoons Epsom Salts
1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon sweet lime (dolomite)
1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon azomite (trace elements)
3/4 teaspoon powdered humic acid

and a few more

[h=2]Soil Recipes: The first two are for containers. The third 3rd is for raised beds and the ground.[/h]Soil Recipe 1:
8 large bags of high quality organic potting soil
25-50 lbs. of organic worm castings
5 lbs. of Blood meal 12-0-0
5 lbs. Bat guano 0-5-0
5 lbs. Fish Bone Meal 3-16-0
¾ cup Epsom salt
1 cup Sweet lime (Dolomite)
½ cup Azomite ( Trace element)
2 Tbs. dry Humic acid. Mix well, wet, let sit for 2+ weeks. Subcool's Supersoil
Soil Recipe 2:
40 gallons used soil, or organic potting soil
4 cups alfalfa meal
4 cups bone meal
4 cups kelp meal
4 cups powdered dolomite lime
30 pound bag of earthworm castings . . .
That’s the basic recipe . . . However we also like to use:
4 cups of Greensand
4 cups of Rock Phosphate
4 cups of diatomaceous earth. Mix well, wet, let sit for 2+ weeks.
Soil Recipe 3:
20% Compost
20% Topsoil
15% Steer Compost
15% Mushroom Compost
20% Pumice
10% Coarse Sand
Worm Castings
VAM Mycorrhizal Fungi

This was also super interesting. Growing, specifically "true organically" has always been intimidating to me. I could never start doing it without a ton of research. All of this is pointing me in the right direction. I will start with spring (hopefully), produce. (I won't clog this thread with food talk lol)
"Brix" levels are a complete eye opener for me. It has always been a no brainer that organics taste better. Now I have a minimal understanding why. I can't wait to smoke the good shit!
GREAT!! :) Glad to hear it. Thanks man

I did want to clarify one thing though. many mixes will say Peat moss and things like that.. NO PEAT MOSS EVER!! Coco Coir is the answer. many of these are out dated mixes before coco was really around a whole bunch,but now its ready to go. so no more Peat moss or peat moss products if you can help it. some things have it I know but try and limit or stop the purchase of Peat.

so a fistful of small perlite or pumice rocks/lava rocks etc. ,and some coco will work just as good an an aerated peat mix every time without fail. even better actually ime.