Communal Learning TLO thread

I guess I'm torn on this; I completely understand your frustration and angst ESPECIALLY after seeing so many people come in with the, "Tell me how you do it".. Shit, HE ALREADY DID!!!! I've only recently switched to organics and have had 100x more success, 90% of it, thanks to you!!!! The other 10% was just stuff I had known from when I was a kid in the veggie garden with my dad..

Don't ever become a stranger around here!!! Your presence is more than appreciated!! Not to mention, you don't sound like my high school physics teacher when you're trying to explain something.. You break it down into simple Engrish and those who choose not to search your volumes are the ones truly losing out!!!

I'd still love to see some updates on your work, so don't feel like your stuff goes unnoticed!!!!!
I guess I'm torn on this; I completely understand your frustration and angst ESPECIALLY after seeing so many people come in with the, "Tell me how you do it".. Shit, HE ALREADY DID!!!! I've only recently switched to organics and have had 100x more success, 90% of it, thanks to you!!!! The other 10% was just stuff I had known from when I was a kid in the veggie garden with my dad..

Don't ever become a stranger around here!!! Your presence is more than appreciated!! Not to mention, you don't sound like my high school physics teacher when you're trying to explain something.. You break it down into simple Engrish and those who choose not to search your volumes are the ones truly losing out!!!

I'd still love to see some updates on your work, so don't feel like your stuff goes unnoticed!!!!!
Here here!
Benefits of Humates

Biological Benefits
Stimulates plant enzymes
Acts as an organic catalyst
Stimulates growth and proliferation of desirable soil microorganisms (algae, bacteria, fungi, etc)
Increases root respiration and formation
Increases the availability of micronutrients
Increases the permeability of plant membranes, which increases the uptake of nutrients
Increases the vitamin content of plants
Increases the viability and germination of seed
Accelerates cell division and root development
Contains a wealth of micro-elements such as Si, Fe, Mg, S, Ba, B, Mn, Co, Ni, Ti, Mo, Cu, Pb, Ag and more
Increases photosynthesis in plants
Contains soluble silicon
Silicon strengthens cell walls
Silicon helps block disease invasion at the cell level
Silicon helps plants maintain more uniform cell temperature, which increases drought and frost tolerance

Chemical Benefits
Increases buffering properties of soil
Rich in both organic and mineral substances essential to plant growth
Retains water soluble fertilizers in the root zones and releases them to plants when needed
Has an extremely high CEC (cation exchange capacity)
Promotes the conversion of insoluble nutrients into forms available to plants
Reduces or eliminates many soil-related phenomenon, such as dry spots on golf greens

Physical Benefits

Makes soil more friable and crumbly
Improves soil workability
Increases aeration of soil
Reduces thatch build-up in turfgrasses
Increases water holding capacity
Improves thermal coloring of soil

Literature Cited

Levinski, Boris, 1999. Everything About Humates. Irkutsk University, Siberia, 1-23, January.
Senn, T.L. and Kingman, A.R., 1973. A Review of Humus and Humic Acids. Clemson University, Dept. of Horticulture, Research Series No. 145, March.
Freeman, P.G., 1969. The Use of Lignite Products as Plant Growth Stimulants. Technology and Use of Lignite, IC Bureau of Mines Information Circular, 8471: 150-153; 160; 162; 164.
Burdick, E.M., 1965 Commercial Humates for Agriculture and the Fertilizer Industry.
Economic Botany. Vol. 19, No. 2: 152-156.
Using Spent Mushroom Substrate (mushroom soil) as a Soil Amendment to Improve Turf
If you are trying to improve the quality of turf growing in poor or marginal soils, consider using spent mushroom substrate (SMS) as a soil amendment. Spent mushroom substrate (sometimes called mushroom soil, recycled mushroom compost, or mushroom compost) can improve the structure of clay soils, reduce surface crusting and compaction, promote drainage, increase microbial activity, and provide nutrients to turfgrasses. These improvements promote faster turf establishment, improved turf density and color, increased rooting, and less need for fertilizer and irrigation.

Spent mushroom substrate production sites are located near areas of intensive turf use, providing a readily-available source of organic matter. When considering costs, keep in mind that SMS may produce better soil and turf than equal or greater amounts of topsoil.

figure 1

Characteristics of SMS
Spent mushroom substrate is the composted organic material remaining after a crop of mushrooms is harvested. Mushrooms are grown in a mixture of natural products, including horse-bedded straw (straw from horse stables), hay, poultry manure, ground corn cobs, cottonseed hulls, gypsum, and other substances. This mixture is composted in piles or ricks, creating a dark brown, fibrous, and pliable organic growing media. When the composting process is complete, the media is brought into mushroom houses where it is placed into beds or trays and used as a substrate for growing mushrooms. After the mushrooms are harvested, the "spent" substrate is removed from the houses and pasteurized with steam to kill insects, pathogens, and mushroom remnants.

figure 2

Spent mushroom substrate is sometimes sold immediately after it is removed from mushroom houses; in this case it is referred to as "fresh SMS". Alternatively, the SMS can be placed in windrows and further composted for several weeks or several months. This material is often called "weathered SMS" and differs in composition and appearance from fresh SMS. Some producers blend SMS with soil to produce a ready-to-use growing medium for turfgrasses and other plants.

Selecting a SMS product - some guidelines to follow
Although many of the ingredients that go into SMS products are similar, not all products are alike. Quality of SMS can vary depending on the ingredients, how it is produced, and how it is treated after it comes out of the mushroom production houses. Because of potential quality differences among products, it is important to have some basis for determining suitability for use on turf. Ideally, the product you intend to use has been field tested and used successfully by other turf managers. Using a SMS product with a proven track record can take some of the guess work out of the selection process provided that it is consistent from batch to batch.

Whether you are using a field-tested SMS or one that has never been used on turf, be sure to obtain a sample of the product prior to use and examine it for undesirable objects and peculiar or offensive odors. If the producer does not have an analysis of chemical and physical properties, submit a representative sample to a laboratory that will conduct appropriate tests and provide recommendations that you can understand. Penn State's Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory offers a compost testing service with several options for analysis of SMS products. Information on the compost testing program and other soil testing programs can be accessed at .

Some basic guidelines for evaluating the suitability of SMS products for use on turf follows.

General appearance: The appearance of fresh SMS is similar to peat, with a light brown color and a light, fibrous texture. Weathered SMS products should resemble dark topsoil and have a loose, crumbly structure. All SMS products to be used on turf should be free of large stones, plastic, and other objectionable objects.

figure 3

Particle size: The size of SMS particles can vary depending on how it is produced. For use in surface applications on athletic fields, lawns, or golf course fairways, the SMS should pass through a 1/2 inch screen (or be of similar size). Composts with slightly larger particles can be used as soil amendments if thoroughly tilled into the soil prior to seeding or sodding.

Odor: A good quality SMS product should have an 'earthy' aroma. It should not emit peculiar or offensive odors such as those associated sulfur or rotten eggs. Also, it should not emit a strong ammonia odor. Peculiar odors may be an indication that the product is not mature (not fully composted). Immature SMS may have adverse effects on turf and should not be used.

Weed seeds: If the SMS product has been properly composted and stored, weed seed contamination will not be a problem. On rare occasions, SMS products are stored for long periods and neglected. In such cases, weed plants can begin to grow in the piles. If these weeds are not controlled immediately they can deposit seeds in the product.

Although a few weed seeds do not necessarily preclude the use of a SMS product as a soil amendment for turf, products containing large amounts of weed seeds are unacceptable. If possible, inspect the production site to make sure that weeds are not growing in and around the SMS piles.

Moisture content: The moisture content of a SMS product is important where uniform application and good mixing with soil is desired. Products with moisture contents between 30 and 50% are usually ideal for handling, surface applications, and soil incorporation. Wet products (greater than 60% moisture content) tend to form clumps and do not spread evenly when applied to turf surfaces. Tilling wet material into soil may result in poor mixing with soil and uneven turf establishment. Wet SMS is heavy and difficult to handle.

A quick field test that you can use to determine suitable water content of SMS is to squeeze the product in the palm of your hand and watch for water oozing from the product. If water drips from the SMS upon squeezing, then the product may be too wet, and further drying should improve product handling. If the SMS remains together when you release your grip and no water drips from the product, it probably has suitable water content for spreading and mixing with soil.

Organic matter and ash content: When using SMS as an organic matter supplement, keep in mind that not all of the product is organic matter. Spent mushroom substrate products typically contain between 40 and 60% organic matter on a dry weight basis. Organic matter content can be determined by a lab test. The most common procedure employed by laboratories, "loss on ignition", considers everything that is combustible as organic matter.

Some test labs report a value called 'ash content'. Ash is the mineral matter that remains after the SMS sample has been subjected to extremely high temperatures in a furnace. Assuming that everything burned-off in the furnace is organic matter, the percentage of ash in the sample can be subtracted from 100 to provide an estimate of percent organic matter. For example, an ash content of 40% indicates that there is an estimated 60% organic matter in the sample.

Carbon to nitrogen ratio: The amount of carbon (C) relative to the amount of nitrogen (N) in a SMS product is an important indicator of nitrogen availability. The carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio of a product should be 30:1 or below. If above 35:1, soil microorganisms can immobilize nitrogen, making it unavailable to the turf. Most SMS products have C:N ratios well below 30:1.

Nutrients: When compared with fertilizers, SMS products generally contain low amounts of plant nutrients. Whereas a small amount of quick-release nitrogen (ammonium) is present in SMS, most nitrogen is in the organic form and is slowly available to turf. Test results of SMS products typically indicate 1.5 to 3% total nitrogen on a dry weight basis. Other nutrients found in SMS include phosphorus (0.5 to 2.0 %, reported as P 2 O 5 ), potassium (1.0 to 3.0%, reported as K 2 O), calcium (3 to 6%), and magnesium (0.4 to 1.0%).

Typically, significant amounts of SMS must be applied to supply all or most of the turf's nutrient requirements. In some cases, this can be achieved for short durations (8 to 10 weeks) with surface applications of ¼ to ½ inch of SMS, aerated into the soil surface. In many cases, a 1 or 2 inch layer of SMS tilled 4 to 6 inches into soil can supply all of the nutrients necessary for turf growth and development for an entire year and possibly longer.

pH: The pH of most SMS products is between 6.0 and 8.0, a range favorable for turf root growth. On rare occasion, a product may fall outside of this range. The pH of organic amendments may be detrimental to turf when very high (greater than 8.5) or very low (less than 5.5). Extremes in pH may result in reduced availability of some plant nutrients and/or aluminum toxicity problems. Fortunately, most soils are buffered against rapid and drastic changes in pH and even organic amendments with extremes in pH may not alter the overall soil pH a great deal. To be on the safe side, however, try using products with a pH between 6.0 and 8.0.

Soluble salts: Soluble salts may be higher in SMS products than in other types of organic amendments. Whereas, excess soluble salts can cause turf injury, research conducted at Penn State shows that good quality SMS products do not contain salt levels high enough to damage turf. If you have questions regarding the soluble salt content of a particular SMS product and how safe it is to use on turf, send the product to a soil test lab that performs soluble salts analyses on composts.

Penn State's Agricultural Analytical Services Lab and other laboratories measure soluble salt content in SMS by saturating the sample with water, extracting the solution from the sample, and determining salt content by measuring the electrical conductivity of the solution. The higher the electrical conductivity of the solution, the higher is the salt content of the SMS. Soluble salt content is most often reported in units of electrical conductivity (mmhos/cm or dS/m).

As you interpret the results of soluble salt tests, keep in mind that the electrical conductivity values will vary depending on the test method used by the lab. For example, some laboratories dilute one part SMS with two parts water (1:2 v:v), whereas other labs may use one part SMS to five parts water on a volume basis (1:5 v:v). Obviously, the 1:5 v:v method would result in a more dilute solution and give a lower conductivity reading than the 1:2 v:v method. Another factor influencing results of soluble salt tests is whether the dilutions are done on a volume basis or on a weight basis. Conductivity values are generally higher when tests are performed on a weight basis. Table 1 illustrates how results will vary depending on how the test is performed.

Mushroom Substrate as Soil Amendment Table 1

Unfortunately, there is no simple conversion factor that can be used to compare the results of one test to another, thus you must rely on laboratory suggestions or contact an expert for help with interpretation. At Penn State, soluble salt tests for SMS are usually performed using the 1:5 w:w method. Research at Penn State has shown that SMS with a soluble salt reading of 18 mmhos/cm was not harmful to mature Kentucky bluegrass turf when applied as surface topdressing in spring and fall. More research needs to be performed to determine how high soluble salt concentrations can go before turf damage occurs.

Turfgrass species and varieties vary in their tolerance to soluble salts; and plants in the seedling stage are more susceptible to salt injury than mature plants. Salt sensitive grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass may be injured at lower soluble salt concentrations than salt tolerant species such as tall fescue. Regardless of the species, care should be exercised if SMS is applied to newly-established turf.

When SMS products are tilled into soils, the salt concentrations are greatly diluted. Irrigation further diminishes salt concentrations by leaching salts from the root zone. In an establishment study at Penn State, a SMS product with a soluble salt content of 8.10 mmhos/cm was incorporated into a clay loam soil and irrigated daily until Kentucky bluegrass seeds germinated (approximately 20 days). No noticeable seedling inhibition occurred.

Guidelines summary
The preceding paragraphs serve only as a general guide for SMS selection. Some SMS products may meet these criteria, but could have other properties that make them unsuitable for turf use. Others may have properties that do not fall within these guidelines, yet are acceptable for use in some situations. When choosing a SMS product as a soil amendment prior to seeding or for surface application it is important that you are familiar with the product and how it will affect the turf. Try to find a product that is consistent from batch to batch and preferably one that has been thoroughly tested and used successfully by other turf managers.

If you are unfamiliar with the product, be sure to examine it for color, objectionable objects, particle sizes, and odors. It may be worth your while to visit the site where the product is stored to make sure it is not contaminated with weeds or weed seeds. Other important considerations are moisture content, organic matter content, C:N ratio, nutrients, pH, and soluble salts.

Mushroom Substrate as a Soil Amendment Table 2

Methods of SMS application
Incorporation of SMS into soil prior to turf establishment: In most cases, SMS products are applied to the soil surface at a rate of between a 1-inch layer (approximately 3.1 cubic yards per 1000 ft²) and a 2-inch layer (about 6.2 cubic yards per 1000 ft²) then incorporated into the soil to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. In order to obtain maximum performance from your application, make sure that the SMS product is thoroughly mixed with the soil and is not forming a layer at the soil surface. Depending on the product, this may require several passes with a rototiller. The lower rate (1-inch layer) is better suited for marginally-good soils and the higher rate (2-inch layer) for very sandy soils, clay soils, or subsoils low in organic matter. If more than two inches are applied, it may be difficult to mix the material 4 to 6 inches into the soil. On clay or compacted soils, it is helpful to rototill the soil first, then apply the SMS and incorporate.

figure 4

Figure 4. SMS products can be applied to the soil surface in a 1- or 2- inch layer, then incorporated into the soil with a rototiller.

Although SMS products usually supply enough nutrients for good turf establishment, in poor soils, additional phosphorus and potassium as well as starter fertilizer may be needed for vigorous seedling growth. Although many SMS products can raise the pH of slightly acid soils, soils with a very low pH (below 5.5) may require additional lime.

Surface applications of SMS on established turf: SMS products are frequently used as surface applications (topdressings) on established turf. This practice provides a means of gradually incorporating organic matter into the soil without causing extensive disruption of the surface. The two most limiting factors associated with this practice are finding suitable application equipment and working the material into the soil.

Because SMS is usually light and bulky, a spreader with a large hopper is preferred. Modified manure spreaders with conveyor belts and brushes mounted on the back are ideal for spreading SMS over large areas. Conventional tractor-mounted fertilizer spreaders have been used successfully, but may require many refills. If spreaders are not available, SMS can be applied to the surface by spreading piles into a thin layer with a York rake or a grading blade.

Figure 5

Some landscaping companies are now using blowers mounted on trucks and fitted with large hoses or tubes for spreading fresh SMS. Fresh SMS is preferred because it is light and fibrous, thus it is less likely to clog hoses. This method works particularly well on sloped areas where it is difficult to operate a topdressing unit. For applications over small areas, the product can be spread with a shovel and worked into the turf with a leaf rake.


When applying SMS as topdressing, it is important to apply a thin layer (about ¼ inch) and work it into the soil. Successive applications of thick layers without soil incorporation will result in a build-up of organic matter at the soil surface that may cause rapid drying of turf roots and form a layer that restricts root growth into the soil. The best way to incorporate SMS into the soil is through aeration. A good method of incorporation is to apply the SMS product first, followed by several passes with an aerator equipped with hollow-tines and a heavy drag mat attached. The drag mat will break-up the cores and mix the compost with the soil, dragging some of the mix back into the holes. This operation is best performed during cool/moist seasons when grass is actively growing. Aeration and dragging can be stressful to the turf during hot, dry weather.

Mushroom Substrate as a Soil Amendment

Prepared by Peter Landschoot, professor of turfgrass science, and Andrew McNitt, assistant professor of soil science
Bokashi Compost Tea

A staple of successful gardeners everywhere, compost tea is a great source of organic fertilizer used to give your growing plants an extra boost. Compost tea can be created after making compost using any method, however the Bokashi method is especially high in nutrients.

What is Bokashi Tea?

Bokashi tea, juice, or leachate, is the liquid produced through fermentation of the waste in the Bokashi bucket and contains a high concentration of efficient microorganisms that break down organic matter into a bio-available form that can be easily absorbed by plants.

The volume of Bokashi juice depends on the amount of liquid and water-containing organic waste that is fermented. Watermelon rinds, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, and other items containing large amounts of water will produce more of the Bokashi tea. Typically adding additional water or juices to make the tea is not recommended. The Bokashi tea can be drained through the spigot at the base of the bucket. A high level of tea production is not necessary for Bokashi fermentation.

For more information see How to Bokashi.

How to Use Bokashi Tea

A newly started bucket may take up to a week or more to produce much Bokashi leachate. Thereafter, draining the excess liquid should be done every few days. The tea is highly acidic and may burn plants and lawns unless diluted.

Dilute one part tea to 100 parts non-chlorinated water (1:100 ratio) and use on lawns, gardens, trees, shrubs, and flowers through root or foliar feeding. Use the Bokashi compost tea the same day as it tends to spoil quickly.

The term "composting" is used worldwide with differing meanings. Some composting textbooks narrowly define composting as being an aerobic form of decomposition, primarily by microbes.[citation needed] An alternative term to composting is "aerobic digestion", which in turn is also referred to as "wet composting".

For many people, composting is used to refer to several different types of biological process. In North America, "anaerobic composting" is still a common term for what much of the rest of the world and in technical publications people call "anaerobic digestion". The microbes used and the processes involved are quite different between composting and anaerobic digestion.
sprinkle cinnamon on the soil surface and repeat the application when the cinnamon gets damp from repeated watering and begins to lose its effectiveness. Cinnamon has a pleasant smell. It’s inexpensive. It’s common so you don’t need to go hunting for it at specialty food stores. I buy the large bottle at Costco for less than $5, making it very economical. Cinnamon is nontoxic to pets and children, too.

Other spices that have antifungal and antibacterial properties:

These are stronger smelling than cinnamon, but will also work, if you need it in a hurry and are out of cinnamon.

Use spiced “tea” to water your seedlings:

Whole Spices that are antifungal and antibacterial:

Whole cinnamon Sticks
Whole cloves

To Use:

Make a strong tea using the whole spices by simmering them on the stove for 5 minutes. Use about 1 tbsp of broken pieces of whole cinnamon sticks and whole cloves, per cup of water. Allow to cool completely with the spices in the water. Strain when it is cool. Use this to water your plants about once a week to keep damping-off disease away.

Water with hydrogen peroxide:

Add 1 tsp. of hydrogen peroxide to 2 cups of water and use this to water your plants. It helps to oxygenate the soil and helps to keep fungus spores from multiplying within your potting soil. Hydrogen peroxide super-oxygenates the soil, effectively killing bacterial and fungal spores.

Let the plant’s root system mature before transplanting:

Mature plants that have filled the root zone in their pots give off plant compounds that inhibit fungal spores. Allowing the plants to fill their pots with roots before transplanting to a larger size pot, or into the ground will help the plant to overcome any stray spores of damping-off fungus.

Conversely, transplanting too soon, will make it harder for your plant to ward off the fungal disease without extra help. You don’t want the plant to become root bound, as many nursery plants are by the time you buy them. But you do want them to extend their roots right through the soil of the pot. Well rooted plants are more likely to be able to overcome fungal problems.

The Recap: The natural way to keep damping-off disease away

Keep the environment within the pot clean
Use powdered kitchen spices on the soil surface
Water with spiced “tea”
Water with hydrogen peroxide solution
Let the plant’s root system grow so it can protect itself before transplanting
Arm yourself with these natural and easy steps to keep your seedlings growing strong and defeat damping off disease once and for all.

Of course overwatering & cool temps is part of the cause, running a fan helps, overcrowded seedlings is also a problem. Sterilizing the soil in the microwave may help.

Here's what Google Search came up with. What do you recommend?

Chamomile Tea: Naturally high in sulphur, this popular tea is a fungicide. Make an infusion with three chamomile teabags and allow it to steep for about 20 minutes. Add the concentration to a sterilized spray bottle and mist the seedlings once they start to sprout.

Ground Cinnamon: A natural anti-fungal, sprinkling the soil surface with some ground cinnamon can stop damping off. This needs to be done only once.

Hydrogen peroxide: Add one cup of hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of boiled water. Allow it to cool and mist the seedlings.

Organic gardeners have reported success using sprays created with seaweed extracts or diluted Neem oil.
Benefits of Humates

Biological Benefits
Stimulates plant enzymes
Acts as an organic catalyst
Stimulates growth and proliferation of desirable soil microorganisms (algae, bacteria, fungi, etc)
Increases root respiration and formation
Increases the availability of micronutrients
Increases the permeability of plant membranes, which increases the uptake of nutrients
Increases the vitamin content of plants
Increases the viability and germination of seed
Accelerates cell division and root development
Contains a wealth of micro-elements such as Si, Fe, Mg, S, Ba, B, Mn, Co, Ni, Ti, Mo, Cu, Pb, Ag and more
Increases photosynthesis in plants
Contains soluble silicon
Silicon strengthens cell walls
Silicon helps block disease invasion at the cell level
Silicon helps plants maintain more uniform cell temperature, which increases drought and frost tolerance

Chemical Benefits
Increases buffering properties of soil
Rich in both organic and mineral substances essential to plant growth
Retains water soluble fertilizers in the root zones and releases them to plants when needed
Has an extremely high CEC (cation exchange capacity)
Promotes the conversion of insoluble nutrients into forms available to plants
Reduces or eliminates many soil-related phenomenon, such as dry spots on golf greens

Physical Benefits

Makes soil more friable and crumbly
Improves soil workability
Increases aeration of soil
Reduces thatch build-up in turfgrasses
Increases water holding capacity
Improves thermal coloring of soil

Literature Cited

Levinski, Boris, 1999. Everything About Humates. Irkutsk University, Siberia, 1-23, January.
Senn, T.L. and Kingman, A.R., 1973. A Review of Humus and Humic Acids. Clemson University, Dept. of Horticulture, Research Series No. 145, March.
Freeman, P.G., 1969. The Use of Lignite Products as Plant Growth Stimulants. Technology and Use of Lignite, IC Bureau of Mines Information Circular, 8471: 150-153; 160; 162; 164.
Burdick, E.M., 1965 Commercial Humates for Agriculture and the Fertilizer Industry.
Economic Botany. Vol. 19, No. 2: 152-156.
How do you ensure a good humate ratio in your soil?. I have a humate product here that we've had for a few years, wonder if it has a limited shelf life, or is stable like a mineral.
What I'm wondering is Are there other ways to introduce it to the soil? Or is it from a specific source (as appears from the label I have here)
Holy shit!!!!! That was fucking awesome!!!! I need to see if I can find any mushroom farms around here to see if I can get any of their leftovers!!

I also plan on starting a bokashi bucket in the next couple months when the weather gets warmer.. I need to re-read your stuff on it and do a little more reading on it to make sure I'm doing it right..

I have a lot of sun in my backyard during the June/July time-frame and even into August; sometimes close to 8hrs of full sun.. I'm excited to try some of this stuff with my veggies to see if I can improve on last year's harvest.. My tomatoes did okay, about 50/50.. Beefsteaks sucked, 1 plant got a weird disease and the other had an odd deficiency that I couldn't fix, while the cherry tomatoes wouldn't stop coming until frost!! My peppers were bangin, absolutely ridiculous and my basil was almost 3ft tall, and this is w/ the Subcool recipe, so imagine what I could pull off this year!!! lol
Commercial Humates for Agriculture
and the Fertilizer Industry
The humate content of soils must be maintained for optimum productivity.
Skilled agriculturists are aware of this and accomplish it by indirect and costly
methods. The same can be achieved through the use of humate concentrates,
which are salts of the humic acids obtainable from natural sources, that can be
added directly to soils along with regular commercial fertilizers.
The humates are so important in garden
and crop production that practically all modem
soil management practices are designed
to increase their content. The necessity of
maintaining an adequate concentration of
humate material in productive soils has been
recognized by agriculturists for many years.
As far back as 1786, Achard (1) conducted
and published research on humus.
Sprengel (50) showed it could be extracted
from soil in 1826, but little or nothing of
significance along this line was added during
the next 100 years.
The fertilizer industry has long emphasized
the importance of maintaining the humic
content of soils to ensure good productivity
(40). Extension and research agronomists
have engaged in the study of these
humic substances for many years, and
many scientific data regarding them are common
knowledge to most agricultural workers.
Humus is the Latin word for soil. Humus
and its related chemical derivatives are mainly
responsible for the brown or black color
of fertile soils. Humic materials are the
partly decayed and otherwise transformed
organic matter built up or accumulated in
soils through natural biochemical processes
over the ages, and which convert mineral
dusts into soils. Humic matter is continuously
being formed in soils, and at the same
time, it is continuously being destroyed (33).
1 CoIsultiIng Chemist, 4821 Ronda Street,
Coral Gables, Florida.
Received for publication June 5, 1964.
Modern cultivation practices greatly accelerate
the rate of destruction of humie material,
which must be replaced in some manner if
the productivity of the soil is to be maintained.

Crop rotation, adequate fertilization,
planting legumes, plowing under of green
manures, application of animal manures, inoculation
with microorganisms, and the use
of expensive organic fertilizers are some of
the more acceptable ways of maintaining
adequate amounts of humic materials in
soils. These practices are quite effective, but
they are indirect, time consuming, wasteful,
and costly. Simple analysis of this situation
suggests that the humates be added directly
to the soil exactly as is done with fertilizers.
The obvious difficulty with this suggestion
lies in the fact that adequate supplies of
highly concentrated and purified humates
are relatively unavailable commercially. Humates
have been produced commercially in
Austria and Japan for some time, and in
the United States for use in oil well drilling
muds for several years (6, 11, 12), but only
recently have suitable ones become available
for the agricultural industry. Production
is somewhat limited at present, although
it is expected to increase rapidly, since various
salts of the humic acids, such as the
ammonium humates and the potassium humates,
can be added to standard commercial
fertilizer formulas to make them more comllete.
Recent developments along these lines
in this country should soon make the humates
available in large volumie and at costs
low enough to permit their direct application
to farmlands (5).
Unique Properties of the Humates
Humus is the organic matter of soils that
has decayed sufficiently to have lost its identity
with regards to its origin. The most important
and biochemically active group of
the many degradation products of soil organic
materials is the alkali-soluble fraction
commonly called the humic acids. The salts
of these humic acids are known as the humates.
Humates supply growing plants with
food, but they serve in much more important
ways to make soils more productive and
farming more profitable. They increase the
water holding capacity of soils (40, 61), and
thus soils containing relatively large amounts
of humate material resist droughts more effectively
and produce better yields where
rainfall or irrigation may be insufficient.
They improve the tilth or workability of the
soil (52, 19), and thus heavy clay soils can
be worked into satisfactory seed beds and
marginal soils into profitable ones. Soils
are more friable and suitably sized particles
are formed in the aggregate (52). They reduce
soil erosion. They retain water soluble
inorganic fertilizers (32, 42) and release
them to the growing plants as needed.
For these reasons alone, it is easy to understand
why the humic acids have been so extensively
studied by soil scientists and the
technical literature is replete with references
to the unique properties of these materials
so widespread in nature.
The chemical structure of the humic acids
is not definitely known, in spite of the great
amount of research and study on them and
their biochemical effects. It is extremely interesting
that so little is really known about
the chemical structure of these very important
natural chemicals, which are as fundamental
and necessary to man's existence as
the chlorophylls. In 1938, Waksman thoroughly
reviewed the literature in his book
on the origin, chemical composition and importance
of these materials (61), but only
minor reviews have appeared since (7, 13).
In general, the humic acids have been
shown to possess fairly high molecular
weights, and to be polymeric polyhydroxy
acids derived from celluloses, lignins, and
proteins (30, 31, 61). They form watersoluble
or dispersible colloids with ammonium,
sodium, and potassium hydroxides, but
calcium, aluminum, and iron salts are quite
insoluble. Various humic fractions are often
classified according to their carbon to nitrogen
ratios (61). These ratios indicate somewhat
the degree of humification and are influenced
by the particular biochemical processes
involved in their formation; for example,
the ratio averages about 10 to 1 in
the more humid regions of the world, and
considerably higher in the semi-arid regions,
but rarely exceeds 14 to 1 (54,61). Fractionation
of the humie acids can be effected
by the use of various solvents (44), distribution
between immiscible solvents (26),.
chromatographic techniques (14, 17, 41),
fractional precipitation techniques (2,3), and
electrophoresis (8). Spectrographic (15)
and electron paramagnetic resonance studies
(57) have yielded considerable information
regarding chemical structure.
Viscosity and specific gravity changes can
be effected in soils through the addition of
small amounts of the humates (12, 19, 23,
52). This is especially true of clayey soils.
Colloidal properties and surface tension effects
are readily observed in dilute solutions,
which practically defy filtration, and in more
concentrated ones which form thixotropic
gels. The ability of the humates to poise or
regulate the water-holding capacity or content
is probably their most significant property
so far as agriculture is concerned (24),
since from a quantitative point water is the
most important plant material derived from
the soil. In conjunction with this water regulating
effect, the humates possess extremely
high ion-exchange capacities (21, 27, 29, 32,
42, 45), and it is this property that makes
possible better retention and utilization of
fertilizers by preventing excessive leaching
away from the root zones and ultimately releasing
them to the growing plants as needed.
The humates reduce soil erosion by increasing
the cohesive forces of the very fine soil
particles (61). The desirable friable character
of fertile soils is maintained through
the formation of colloidal mineral complexes,
which assist in aeration and the prevention
of large clods and stratification.
Very low concentrations of purified humates
have been shown to stimulate seed germination
and viability (16, 60), root respiration
and formation (16), root growth, especially
lengthwise (4, 16, 37, 38, 47, 48).
Significant increased yields have been reported
for many crops, such as cotton, potatoes,
wheat, tomatoes, mustard, and nursery
stock (23, 24, 25, 34, 35, 39, 49, 51,
55, 56). They have also been shown to stimulate
growth and proliferation of desirable
soil microorganisms (20, 59) as well as algae
and yeasts (9, 22, 28). A number of
workers have reported that the humic acids
can solubilize and make available to plants
certain materials that are otherwise unavailable,
such as the rock phosphates (21, 29,
58). The humates seem to play an important
role in plant utilization and metabolism
of the phosphates (25, 27, 53). The
humic acids apparently can liberate carbon
dioxide from soil calcium carbonates and
thus make it available to the plant through
the roots for photosynthesis. The humates
are known to stimulate plant enzymes (25).
The preceding list is impressive, but by
no means complete. It does make it easy to
understand why soil scientists, chemists, and
others have tried in vain to produce materials
possessing similar properties. As a result,
several "synthetics" have been produced,
marketed and used with some success.
Some of these materials have been produced
by drastic degradation of natural carbohydrates
and proteins, but most have been
polymers of such things as vinyl acetate and
maleic acid, polylvinyl alcohol, hydrolyzed
polyacrylonitrile, carboxymethyleellulose,
polyacrylates, isopropyl acrylamide plus
acrylic or maleic acid, and poly-quaternary
ammonium compounds (10, 18, 36, 43, 46).
Some of these synthetics have proven to be
quite effective under certain conditions, but
their high cost and other limitations, such as
loss of effectiveness upon drying, ageing, exposure
to the elements, and often stabilize
the soil too much (36). The humates, on
the other hand, are nature's soil conditioners
"par excellence."
Commercial Humates
Why haven't the agricultural and fertilizer
industries developed the humates commercially?
This question is not easily answered,
especially, in view of the apparently
recognized importance of the humates to
both, and more so, since the market potential
is so great. More baffling is the fact
that high purity humic acids and humate
concentrates have remained as laboratory
curiosities for so long. The successful production
and marketing of any chemical depends
upon an economical and practical
manufacturing process. A number of suitable
methods for recovering the humic acids
have been available for some time, so this
has presented no serious problem. However,
suitable raw materials such as the peats, peat
mosses, mucks, forest soils, brown coals, and
certain lignites generally do not contain high
enough concentrations of the humates to
make them attractive for commercial production,
but suitable sources in the United
States are now known to have commercial
possibilities. These include certain deposits
in Arkansas, Arizona, Plorida, Louisiana,
New York, North Dakota, Michigan, Minnesota,
Texas, and Wyoming. Rich deposits
exist also in Mexico. The organic-mineral
soil called "aguja" found in the Big Bend
area of Texas appears to be most promising,
and although these extensive deposits
have been surveyed and studied by competent
geologists, they have not been classified
and named scientifically. In many areas these
deposits contain over 50% organic matter,
two-thirds or more of which is readily recoverable
humic acid. Similar deposits surely
exist in other arid,and semi-arid parts of
the world and only await discovery.