Communal Learning TLO thread

I am VERY very very happy you read them. for these are some of my last educational posts :) Im going to grow and post absolutely,without fail, but teaching anyone? nahhh,I think not. no more. for the zero understanding,people hate me,uncertain which.and quite honestly it'll free me up A LOT since I have to think about what to post. go find it and I get zero in return for me efforts. so I think a year or more of this is enough. I have enough stress without wondering why people dont care for my posts anymore. Thanks guy,I would seriously recommend looking at all my posts over the course so you can get all the pertinent information since they'll simple just fade away into obscurity is all :) and if you want to learn any organics,Pop22 is your guy along with a handful of others here too. most people in the organics section have a decent handle on it imo. so you guys will be fine. no need for me to pretend to teach you anything, any longer. and Thanks again for your time and efforts.

P.S. and just an FYI I have felt this way for more months than I care to recall,its not that IM winter bored,Im actually just tired is all. I dont need people reaching out thinking its winter and Im sicker than usual and the like. THIS aint that okay?! :) Thank you again for your understanding. I w ant to dedicate more time to ME and my grows and tests. thats all. ill be signing in once or twice a week until I figure out my new schedule.
Im very grateful for the time and effort you have put in. The last link was the one that finally tripped the light in my head. Now its my turn to work. Ohhh, dont short yourself. Your posts will be viewed and used for years!

Thank you sir!
My pleasure guys,truly was a pleasure to lend to your growing achievements and so on. ya'll do fine work. Just tired of flying blind is all.

I love you guys n gals each, one n all. I wish nothing but thee VERY best FOR you and BY you meaning organic budlings only :D
My pleasure guys,truly was a pleasure to lend to your growing achievements and so on. ya'll do fine work. Just tired of flying blind is all.

I love you guys n gals each, one n all. I wish nothing but thee VERY best FOR you and BY you meaning organic budlings only :D
There are only so many hours in a day and you have to take care of yourself first. You have given us enough to learn from for years! I have been thinking all day what i want to buy to start my own stock of goodies to use. I still have to look back to remember if it was blood or bone meal! Im going to make a soil for tomatoes outside
Hecno, if u saw my tomatoes you would feel so sorry for me its not funny! Oh no, i cant go there. Lol. But i will post up what i do try to make for soil.
both broseph ,blood and bone meal would be the best. well ok, prolly cotton seed meal honestly well blending/cooked cuz it take several weeks longer to really make the soil potent at the N spectrum of the life sustaining foods and buffering. capacities. :) and the Bone meal you could get bone and fish with some quality kelp and alfalfa meal with a half cup of cotton AND lingbenite and/or sul-po-mag even..many many things you can do to a soil.

and honestly bro Im bored as hell most of the day.I have sooo much time man, seriously LMFAO I dont work. cant work to be more specific, but Im justr tired of repeating since Ive done sooo many links and yapping. just done bro. thats all, plus i have gotten literally ZERO interaction as far as what I was hoping for,desiring to talk about and so on n so forth. so all in all bro,Im just bored and tired ,and literally fed up of trying to be honest. and I had or rather HAVE the passion for it.LMFAO!! OBVIOUSLY , but I just kept trying and trying and all that bullshit and now Im just done. with zero results. well ok ,actually I got some people switched but most are not enlightened about it all and especially if they're new to all this too. so honestly guys,Im just HUGELY thankful to you guys for atleast giving me something to do and help you few guys with too. but with that, :) Thank you fellas. My sincerest thank you! :D ill still talk and answer actual questions and queries. lol :D,like now, talking about simple amendments about doing maters n the like :)

hell bro,you could get a bag of epsoma if possible .Tomato Tone and add I think its 1 cup to a bag of soil or 8-10 true gallons of soil and voila :)