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Black Gypsum DG is a dry, dispersing granular product, and is composed of 70% gypsum and 30% humate. In addition to generous amounts of calcium (12%) and sulfur (8.9%), Black Gypsum DG delivers 21% humic acid in every application.

I am often asked: “Why Black Gypsum DG over other types of standard gypsum?”

First, our gypsum source is calcium sulfate di-hydrate (CaSO4·2H2O), which is more water soluble than the anhydrite form (CaSO4) because it has two extra water molecules. These extra molecules make calcium and sulfur more quickly available to the plant – as soon as Black Gypsum DG enters the soil solution.
Along with the dispersing granule technology and the di-hydrate form of calcium, a plant receiving a Black Gypsum DG application can begin utilizing the nutrients in hours, rather than in days or weeks, as with the the anhydrite form.
The quick-acting humate found in Black Gypsum DG provides further chelating of applied and existing nutrients, increasing their availability to the plant.
Applying gypsum and humate jointly also helps to improve soil structure.
Also like its “older brother” Humic DG, Black Gypsum DG contains two forms of organic carbon available to the plant: a plant derived carbon source and a bio-organic derived source. Together, these two sources of organic carbon have been shown to increase soil carbon, chelate macro and micro nutrients, increase CEC and stimulate beneficial soil biology.

With irrigation or precipitation, Black Gypsum DG, with its Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology, delivers calcium and sulfur directly into the soil, without changing soil pH.

Here are some other Black Gypsum highlights:

Contains two naturally-occuring materials in one, homogenous prill
Acts as a flushing agent for soils with high salt levels
Increases soil CEC to improve nutrient performance
Relieves soil compaction
Let’s Talk Economics
Black Gypsum DG applied at 10 lbs/acre in-furrow provides 2x the humic acid as 1 gallon of 12% liquid humic acid for about two thirds less the cost. Pound for pound, Black Gypsum DG provides more available humic acid than most liquid humic acids.

Calcium, sulfur and 2x the amount of applied humic acid as a 12% liquid humic acid product — what’s not to love?! Black Gypsum DG offers economics and agronomics in one, homogenous package.
the easiest is to use that bagged stuff instead of doing the whole farming deal for a bit then adding this n that. if your bag has say a 30+% of humates I would start introducing a little in your mix.

Humic substances, (organic matter, humus, humates, humic acid, fulvic acid and humins), play a vital role in soil fertility and plant nutrition. Plants grown on soils which contain adequate humin, humic acids (HAs), and fulvic adds (FAs) are less subject to stress, are healthier, producing higher yields; and the nutritional quality of harvested foods and feeds are superior. The value of humic substances in soil fertility and plant nutrition relates to the many functions these complex organic compounds perform as a part of the life cycle on earth. The life death cycle involves a recycling of the carbon containing structural components of plants and animals through the soil and air and back into the living plant.

Robert E. Pettit Emeritus Associate Professor Texas A&M University
ISP has long been active in the production and use of humic acids, and today provides the premier humic acid product available to both agricultural and horticultural markets. With a high active content of humic acid(s), our final product offers a very fine particle size and consistent texture. Many producers even apply it through drip irrigation systems.

Our most basic humic product, PhytoGro Xtra, has a 16% humic content, and then is additionally enhanced with a combination of bio-ferments, and chelated trace minerals to provide even greater soil and plant response. There is also a premium non-ionic surfactant added to aid with soil absorption and distribution.

In addition to PhytoGro Xtra, ISP produces a variety of other materials with humic acid(s) as the foundation. These materials are formulated to provide a variety of plant responses, including increased early plant vigor, (Pow’r Pak), soil reclamation (ReStore 3G), breakdown of manure solids, enhancement of herbicides (MicroZorb), and greater resistance to plant disease.

Humic substances, (organic matter, humus, humates, humic acid, fulvic acid and humins), play a vital role in soil fertility and plant nutrition. Plants grown on soils which contain adequate humin, humic acids (HAs), and fulvic adds (FAs) are less subject to stress, are healthier, producing higher yields; and the nutritional quality of harvested foods and feeds are superior. The value of humic substances in soil fertility and plant nutrition relates to the many functions these complex organic compounds perform as a part of the life cycle on earth. The life death cycle involves a recycling of the carbon containing structural components of plants and animals through the soil and air and back into the living plant.

Robert E. Pettit Emeritus Associate Professor Texas A&M University
ISP has long been active in the production and use of humic acids, and today provides the premier humic acid product available to both agricultural and horticultural markets. With a high active content of humic acid(s), our final product offers a very fine particle size and consistent texture. Many producers even apply it through drip irrigation systems.

Our most basic humic product, PhytoGro Xtra, has a 16% humic content, and then is additionally enhanced with a combination of bio-ferments, and chelated trace minerals to provide even greater soil and plant response. There is also a premium non-ionic surfactant added to aid with soil absorption and distribution.

In addition to PhytoGro Xtra, ISP produces a variety of other materials with humic acid(s) as the foundation. These materials are formulated to provide a variety of plant responses, including increased early plant vigor, (Pow’r Pak), soil reclamation (ReStore 3G), breakdown of manure solids, enhancement of herbicides (MicroZorb), and greater resistance to plant disease.
What is a Soil Amendment?

People get unduly freaked out when they hear terms like "soil amendments" as if they need to don a white lab coat before doing something as scientific as tinkering with their soils. Sure, a generally scientific approach to improving your soil is certainly not a bad thing, but it doesn't have to be complex either.

Think of soil amendments as simply the just stuff you add to soil to make it better. Soil quality can be improved in terms of:


The quantity and diversity of microbial life present in it.

Organic Matter
The amount of composted material in it.

The amount of sand, clay, and general size of particles affects water and air-holding abilities.

Acidity / Alkalinity
The pH value of soil has a direct effect on biological life present in the soil and the availability of nutrients.

You can add soil amendments in the form of single ingredients or a blend to help combat micronutrient deficiencies, adjust pH, combat salts, introduce microbial activities, and so much more.

What About Adding Fertility / Nutrients?

Growers often confuse soil amendments with fertilizers. "What's the difference between a soil amendment and a fertilizer?" you may ask. Fertilizers and organic inputs (such as bat guano or chicken manure) help to increase the fertility of the soil. Soil amendments, on the other hand, are all about improving the surrounding qualities - they can be thought of as 'supporting' the work of the fertilizers. Soil amendments are used to treat the soil itself. It's worth noting that many soil amendments are also used in blended fertilizer products to provide feeding nutrition so it's very common to see them together - hence the confusion!

What are the Different Types of Soil Amendments?

Soil amendments come in many different forms; most are organic, which is preferable for your soils, some are considered “natural” which are derived naturally though not necessarily organic, and some are synthetic. Organic amendments as well as naturaly derived amendments are the best way to change your soils from a dead clay heap to a living, symbiotic organism. The categories of amendments include: bark products, plant byproducts, animal byproducts, manure-based, compost and mulch based, and rock and mineral powder based.

Soil Amendments made from Plants

Alfalfa Meal

Feeds with 3% nitrogen and is known to contain growth factors and mineral content. Very common ingredient in many blended organic fertilizers.

Coconut Fiber

Great aerator. Excellent soil amendment or a standalone grow medium. Coconut not only provides great aeration but also efficient transfer of nutrients. Check your source though, as coconut can be very salty and this can harm soils and plants.

Cottonseed Meal

Nitrogen super booster! (Between 6-7%.) Only “organic” if it was grown that way - most cotton farms use chemical foods and insecticides. So, check your source. Cottonseed meal is also a very common ingredient in blended fertilizers.


Adds micronutrients and plant hormones! Derived from varieties of kelp harvested from the ocean then dried and ground into a powder form. Contains small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Many forms include kelp extracts in which compounds are extracted from the seaweed to concentrate the micronutrients and other helpful plant hormones. They are not high enough to correct deficiencies, but kelp provides plants and soils with a vitamin like effect.

Soybean Meal

Adds vital nitrogen to the soil. Usually one of the more expensive amendments, but very useful.

Sphagnum Peat Moss

Great to add to rough soils. Improves moisture retention.

Wood Ash

Another soil softener. Adds essential phosphate and potash. Can be a little high in pH (very alkaline) so go easy on it. Great to add to very acidic soils that are high in nitrogen.

Soil Amendments Made from Animals

Blood Meal

Use with caution or risk burning your plants. It’s dried and ground waste from slaughterhouses, and is a strong source of nitrogen.

Bone Meal

Slow release. Another common ingredient in fertilizer mixes, and due to its high amounts of phosphorus, should be used with care like blood meal.

Worm Castings

Clean, usually odorless, and can be used on all soil and plants. Castings, when concentrated, are rich in nitrogen but they will not burn plants. Castings vary but can contain magnesium, calcium, potassium, potash, micronutrients, and some trace elements. Grain fed castings tend to be the best and stay in the soil longer, while manure fed castings are a lower grade, but release their nutrients faster. More importantly, worm castings contain tons of beneficial organisms and microbes that help to restore soil life and begin recreating the soil web.

Feather Meal

Products of the poultry industry, the feathers are ground into a meal which contains levels of nitrogen which releases a little slower than other nitrogen sources.

Fish Meal

Ground and dried fish waste. A good source of nitrogen and some phosphorous too. Not to be confused with fish emulsion, which is a liquid form of the fish waste products and less stable.

Oyster Shell Lime

Sometimes grouped with dolomite lime, however it is derived from the shells of finely ground oyster shells rather than being rock-based like dolomite lime. Oyster Shell lime will raise pH, add calcium, and many micronutrients. The microbial life inside of your soil loves oyster shell lime!

Phosphorous Bat Guano

King of the phosphorus amendments! Fantastic crop sweetener! Not to be confused with nitrogen bat guanos, which are more of a manure product, phosphorous bat guanos are ground up fossilized remains of bat poop. The phosphorus releases slowly into the soil over time and contains beneficial microbes too.

Shrimp, Crab, and Sea Meals

Ground waste products from sea going animals that are not fish. Their waste is primarily their shells and exoskeletons which provide an excellent source of major nutrients as well as many micro-nutrients. They break down slowly, thus providing some staying power.

Soil Amendments made from Poop!

Nitrogen Bat Guanos

Bat droppings that are fresher provide a great source of nitrogen. They contain some phosphorus, though not as high of levels as the fossilized bat guanos. Nitrogen bat guano is considered to be the best of the manures as they are nutrient rich, but very stable.

Poultry Manure

Quick and dirty fix of nitrogen - releases very fast. One of the poorer quality manures, but effective if used quickly and properly treated. It can burn your plants, so it must be amended into the soil and watered in before planting. Fish meal is preferable as it is more stable and does not decompose as quickly.

Sewage Sludge / Bio-Solids

Very cheap, very dirty: derived from human waste and whatever else got flushed, such as traces of household chemicals, bleaches, and paints. It can contain many harmful pathogens and heavy metals. Not nice.

Steer Manure

The farmer’s stinky favorite. Derived from steers and some equine. Very potent source of nitrogen and should be used truly to amend soils in preparation of planting. Best for large gardens and not small landscapes or containers. In bagged form, it is still very volatile and breaks down quickly.

Soil Amendments made from Composted Organic Materials


Derived from decayed plant matter such as your left over vegetable scraps. Compost does include decaying animal matter as well, but for most gardeners it comes from vegetable and fruit scraps from your home.


Plant and bark materials that are not fully decomposed. Aids moisture retention, decreases temperatures (protects from hot temperatures), weed reduction, and more.

Soil Amendments made from Rocks and Minerals

Dolomite Lime

Provides calcium, magnesium, and lowers pH quickly. It also helps with the breaking up of clay soils.


A clay-type mineral supplement, greensand will provide potassium on a slow release schedule. It is very effective at improving soil structures though not so much as a fertilizer.

Hard Rock Phosphate

Derived from volcanic deposits and highly mineral in composition. The phosphate is not as available as in more traditional, soft rock phosphates, so it is not always the best amendment. However, with its mineral qualities, it can provide slow and steady mineral release into soils.


Derived from leonardite, humic and fulvic acids, humates help with the active part of soil’s humus. These goodies help with nutrient uptake by plants and assist under the soil too.


Volcanic rock “rice crispies.” Perlite is inert and provides drainage and aeration in to compacted soils. Perlite rises to the top when watered, so it is not the best to add to in-ground plantings, though very important for containers and raised beds.

Rock Phosphate

Excellent, slow releasing form of phosphorus. Many sources have been mined deeply and contain levels of arsenic, so get it tested or check your manufacturers MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).


Vermiculite is very light and can float in water. It is a great medium for starting seeds and amending soils as it contains some minerals and will help with aeration. Perlite provides better results for drainage and aeration, though.
How Humic and Fulvic Acids Help Your Soil and Crops

Affiliated Minerals in Somerville, Texas, sells products that are rich in humic acids and fulvic acids. These products benefits your soil, and thus your crops, in many ways.

Pouring Soil into Container
What Humates Do
Humates help growing plants better utilize available plant nutrients. They also reduce pollution and save fertilizer by limiting the amount of water-soluble fertilizers that leach or wash out of soils into water. Humates provide many other benefits, including:

• Increased Fertilizer Utilization Efficiency
• Stimulation of Germination, Root Formation and Elongation, and Plant Growth and Respiration
• Stabilized Soil Structure
• Improved Tilt, Workability, and Water-Holding Capacity
• Making Soils More Friable
• Improving Cohesion and Water Retention in Sandy Soils
• Increased Soil Ion-Exchange Capacity

How Humates Work
Humate contains valuable humic acids and highly compressed, concentrated humus. Humate biomechanical action takes place immediately upon application and creates a continuous soil building process that is beneficial to plant life. As the compressed particles disintegrate, they expand and fluff the soil. Its use does not create a "hard pan" like most commercial fertilizers.

What Is Humus?
Humus is the organic matter of soil that has decayed sufficiently to have lost its identity with regard to its origin. The most important and biochemically active group of the many degradation products of soil organic materials is the alkali-soluble fraction commonly called the humic acids.

Ion Exchange
A major action of the humic acids is ion exchange. In humus-starved, bacterially sterile soils, the clay and mineral particles are oppositely charged, which makes them violently attracted to each other. The clay clings to the minerals, denying the mineral to the plant. When humates are introduced, the clay and the minerals become identically charged, thus repelling each other. The soil is "fluffed" and nutrients are made available to the plant.

Alkali Neutralization
Humic acids neutralize alkalis and combine with them to form slurry, which does not harden on plant roots. The slurry helps plants continue to extract moisture and nutrients from alkali soils during rather severe droughts. The humic acids and humus increase soil water absorption and holding capacities. Routine treatment can increase the water-holding capacity of sand by as much as 10 times and of clays by as much as six times.
All great reading . This was of a big interest to me .:thumbsup:

Effect of Nitrogen on Organic Matter
Excess nitrogen applications stimulate increased microbial activity that speedsorganic matter decomposition. The extra nitrogen narrows the ratio of carbon to nitrogenin the soil. The native soil carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio) is around 12:1.At this ratio, populations of decay bacteria are kept at a stable level (20).When large amounts of inorganic nitrogen are added, the C:N ratio is reduced, whichincreases the populations of decay organisms and allows them to decompose more organicmatter. While soil bacteria can efficiently use moderate applications of inorganicnitrogen accompanied by organic amendments (carbon), excess nitrogen causes bacteriapopulations to explode, decomposing existing organic matter at a rapid rate.

Excess nitrogen stimulates increased microbial activity that speeds organic matter decomposition.

Eventually, soil carbon content may be reduced to a level where the bacterialpopulations are on a starvation diet. With little carbon available, bacterial populationsshrink and less free soil nitrogen is absorbed. Thereafter, applied nitrogen, ratherthan being cycled through microbial organisms and re-released to plants slowly overtime, becomes subject to leaching. This can greatly reduce the efficiency of fertilizationand lead to environmental problems.

To compensate for the fast decomposition of native soil organic matter, carbonshould be added with nitrogen. Typical sources–such as green manures, animal manureand compost–serve this purpose well. Amendments containing too high a carbon to nitrogenratio (25:1 or more) can tip the balance the other way, resulting in nitrogen tiedup in an unavailable form. The soil organisms consume all the nitrogen in an effortto decompose the abundant carbon. The nitrogen is unavailable because it is tiedup in the soil organisms themselves. As soon as one dies and decomposes, its nitrogenis consumed by another soil organism until the balance between carbon and nitrogenis achieved again.

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Definitely have a better understanding of humate now. I've got a feeling that I could use more in my soil..I don't think I've added nuch from plant sources....It sounds like I can work some in even as late as potting. If I can get one of the products soon I'll work it in when I give the soil a stir.
The radial movement of oxygen in excised corn and jack bean roots was measured with a platinum wire electrode embedded in the root tissue. Measurements were made with the roots exposed to air and with the roots immersed in nutrient solution in the presence and absence of millimolar sodium azide. Effective rates of oxygen diffusion in the root tissue were also measured from 5 to 30 C and compared to the respiration rates of similar root segments over the same temperature range. Under conditions which allow the roots to exude freely, the interior of the root operates under an oxygen deficit. Inhibition of respiratory oxygen uptake by low temperature or azide treatment increased the flux of oxygen to the root interior.
the Microbiome

We are still not quite finished with our contemplation of the sources of individual identity. I refer now to our microbiome. These are the microbes that share our body space and that inhabit our skin, our mucous membranes, and our gut.

Defining the Human Microbiome
Luke K Ursell,1 Jessica L Metcalf,1 Laura Wegener Parfrey,1 and Rob Knight1,2,*
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The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Nutr Rev
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Rapidly developing sequencing methods and analytical techniques are enhancing our ability to understand the human microbiome, and, indeed, how we define the microbiome and its constituents. In this review we highlight recent research that expands our ability to understand the human microbiome on different spatial and temporal scales, including daily timeseries datasets spanning months. Furthermore, we discuss emerging concepts related to defining operational taxonomic units, diversity indices, core versus transient microbiomes and the possibility of enterotypes. Additional advances in sequencing technology and in our understanding of the microbiome will provide exciting prospects for exploiting the microbiota for personalized medicine.

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The human microbiota consists of the 10-100 trillion symbiotic microbial cells harbored by each person, primarily bacteria in the gut; the human microbiome consists of the genes these cells harbor[1]. Microbiome projects worldwide have been launched with the goal of understanding the roles that these symbionts play and their impacts on human health[2, 3]. Just as the question, “what is it to be human?”, has troubled humans from the beginning of recorded history, the question, “what is the human microbiome?” has troubled researchers since the term was coined by Joshua Lederberg in 2001 [4]. Specifying the definition of the human microbiome has been complicated by confusion about terminology: for example, “microbiota” (the microbial taxa associated with humans) and “microbiome” (the catalog of these microbes and their genes) are often used interchangeably. In addition, the term “metagenomics” originally referred to shotgun characterization of total DNA, although now it is increasingly being applied to studies of marker genes such as the 16S rRNA gene. More fundamentally, however, new findings are leading us to question the concepts that are central to establishing the definition of the human microbiome, such as the stability of an individual's microbiome, the definition of the OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) that make up the microbiota, and whether a person has one microbiome or many. In this review, we cover progress towards defining the human microbiome in these different respects.

Studies of the diversity of the human microbiome started with Antonie van Leewenhoek, who, as early as the 1680s, had compared his oral and fecal microbiota. He noted the striking differences in microbes between these two habitats and also between samples from individuals in states of health and disease in both of these sites [5, 6].Thus, studies of the profound differences in microbes at different body sites, and between health and disease, are as old as microbiology itself. What is new today is not the ability to observe these obvious differences, but rather the ability to use powerful molecular techniques to gain insight into why these differences exist, and to understand how we can affect transformations from one state to another.

Culture-independent methods for characterizing the microbiota, together with a molecular phylogenetic approach to organizing life's diversity, provided a fundamental breakthrough in allowing researchers to compare microbial communities across environments within a unified phylogenetic context (reviewed in [7]). Although host-associated microbes are presumably acquired from the environment, the composition of the mammalian microbiota, especially in the gut, is surprisingly different from free-living microbial communities [8]. In fact, an analysis of bacterial diversity from free-living communities in terrestrial, marine, and freshwater environments as well as communities associated with animals suggests that the vertebrate gut is an extreme [8]. In contrast, bacterial communities from environments typically considered extreme, such as acidic hot springs and hydrothermal vents, are similar to communities in many other environments[9]. This suggests that coevolution between vertebrates and their microbial consortia over hundreds of millions of years has selected for a specialized community of microbes that thrive in the gut's warm, eutrophic, and stable environment[8]. In the human gut and across human-associated habitats, bacteria comprise the bulk of the biomass and diversity, though archaea, eukaryotes, and viruses are also present in smaller numbers and should not be neglected[10, 11].

Interestingly, estimates of the human gene catalog and the diversity of the human genome pale in comparison to estimates of the diversity of the microbiome. For example, the Meta-HIT consortium reported a gene catalog of 3.3 million non-redundant genes in the human gut microbiome alone[3], as compared to the ∼22,000 genes present in the entire human genome[12]. Similarly, the diversity among the microbiome of individuals is immense compared to genomic variation: individual humans are about 99.9% identical to one another in terms of their host genome[13], but can be 80-90% different from one another in terms of the microbiome of their hand[14] or gut[15]. These findings suggest that employing the variation contained within the microbiome will be much more fruitful in personalized medicine, the use of an individual patient's genetic data to inform healthcare decisions, than approaches that target the relatively constant host genome.

Many fundamental questions about the human microbiome were difficult or impossible to address until recently. Some questions, such as the perennially popular “how many species live in a given body site?”, are still hard to answer, due to problems with definitions of bacterial species and with the rate of sequencing error. Other questions, such as “how does the diversity within a person over time compare to the diversity between people?”, or “how does the diversity between sites on the same person's body compare to the diversity between different people at the same site?”, or “is there a core set of microbial species that we all share?”, can now be answered conclusively. In the next section, we discuss some of the tools that have allowed these long-standing questions to be answered.

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Tools for Microbial Analysis
The drastic reduction in sequencing costs experienced over the past few years has made it possible to identify specific microbial taxa found within the human gut that are difficult or impossible to culture. Researchers are now able to generate millions of sequences per sample in order to assess differences in microbial communities between body sites and individuals. Our increased sequencing power has required the development of equally powerful computational tools to handle the burgeoning amount of sequence data produced by modern technologies[16]. There are several pipelines for analysis of microbial microbial community data such as mothur[17], w.A.T.E.R.S[18], the RDP pyroseqeuncing tools[19], and QIIME (pronounced “chime”)[20]. QIIME is a free, open-source platform for the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data that enables users to import raw sequence data and readily produce measures of inter- and intra-sample diversity. Consistency in the identification of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and establishing agreed-upon measures of diversity within and between samples are crucial for the comparison of results across studies, although the concept of OTU is increasingly problematic as sequence data accumulate and explicitly phylogenetic approaches gain in popularity.

Beta diversity refers to the measurement of the degree of difference in community membership or structure between two samples. A recent review of taxon-based measurements of beta diversity found that some metrics, including Canberra and Gower distances, have increased power for discriminating clusters, while other metrics, such as chi-squared and Pearson correlation distances, are more appropriate for elucidating the effects of environmental gradients on communities[21]. A robust method for comparing the differences between microbial communities is UniFrac, which measures the proportion of shared branch lengths on a phylogenetic tree between samples[22]. Highly similar microbial communities result in UniFrac scores near 0, while two completely independent communities that do not share any branch length (i.e. they have a different evolutionary history) would result in a UniFrac score of 1. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) can then visualize the Unifrac distances between samples in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space, allowing for the clustering of similar communities or separation of distinct communities to be easily distinguished visually.

UniFrac as a measure of beta diversity, coupled to PCoA, has the ability to distinguish differences between communities utilizing as little as 10 sequences per sample[23]. It is important to recognize that increased sequencing depth is not always necessary to recover biologically meaningful results when those results are obvious. Thus, by choosing diversity measurements that are appropriate for a study design, researchers utilizing modern sequencing methods are able to characterize differences between samples at relatively low sequence coverage. This enables researchers to assess fine-grained spatial and temporal patterns by characterizing hundreds to thousands of samples, such as timeseries across multiple patients or environments. The functionality of UniFrac, as well as a multitude of diversity measurements are available in QIIME and can be readily compared.

In general, pipelines for analyzing 16S rRNA and shotgun metagenomic data have separate workflows. Some initial steps, such as demultiplexing (removing barcodes from and separating pooled samples) and quality filtering, are common to both pipelines. However, for 16S rRNA data, sequences must be grouped into OTUs, chimeric sequences generated by incomplete template extension must be removed, and phylogenetic trees must be constructed. In contrast, in the metagenomic pipeline, sequences must be assigned to functions as well as to taxonomy (either as whole reads or after assembly). Once taxon or gene function tables are constructed, the pipelines begin to converge, at least conceptually: the interest is then in 1) the composition of each sample, 2) finding the taxa or functions that discriminate among groups of samples (e.g. according to clinical parameters), and 3) in asking whether the samples cluster according to any measured clinical states (or according to time). One exciting emerging direction is comparing metagenomic and 16S rRNA clustering directly using a technique called Procrustes analysis that allows the PCoA plots to be combined[24]. Another powerful tool is the use of machine learning and statistical techniques to build predictive models of taxa[25] or functions[26] that discriminate between groups of samples.

A unique advantage of QIIME relative to other pipelines is its ability to exploit “sample metadata”, e.g. clinical information about subjects, to produce visualizations that make the main patterns in the data immediately apparent. Of particular interest, QIIME supports the MIMARKS (Minimum Information about a MARKer Sequence) standard[27] developed by the Genomic Standards Consortium[28], which is increasingly popular with other tools for microbial and community analysis such as MG-RAST[29], and has been adopted by the INSDC (International Nucleotide Sequence Database Consortium, which includes GenBank, EBI, and DDBJ) as the standard for metadata.

With these tools in hand, basic patterns of similarities and differences in the microbiota are now routine. The key challenge now is to extend analyses to include longitudinal studies and to understand the role of specific host and environmental factors in the development and maintenance of the microbiome.

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Dynamic interactions between human microbes and the environment
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract of a human infant provides a brand new environment for microbial colonization[30]. Indeed, the microbiota that an infant begins to acquire depends strongly on mode of delivery[31]. Twenty minutes after birth, the microbiota of vaginally delivered infants resembles the microbiota of their mother's vagina, while infants delivered via Cesarean section harbor microbial communities typically found on human skin[32]. The acquisition of microbiota continues over the first few years of life, as an infant's GI tract microbiome begins to resemble that of an adult as early as 1 year of life[33]. In one case-study following an infant's microbiota over the first 2.5 years of life, phylogenetic diversity increases significantly and linearly with time[34]. Additionally, significant changes in gut microbiota composition were apparent at five time points; starting a diet of breast milk, development of fever at day 92, introduction of rice cereal at day 134, introduction of formula and table foods at day 161, and antibiotic treatment and adult diet at day 371[34]. Interestingly, each dietary change was accompanied by changes in gut microbiota and the enrichment of corresponding genes. For example, as the infant began to receive a full adult diet, genes in the microbiome associated with vitamin biosynthesis and polysaccharide digestion became enriched[34].

The interaction between the human microbiota and the environment is dynamic, with human microbes flowing freely onto the surfaces we interact with everyday. Fierer et al. showed that human fingertips can transfer signature communities of microbes onto keyboards and these communities strongly differentiate individuals [35]. PCoA plots showed that it was possible to determine which fingers were typing on which keys, and which individuals were using which keyboards: it was even possible to link a person's hand to the computer mouse they use with up to 95% accuracy when compared to a database of other hands[35]. Overall, this study showed that microbial communities are constantly being transferred between surfaces, and that a dynamic interaction exists between environmental microbiota and different human body sites.

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Intrapersonal microbial diversity
Another interesting question that we are just beginning to answer is how stable the microbiome within an individual is over time. By defining what constitutes normal temporal variation in an individual over time, we will be better able to quantify and understand changes in microbial communities that result from dietary and pharmaceutical interventions. In the longest timeseries study to date, Caporaso et al. sampled two individual's microbial communities in the gut, oral cavity, and left and right palms over 396 time points spanning 15 months[36]. Communities at different body sites were readily distinguishable from one another using 3-D PCoA plots over a one year time span, even though the community structure within a given site was highly variable[36]. The level of diversity is also different between body sites, with the mouth and gut harboring the most diverse communities[37]. Taken together, these studies show that an individual's microbiota represents a highly variable and compartmentalized ecosystem.

Overall, it has yet to be conclusively proven that individuals, or even body sites, harbor a “core” set of specific bacterial taxa. For example, the Meta-HIT consortium defined a “core” set of lineages as those that were present in half of the subjects studied, although essentially no genes were present in all subjects studied[3]. Of course, it is important to recognize that sampling depth may be critical for distinguishing taxa that are absent from those that are merely very rare; the dynamic range of microbial abundance is also quite large, and even within the Meta-HIT “core” genes, 2000-fold ranges of abundance were not uncommon. Proving that a taxon is completely absent in the gut is not possible with these types of studies, so core calculations should always carry with them a caveat about sequencing depth. Another factor to consider when defining diversity and a core is that methodological artifacts can greatly increase the apparent numbers of OTUs in a sample (and hence reduce the apparent fraction that is shared). Both sequencing error[38, 39] and issues related to alignment, especially multiple sequence alignment[40-43], can inflate the number of OTUs immensely. It is important to ensure that the same methodological procedures were used when performing estimates of the core in terms of the fraction of individuals the core must be represented in, the minimum abundance, and the procedure for deciding which sequences count as “the same”. Finally, there is a key question about whether variation around a core is structured so that humans harbor only a few general types of microbiota profiles in a given body site: this is well established for the vagina[44] but more controversial in the gut[45]. In general, extreme caution must be applied when performing clustering procedures, as many will break up continuous variation into clusters where none exist[21]. Robust model selection procedures that incorporate the possibility that only continuous variation, not discrete clusters, exist remain to be developed within the context of microbial community analysis.

There is increasing evidence that individuals actually share a “core microbiome” rather than “core microbiota”. In a study of monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs concordant for obesity or leanness, a subset of identifiable microbial genes, but not species, were shared between all individuals[15]. Remarkably, vastly different sets of microbial species yielded very similar functional KEGG pathways. However, deviations from this core microbiome were apparent in obese subjects, suggesting that it will be important to utilize metagenomic data in addition to determining microbial community composition with 16S marker gene studies when assessing differences between disease states. Understanding whether this principle holds true for other body sites will be fascinating; cross-biome metagenomic comparisons have been exceedingly rare to date[46, 47].