Old Reviews Coast of Maine Stonington Blend

Not to late, weed needs the most potassium for the flower phase. Only takes about a week to get results. Dont know if I'd do that left front plant though, she's already pretty dark in the pic.

Fair enough. I'll give it a small dose tonight with a very light watering. Agreed on the front left girl (Strawberry Nuggets), she has been weird from Day 1, almost pulled her after a week or two and started another but just figured I'd run her for the heck of it. Last couple of weeks though she's definitely plumped up a bit but still definitely the runt of the litter here.

I'll give it a shot, appreciate the advice. Not that I'm blaming CoM by any means, but this is almost identical to how my issues started in FFOF with the Trio nutes, just slight yellowing, clawing, then it just got worse and worse until I finally harvested. Hoping this is just minor and doesn't continue that same trajectory. Appreciate the advice!

Make some FFJ and you won't see that nute def.

I have a feeling that some may be in this 'additive state of mind'. Kinda like,' the more different additives I can use, the better' thought process.
It's real easy to fall into. I think a lot of guys coming from chem grows are more likely fall into that state of mind.

The one thing that is a constant in any organic or living soil grow...................Bigger is always better! .....referring to pot size.
Your girl has a bigger bank to draw from before she beggs ya for more.:kissass:

Out of the bag mix should take you fully into early flower with no problems. If it doesn't, increase pot size. Depending on the auto strain, I would start adding flower nutes around week 3 for it to be available by mid-flower. And that's depending on what you're using for flower nutes. FFJ is mostly ready for uptake. Other dry nutes take longer.
One flower feeding technique I came up with to feed liquid nutes in an EarthBox, without washing any nutes into the rez. It can easily be adapted to regular pots. I was using my homemade FFJ. I mixed up the FFJ nutes at a higher concentration, to limit the amount of water, water was in the form of simple compost tea. This mixture was then added to my compost to make a wet slurry. I then added my earthworm castings into the mix and applied to the mound in the Earthbox.
This same technique can be used with regular pots with one simple change. Make the exact same slurry, Blue Gold Flower on BAS can sub for FFJ, I alternate,and apply to top. Add the water you were going to give to your girls, but in the form of compost tea. This will fire up what you've just added and help move it into the deeper root zone.
On my first compost tea application, I usually add a SST(Sprouted Seed Tea) to help encourage root growth, it does other things, but that's the effect I'm after. With all the hormones in the SST, it helps the roots to grow more to utilize more of the nutes ya just added.

For sure, I def think that was part of my problem on my last 2 grows (first two ever) with FFOF and the trio, was "excited" to use nutes/max light/cal mag/etc. to get them as best as can be, and quickly learned that's a counterintuitive idea.

With these girls, I've pretty much left them alone for the most part - watered every 4-5 days or so whenever they need it, done the two feedings so far, and aside from a bit of Epsom salt last watering, nothing else at all.

I'm using 5 gallon pots (up from 3 gallon) for the same logic you had above. However I've never done any fermented juice or teas etc. just yet. Maybe something to look into for next grow if this continues with issues here.
Fair enough. I'll give it a small dose tonight with a very light watering. Agreed on the front left girl (Strawberry Nuggets), she has been weird from Day 1, almost pulled her after a week or two and started another but just figured I'd run her for the heck of it. Last couple of weeks though she's definitely plumped up a bit but still definitely the runt of the litter here.

I'll give it a shot, appreciate the advice. Not that I'm blaming CoM by any means, but this is almost identical to how my issues started in FFOF with the Trio nutes, just slight yellowing, clawing, then it just got worse and worse until I finally harvested. Hoping this is just minor and doesn't continue that same trajectory. Appreciate the advice!

For sure, I def think that was part of my problem on my last 2 grows (first two ever) with FFOF and the trio, was "excited" to use nutes/max light/cal mag/etc. to get them as best as can be, and quickly learned that's a counterintuitive idea.

With these girls, I've pretty much left them alone for the most part - watered every 4-5 days or so whenever they need it, done the two feedings so far, and aside from a bit of Epsom salt last watering, nothing else at all.

I'm using 5 gallon pots (up from 3 gallon) for the same logic you had above. However I've never done any fermented juice or teas etc. just yet. Maybe something to look into for next grow if this continues with issues here.
I'm just coming to the end of my 3rd grow. I am learning, more due to burnout, not to go 5 alarm panic, over every leaf blemish I see. My worst looking grow was my biggest producer. And it all kicked my butt when I smoked it.
This grow I had yellow leaves I pulled off mid-grow, and thought the down hill spiral was about to start, like all the other times. But it didn't, and they got nicer and nicer.
The funny thing, this was the healthiest looking grow I have had so far, and in the end, they fade and look like hell, just like my ugly grows, there is no such thing as a healthy looking dying plant.
Fair enough. I'll give it a small dose tonight with a very light watering. Agreed on the front left girl (Strawberry Nuggets), she has been weird from Day 1, almost pulled her after a week or two and started another but just figured I'd run her for the heck of it. Last couple of weeks though she's definitely plumped up a bit but still definitely the runt of the litter here.

I'll give it a shot, appreciate the advice. Not that I'm blaming CoM by any means, but this is almost identical to how my issues started in FFOF with the Trio nutes, just slight yellowing, clawing, then it just got worse and worse until I finally harvested. Hoping this is just minor and doesn't continue that same trajectory. Appreciate the advice!

For sure, I def think that was part of my problem on my last 2 grows (first two ever) with FFOF and the trio, was "excited" to use nutes/max light/cal mag/etc. to get them as best as can be, and quickly learned that's a counterintuitive idea.

With these girls, I've pretty much left them alone for the most part - watered every 4-5 days or so whenever they need it, done the two feedings so far, and aside from a bit of Epsom salt last watering, nothing else at all.

I'm using 5 gallon pots (up from 3 gallon) for the same logic you had above. However I've never done any fermented juice or teas etc. just yet. Maybe something to look into for next grow if this continues with issues here.

A silly easy grow is one part MegaCrop at "pop22 low dose with every watering" will make VERY nice canna and you can still use some organic things.
Just add MC to have your TOTAL ppm to 550 and pH to 6.2. That's your starting water ppm and add enough MC to hit 550.
You can still use compost, compost tea, Recharge, Mycos....ect.
I used that in my first canna grow and the results were quite nice.
Keep us posted on the results of your experiment.
I started three seeds after amending the COM soil differently, in 5 gallon pot , keep the PH between 6.8 and 6.5.
1. I top dressed with 4 cups of EWC. Plant is showing some nitrogen stress at week 4, leave tips slightly bent at the tell tale 90 degree angle. ( fast budz Blackberry)

2. I added 2 cups of Build a soil # 3 on the top, this seeding (Night Queen, Dutch passion). That soil was way too hot. Stunted the seedling, appears 2-3 weeks behind .

3. The last pot was dumped out and mixed in was 4 cups of EWC, 2 cups of the BAS #3 and 2 cups of hydro balls and 1/2 cup BAS top dress. The ILGM Amnesia Haze was planted last Tuesday, not popped thru the soil yet. Hopefully this is not too hot.
The BAS top dress has a slight funky smell when wet.

It’s not very scientific, too many variables. Trying to increase the aeration of the soil and see if the soil will last longer. But we will watch and see what’s happens. I’ve learned one thing, BAS # 3 is a bit hot for some seedlings.. and the regular COM compacts quite a bit as you water it.

Hey gang!

We're chugging along here and at day 23 and 19. The larger plant is requiring more water and I've moved back to using tap wather with Mr Fulvic added to it. I top dressed both plants(1 with CoM FL and the other with Espoma Citrus tone-half the price of CoM) at wk 3 and will top dress again with a half dose of the CoM PL/Espoma and regular dose of the Fish Bone dry amendments in wk 5. SOme LST and leaf tucking going on now, next grow I plan on attepting to top them. Insights and comments are welcomed!
wk 13 , Three Fastbuds Orange Sherbet.
Chop Day!
I will continue using CoM Grower's Mix and the Stonington Plant Food, but next grow I will replace the CoM Fishbone meal with Dr Earth's Flower Girl for the K (Potassium).
My Carbon filter quit on me 2 weeks ago, I opted for a window vent for the same price as a filter, and I have to say, if your in a situation were you can vent outside, it's the real deal.
I bought an AC Infinity Bowl Trimmer, this time I'm going to try my hand at dry trimming.
I will report back my final dry weight in 1-2 weeks.


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Figured I'd post a quick update for anyone else growing in the future (always helpful for me to see other plants at various stages for reference).

These 4 girls are all at day 67 from sprout. Three are looking good, definitely have some kind of weird/mutuant/stunted strawberry nuggets in the front left, but the other 3 (mango smile, Walter white, and an error seeds CBD OG KUSH) are all looking pretty good.

Definitely varying degrees of leaf yellow/dying/etc. but as stated above by I believe Badfinger and as I've learned with my two whole harvests under my belt - fuck it. Buds will still be amazing from the looks of things, and I'll have future grows to try and dial things in to keep more "green" leaves throughout the grow.

Only used CoM seed starter, CoM Stonington, and the plant food/flower blooms per schedule. I did do a small 2nd dose of the plant food about 2-3 weeks ago to get that added Nitrogen. Just did a 2nd dose of the flowering one (Buds and Blooms) 2 days ago, cause I'm going to try and let these plants ride for as long as they'll let me, don't want to harvest too early.

Been keeping VPD in check, and finally had to kick on the dehumidifier to keep things running smoothly. All in all, definitely a much "easier" grow than using FF Trio and having to screw with the various bottles, measuring syringes, mixing, etc. etc. etc. I've definitely been a fan of the water-only approach with occasional top-dressing. I can go like 3-4 days without even seeing the plants if I want to (but who am I kidding I have a camera in there to see them 24/7)

I'll post a final update in a couple weeks before chop day and a harvest update etc... good luck all and Happy Summer!

Alright friends. I have finished with one of my plants, Echo, and am now growing both Foxtrot and Golf in CoM. Life got busy and I was not able to take any pictures of the finished plant, but I do have pictures of the buds in grove bags. All in all my plant gave me just over 91 grams. This brings me to why I am actually making this post. I have a bit of advice to share, and hopefully it can help someone else. I also do have a question for whoever is willing to answer.

So one thing I have noticed with all of my plants while exactly following the CoM schedule is that the plants all seem to run out of Nitrogen around 4 weeks before harvest. So here is my new amendment schedule, using CoM nutrients. day 21 first veg feed. day 35 second veg feed and 1st flower feed. day 49 veg feed. day 56 flower feed, and top-dress with flower feed one more time around day 70 depending on how much longer the plant needs. If it makes you feel more comfortable, do the 5th week feed at 1/2 strength as well as the 10 week feed. That's my 2 cents anyways.

As for my question. As I mentioned above I have finished with one plant. It was chopped and yielded a good amount for my first ever fully organic grow. Can I reamend the CoM Stonington blend and reuse it? I have 5 gallons of CoM that has grown one plant, and I would definitely like to reuse it. I have enough cannabis to last me a while so I am going to finish the two plants I have going now, and then tear everything in my lung room down and do a deep clean. Then I will put everything back up and start a full grow in my 3x3 under a trellis net. I am thinking about packing 4 autos in there and scrogging them for a full canopy. So given the fact that I just started a sativa that's going to take 5 months, what is the best way to reamend my CoM soil in that time? Can I do it with the amendments I have, the CoM line? Or will I need to purchase extra amendments. I would really like to be able to reamend the soil and use it again. Any input is greatly appreciated. Also I will take some pictures of the buds if anyone wants to see, and Ill look through my phone to see if I have at least one picture of Echo before chop.
Alright friends. I have finished with one of my plants, Echo, and am now growing both Foxtrot and Golf in CoM. Life got busy and I was not able to take any pictures of the finished plant, but I do have pictures of the buds in grove bags. All in all my plant gave me just over 91 grams. This brings me to why I am actually making this post. I have a bit of advice to share, and hopefully it can help someone else. I also do have a question for whoever is willing to answer.

So one thing I have noticed with all of my plants while exactly following the CoM schedule is that the plants all seem to run out of Nitrogen around 4 weeks before harvest. So here is my new amendment schedule, using CoM nutrients. day 21 first veg feed. day 35 second veg feed and 1st flower feed. day 49 veg feed. day 56 flower feed, and top-dress with flower feed one more time around day 70 depending on how much longer the plant needs. If it makes you feel more comfortable, do the 5th week feed at 1/2 strength as well as the 10 week feed. That's my 2 cents anyways.

As for my question. As I mentioned above I have finished with one plant. It was chopped and yielded a good amount for my first ever fully organic grow. Can I reamend the CoM Stonington blend and reuse it? I have 5 gallons of CoM that has grown one plant, and I would definitely like to reuse it. I have enough cannabis to last me a while so I am going to finish the two plants I have going now, and then tear everything in my lung room down and do a deep clean. Then I will put everything back up and start a full grow in my 3x3 under a trellis net. I am thinking about packing 4 autos in there and scrogging them for a full canopy. So given the fact that I just started a sativa that's going to take 5 months, what is the best way to reamend my CoM soil in that time? Can I do it with the amendments I have, the CoM line? Or will I need to purchase extra amendments. I would really like to be able to reamend the soil and use it again. Any input is greatly appreciated. Also I will take some pictures of the buds if anyone wants to see, and Ill look through my phone to see if I have at least one picture of Echo before chop.
You can amend the soil with any amendments you choose. Remember to let them cook/ mellow out a bit, the soil will be “hot” when you first mix things together. I use Dr. earth bloom and Recharge along with Hydroton balls.. BAS soil # 3 and EWC. Could leave the BAS out. I dumped the COM out as it tends to compact over time, mixed it all together and let it sit for a week. My zamdelica auto, popped on June 1st for my outdoor grow.

My Malawi/ northern lights auto, will be 5 gallons of COM soil amended with 1 cup of granulated chicken manure. I have seen some awesome results on other blogs. May the best combination of soil win.
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