Benjamin Squier
Everybody knows it was Herbie Hancock
Good call on that one 912. A few other ideas would be to train the plants to stay low..cut the leaves to "not" look like canna by rounding the leaf shape( if that makes sense) or attatch fake or real flowers to rhe plants to draw attention away from the tell tale shape of the plant/leaves...
An all natural ghillie suit!, Love it!!
Post script: I've also read, maybe a little ridiculous, but pulley-hoist your girlies into trees, yes, TREES!! This also guards against ground shade.
However, this is my golden goose idea, eat the fois gras if you must - bamboo! Grows like crazy, gets tall, and I would think about 16" thick 'rows' for walls, would much get horizontal scanning eyes from spying on your kiddies. You could machete that shit anytime you needed..... Shoot it down, the world needs more phoenixes!
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